• Stick sessions not working in apache/jboss 6 eap servers

    hello,   We have apache with Mod_jk installed with sticky sessions enabled. And jboss as App server (2 nodes).   Sticky sessions is not working for the same. Eg, if the sessions id is created for node1 for...
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    last modified by neethal
  • How to use public void move in jboss?

    IN THIS LINK https://docs.openkm.com/apidoc/com/okm/6.3.2/com/openkm/api/OKMDocument.html#move-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java… It showed this : public void move(String token, String docPath, String des...
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    last modified by rrct10
  • Jboss 7.1.1 issue with using log4j as module

    Hello,   I have an issue with log4j logging on Jboss 7.1.1 final.   Situation is following: 1. Log4j config file is used to set custom appender and location of log file 2. Log files are extracted from WA...
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    last modified by jozefk
  • Aplicação caindo (Precisa de um Tempo de sessão maior)

    Boa noite, após pesquisar muito e apenas encontrar sobre tempo de sessão com o banco, resolvi postar esta pergunta que talvez seja até fácil aos senhores. Possuo uma aplicação ...
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    last modified by regis.ricardo
  • JDK 6 to 8 upgrade on Jboss 6.1.0 Final AS

    Hi All,   Our application runs on Jdk 6 and Jboss 6.1.0 Final. We have a plan to upgrade it to Jdk 8.   I came across posts which says that this upgrade isn't possible on Jboss 6.1.0 Final. I tried to bui...
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    last modified by chaitanyacsk
  • package org.jboss.ejb3.annotation does not exist

    Hi,   I was using HelloWorldMDB from QuickStart sample as a base, and started changing the sample to refer to external resource adapter. I just add "import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.ResourceAdapter;" to HelloWor...
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    last modified by mats001
  • javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

    My project works fine with Tomcat 7, Tomcat 8, WildFly 8 and WildFly 10. It works with: JSF : 2.0 Hibernate : 4.3.5 JDK : 1.7 But, there's a problem with JBoss 7.1. In fact, the following error is displayed. Could you...
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    last modified by saria-sarsoura.2014
  • java.io.NotSerializableException: org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource

    Hello,   I created a project with Spring 4.0.2. After running with JBoss 7.1.1, the exception bellow id displayed:   07:16:26,367 INFO  [org.springframework.context.support.FileSystemXmlApplicationCon...
  • Does Jboss create multiple MDB instances with property "maxSession"

    Hello experts,   There are confusions regarding following properties of MDB. @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "maxSession",  propertyValue = "10")   Documentation says (from link Chapter 20. ...
  • Enabling IIOP over SSL in JBoss AS 7

    The following client configuration does not work for connecting to the SSL enabled IIOP in JBoss AS 7:   env.put("jacorb.ssl.socket_factory", "org.jacorb.security.ssl.sun_jsse.SSLSocketFactory");   &#...
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    last modified by bkundal
  • How to Add Run-time properties with Multiple domains in EAP 6.4.5

    Hello,   JBoss EAP 6.4.5.GA (AS 7.5.5.Final-redhat-3)   We have a situation in our project, where we had to create multiple domain controllers with single JBoss installation on single linux host.   W...
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    last modified by sukeshpeddolla
  • Jboss 7 console - output non-latin characters

    How can I output in Jboss 7 console non-latin characters? For example System.out.println("метод выполнен " + p.getName() + " " + p.getSurName());the output is 11:20:37,696 INFO [stdout] (http-- ьхЄюф...
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    created by andrey.savchuk
  • EclipseLink static weaving not working

    Hi, I have configured my project to support static weaving but lazy loading is not functioning. Tools Eclipse Mars Maven 3.2.2 eclipselink-2.3.0 wildfly 10.0.0 - CLI managed JPA 2.0 eclipselink-staticweave-...
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    last modified by tmanakana
  • Export JBOSS metrics to log

    I am new to JBOSS and would like to know if there is anyway that I can enable a regular trace of the server performance by exporting the server metrics, e.g. CPU Info, Heap Usage, Disk Usage,etc., to a log file
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    created by kennedykan
  • Mod_jk configuration with JBoss7.1.1

    Hello Team,   Unfortunately, i am facing issue with configuring JBoss with mod_jk/Apache. Have configured below changes, no idea where and what i am missing:   Workers.properties: worker.list=Test worke...
  • Reg the CVE-2012-0874 and CVE-2016-2094

    Hi Experts,   This is my first post in this forum, kindly excuse if this is a repetition or informerly framed.   I have few clarifications regarding the following CVEs,   1. https://access.redhat.co...
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    last modified by alagu25
  • Class cast expection as "org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6 cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection". in JBOSS 7.2

    Hi ,   Currently i am trying to deployed my enterprise application on Jboss 7.2.0.Final. The Application deployed successfully.   In one of my transaction we are  using Oracle Types to send the data fro...
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    created by sandeep.majesco
  • missing documentation

    Hello.   there are some pages that his content is not available anymore. For example:     http://www.jboss.org/quickstarts/eap/guide/GreeterQuickstart/   Are they in other place? Ifn Wildfly d...
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    last modified by dukeim
  • Dependencies found in binaries of JBoss AS-7.20

    Hi guys. I just went through the binaries of JBoss AS-7.20 and found around 320+ jar files (dependencies) in the binaries. Can anyone provide me with the license conditions and copyrights for jar files so that evaluat...
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    last modified by karthikasathish
  • Jboss 7.1.1 to EAP6.4 Migration issue

    Hi All,   We are under migration of our application from Jboss7.1.1 Final to Jboss EAP 6.4. I have did all the required configuration changes that to be done and were able to start EAP without any errors. But, ...