• Node CPU usage/load spiking

    Hi all,   I have a number of nodes that are running JBoss 6 on it and an application hosted on it. Lately, I have seen that most/all of them have been have been complaining about high CPU usage and load and this...
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    last modified by jeunii
  • Configuring MDB to connect to IBM MQ in JBoss EAP6.1

    Hi,   I am trying to configure MDB bundled in WAR to connect to IBM MQ.   I am using @ActivationConfigProperty and trying to define values as a system property. But this is not working.   After looki...
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    created by ssroy73
  • How to list all the EJB deployed in jboss server 7.1.1 and transaction manager through remote client jndi lookup ?

    Hi I have application which supports remote look up and invocation EJBs deployed on Jboss server. I would like extend this support for JBoss 7.1.1 too. In this regard, I have a few following questions   1)I am g...
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    last modified by beingmansoor
  • BIRT from Jboss 4.2.2.GA to Jboss 7

    Hello everyone, I'm doing a migration from Jboss 4.2.2.GA to Jboss 7. It is a seam application (after migration it should be seam 2.3.1, jsf 2.1, richfaces 4). Currently I'm stuck with  BIRT engine. In web.xml w...
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    last modified by jovica.zoric
  • Wildfly 8.0.Final XA transaction fails with Unabled to enlist resource error

    I am using Wildfly 8.0.0.Final and when my entity manager try to commit (on two different mysql xa datasources), I got the errors. I tried the suggestion from other thread to downgrade the ironjacamar (all core, api a...
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    last modified by yangju
  • JBOSS process- In heap memory "Old Gen" getting full

    We are facing the performance degrade of the application after 2 days  of restart. Previously we are using jre version 1.7.4 , there seems to be no  performance issues with that. After the upgrade to jre v...
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    last modified by sai12345
  • JBOSS heap memory issue. Application performance is getting degraded.

    We are facing the performance degrade of the application after 2 days  of restart.   Previously we are using jre version 1.7.4 , there seems to be no  performance issues with that.   After the up...
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    last modified by amala123
  • Infinispan Replication Timeout

    Hi,     I am having trouble with an error relating to a replication timeout with infinispan. I am running 3 instances of JBoss EAP-6.3 in standalone mode and have a number of replicated caches configured - ...
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    created by ramiseesniblic
  • Memory tuning INSIDE Jboss AS/Wildfly?

    I'm fighting an uphill battle on tuning memory.  From what I can see, nearly all the memory tuning in Jboss AS/Wildfly is done OUTSIDE Jboss AS/Wildfly.  I.E.  systemd, tuned, etc   Does this impl...
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    last modified by kkinney
  • What webapp do you suggest to make a small test connection the webapp to oracle for performance test?

    Hi guys, im going nuts trying to get this!, i need to use ANY-KIND-OF-WEB-APP for Jboss (it has to be if possible 6.3 EAP),  after i upload the webapp to the suse jboss server EAP 6.3, i will link it to Oracle 11...
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    last modified by leomachado666
  • JBoss 7.1.1 - configuration domain URL

    Hello,   I have ask. I use proxy in Apache:   <VirtualHost *:80>     ServerAdmin admin@site.com     ServerName mydomain.pl     ProxyRequests Off &#...
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    last modified by adibak20
  • How to test data source connection through REST management interface

    Hi, I found the syntax to trigger a connection test on a data source through the REST management interface:   curl --digest -L -D - http://admin:admin123@localhost:9990/management/ -d '{"operation":"test-connect...
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    last modified by jsbournival
  • datasource not enabled with JBAS014612 on JBoss7 GUI console

    Hi,   When I add datasource called ejbcads, and Enable on GUI console, I got the following error, JBAS014612. > Service jboss.data-source-config.ejbcads is already registered   I can't find out "jboss...
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    last modified by ps5n
  • Jboss EAP 6.2 crashed silently

    We are using jboss-eap-6.2 in which multiple web applications are deployed in it. JDK used is jdk1.7.0_51 and linux version is SUSE Linux.   From past few months we are facing issue with JBoss server, the JBoss ...
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    last modified by arunav.sinha
  • Books about JBOSS 5.1.0 GA or higher

    All:   I'm a newbie with JBOSS and work won't send me to any classes right now. So can any of you recommend any good reference books about JBOSS? They will let me buy a book or two. I'm using version 5.1.0 prese...
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    last modified by dwmreg
  • java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file while deploying war file in jboss7

    HI All, I have been facing the following issue while deploying war file in jboss7. Hope someone will help me to  resolve this issue. org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException: org.jboss.a...
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    last modified by priyatham
  • Example Service Task in JBPM

    Hello,   I'm working with Kie Workbench 6.1.0.Final and I would like to test the Service Task's behaviour specifying WebService like Service Implementation type. Does someone know where I can find information wh...
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    created by javi1981
  • Resteasy not deleting temporary files on JBoss AS 7.1.1

    Hello,   We recently came across a problem on our production environment where Resteasy was saving temporary files on '/tmp' without deleting. We upgraded the JBoss AS 7.1.1 Resteasy modules to 3.0.9.Final and h...
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    last modified by pvivacqua
  • jboss 4 to 7 migration question.

    hi, we have application at jboss 4.0.1 sp1. The EJB we are using are of 2.x. We want to migrate to Jboss 7. Do we need to upgrade from EJB 2.x to 3.0? is that mandatory for jboss 7 to work?  Using ant over eclip...
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    last modified by ppgandhi11
  • The absolute uri: http://java.sun.com/jsf/html cannot be resolved when running JSF 1.0 application on Wildfly 8.1

          I'm working on upgrading one of my applications from JSF 1.0 to 2.0. It runs on JBoss 4.0.3SP1 and I'm trying to make it run on Wildfly 8.1 final. After some struggles, I was able to get ...
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    last modified by jonliu6