• console log rotation

    How can we rotate JBOSS console.log without having to write a cron job?
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  • How to add jboss-deployment-strcuture.xml to project before EAR creation

    Background: I need to add sub deployment to jboss-deployment-structure.xml in the ear. But, the ear is packed ear using which unable to edit jboss-deployment-structure.xml Can anyone suggest how to add jboss-deployme...
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    last modified by rehanamd
  • Custom File Handler in JBoss AS 6

      I want to configure logs with time and size both . Same this which is mentioned in the below mentioned link. But It is for Jboss 7 and the sme thisng is not working in JBoss 6 How to configure PeriodicSizeRo...
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    last modified by happy13
  • timeout error

    Hello,   We are facing the time out issue when we try to connect the web service deployed in JBoss through AJP connector.   configuration : Apache 2.4.17 and JBossAS 6.1.0. We have implemented the web se...
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    last modified by senlog80
  • Aplicação caindo (Precisa de um Tempo de sessão maior)

    Boa noite, após pesquisar muito e apenas encontrar sobre tempo de sessão com o banco, resolvi postar esta pergunta que talvez seja até fácil aos senhores. Possuo uma aplicação ...
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    last modified by regis.ricardo
  • Issue with migrating jboss-5.1.0.GA (jboss.xml) to jboss EAP 6.4.0 (jboss-ejb3.xml)

    Hi Everyone,   When I am trying to Migrate our application ( contains EJB) from  jboss-5.1.0.GA to jboss EAP 6.4.0, Getting below deployment failure issues. Does anyone has idea on converting jboss.xml file...
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    last modified by bgundubi
  • Jboss Server is not serving high traffic

    Hi All, I have a jboss-6.0.0.final in my datacenter, it servers fine upto 1million requests, but as soonas the requests increases to 5 6 millions i start getting these errors-   Caused by: java.net.SocketExcepti...
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    last modified by prakhar.oodles
  • JDK 6 to 8 upgrade on Jboss 6.1.0 Final AS

    Hi All,   Our application runs on Jdk 6 and Jboss 6.1.0 Final. We have a plan to upgrade it to Jdk 8.   I came across posts which says that this upgrade isn't possible on Jboss 6.1.0 Final. I tried to bui...
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  • The controller is not available at localhost:

    Por favor alguém poderia me ajudar?   Quando executo com jboss-cli.sh no server local ele conecta normalmente. utilizo o JBAS6   became not supported: Received value [org.jboss.as.cli.CliInitializat...
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    last modified by monique_silva7
  • Does Jboss create multiple MDB instances with property "maxSession"

    Hello experts,   There are confusions regarding following properties of MDB. @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "maxSession",  propertyValue = "10")   Documentation says (from link Chapter 20. ...
  • Not able to start Jboss AS6.1

    I am using MQ7.1 with Jboss6.1 I am migrating the JBOSS AS from 5 to 6 and endup with some errors   2016-05-30 13:45:31,046 INFO  [org.apache.juddi.api.impl.InquiryHelper] (pool-9-thread-9) uddi:juddi.apach...
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  • Configuration of timeout session in jobss 6.0.0 final

    Hi All,   Am getting difficulties on configuring timeout session in jboss 6.0.0 final, to all users who login into application, so i need someone who can help in this issue.
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    last modified by abinery94
  • Javax.naming.reference ClassCast exception on EJB local lookup from within Jboss6 container

    Hello,   When I am looking up for a EJB local Object in Jboss6 from within the container I am getting following exception.   Reference Class Name: Proxy for: com.company.ejb.ABCManagerLocal Type: ProxyFactor...
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    last modified by ion_mayank
  • @Management in JBoss 6: don't work ?

    Hello,   I am currently migrating my application from JBoss 5.1 to JBoss 6.0.Final. And I can't make the @Management annotation work like under JBoss 5.1: -> no managed MBean appears in the JBoss JMX Consol...
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    last modified by vandfr
  • Reg the CVE-2012-0874 and CVE-2016-2094

    Hi Experts,   This is my first post in this forum, kindly excuse if this is a repetition or informerly framed.   I have few clarifications regarding the following CVEs,   1. https://access.redhat.co...
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    last modified by alagu25
  • JBOSS AS 6.1.0 final logger configuration. replace filter

    HI,   I have a logged exception as :   ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] Error installing to PreReal: name=vfs:///opt/ABC/JBoss/6.1.0/jboss-as/server/profile/deploy/WSAl...
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    last modified by stewar
  • SO version required for JBoss Application Server 6.4.xxx

    Hi,   I would like to know if jboss                  "Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform - Version 6.4.1.GA" is compatible wi...
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    last modified by pmo79
  • Please help in mod_jk/apache2/JBoss EAP 6.3

    Hi All, Im trying to use mod_jk for getting a result something like localhost/hello should display result as same as http://localhost:8081/hello   My next goal is LoadBalancing but Im stuck with my 1st step becau...
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    last modified by rajs123
  • unable to deploy business-central.war on EAP in domain mode

    I have downloaded jboss-brms-6.0.3.GA-redhat-1-deployable-eap6.x.zip and am trying to deploy it on fresh EAP 6.1 instance in domain mode. But it is not getting successful. I followed the instructions given at https:/...
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    last modified by deepalic
  • Jboss 7.1.1 to EAP6.4 Migration issue

    Hi All,   We are under migration of our application from Jboss7.1.1 Final to Jboss EAP 6.4. I have did all the required configuration changes that to be done and were able to start EAP without any errors. But, ...