• How to deploy jBPM and Drools on JBoss AS

    Hi,   I made a simple jBPM 6.0.1 project(Maven project with Java classes and bpmn files) and i would like to deploy it on JBoss AS 7.1.1. I've tried to import it to jBPM console, but i have serveral errors and i...
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    last modified by rizon
  • excluding implicit module org.apache.xalan from loading in JBoss AS7/EAP 6X

    We have an application which runs on most of app servers. We have all jars packaged and loaded using custom class loaders. serializer.jar is loaded by Jboss  ''org.apache.xalan" and also loaded by our custom clas...
  • Read-only ID ( monitoring id) for the web-console on JBoss 7.1.1

    Hello All, I would like to create a Read-only ID ( monitoring id) for the web-console on our JBoss 7.1.1 running on RHEL host. Ive been searching but couldnt find anything.     I need an account that can ...
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    last modified by kingakoopa
  • How to load MyFaces jsf 1.1.7 in jboss AS 7.1.1?

    Hi,   I am migrating an application which runs on jboss 4.2.1 in to jboss AS 7.1.1 Final. In the project it uses jsf version 1.1.7(jsf title - Apache MyFaces JSF-1.1 API) . When i deploy the ear in server it pro...
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    last modified by maneendr
  • How to deploy JackRabbit on JBoss 7.1.1?

    Hi, i want to deploy last stable release of JackRabbit on JBoss 7.1.1. I'm followed this document: Jackrabbit Deployment in AS6 and AS7   My installation directory of jboss on linux centos is: /home/jbserver/j...
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    last modified by pcg4m3s
  • Teiid MongoDB translator varbinary type support

    Does the Teiid MongoDB translator support the varbinary type?   Versions: Teiid 8.8 MongoDB 2.4   vdb.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <vdb name="tracks" version="1"...
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    created by mdfspiff
  • JBoss EAP integration with JSF 2.2.* bundled into WAR file

    Why is impossible  to bundle my own JSF library into my WAR application and let JBoss load it without having issues?
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    created by vitorpavanelli
  • Receive email in Jboss

    Hi All,   My apologies upfront if I'm asking a naive or dumb question. Here's my case: I want to enable Jboss so that I send an email to admin@mydomain.com and it's caught by my service running in Jboss and I w...
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    last modified by ahmadyousaf
  • Single Sign On between more web application using JAAS on JBoss AS 7.1.1

    I want to implements more web application (executed on Jboss AS 7.1.1 uploading WAR) where I provide authentication by JAAS only in one web application and I want to call other war using authentication acquired on fir...
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    created by pcg4m3s
  • SecureJBoss

    Securing JBoss Application Server Securing JBoss Application Server v7.0  Please visit  Securing the Management Interfaces. And also Hardening Guidelines - JBoss AS 7.2 Securing JBoss AS v6.x or v5.x ...
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    last modified by lifeonatrip
  • JTA and JMS Hornetq Transactions

    Hi,      I've a JTA Transaction which pushes the message to one of the remote queue (sitting in some other server) using Remote connection factory,and the same transaction includes the updation of tabl...
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    last modified by murthy516
  • JBoss 7.1.1 strange memory usage

    Hello, I was profiling our Spring MVC + Hibernate app when I discovered a strange behaviour - the memory kept getting higher and then suddenly dropping (ano not because of the GC). Then I tried monitoring only JBoss,...
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    last modified by festarbg
  • JBOSS_CLI_CLIENT.jar read data source configuration from properties and form command

    Hi All,             jboss_cli_client.jar file has method to read data source configuration parameter from properties file and from that can form CLI command
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    last modified by spkbmanian
  • How to set Httponly and secure cookie in jboss-4.0.5.GA??? I am using servlet 2.3

    How to set Httponly and secure cookie in jboss-4.0.5.GA??? I am using servlet 2.3
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    created by raviikumar
  • JMS Message is being pushed twice during the restart

    Hi All, In JBOSS 7 I've a JMS Producer which establishes the session,connection and sends the message to queue running on other server with the code:   env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.nam...
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    last modified by murthy516
  • JBoss 7.1.3 is stable or not

    Dear Team,   Anyone can let me know as JBoss 7.1.3 is stable version or not.??   I have install Jboss 7.1.3 on UAT and tested our application it seems working fine. but same is not working at Production. &...
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    last modified by praveen.mishra070
  • Profiles and clustering

    I'm a little confuse regarding the relationship between profiles and clustering.  I'm looking for some feedback if I should use a profile to define subsystems in general or one for each set of servers cluster, or...
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    last modified by pmosca
  • Developing a Log for my Application

    Guys, I will try to make myself clear because I do not know the propper way to describe the kind of functionality I would like my app to have.   I use Nexus OSS to manage my dependencies.  Nexus has a nice ...
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    last modified by danielcastro
  • DB2 datasource (non-XA) working for JBoss AS 7.1.1

    Hello,   Hoping someone might has some insight how I can get my DB2 datasource (non-XA !!) working on JBoss AS 7.1.1   Environment:    RHEL 5.7    JBoss 7.1.1-Final    DB2 ...
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    last modified by heyyou
  • EJBCA 6.1.1 on JBOSS 7.1.1

    Hello Community! I was trying to install EJBCA 6.1.1 on JBOSS 7.1.1, I was wondering, Does anybody has done it? I mean.. it looks like everything is ok, but as soon as I try to comppile i got the error   /home/...
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    created by tkmarco10