• InjectionManager in AS6

    History:  There's a long history of how various technologies integrated in JBoss AS were doing injection in their own separate way http://community.jboss.org/message/259825#259825.   Injection in AS6: ...
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  • Switchboard

    Definition/Scope:  Initially when Switchboard was being prototyped, the responsibility of Switchboard was to provide a populated Enivornment Naming Context (ENC) for Java EE component(s). Later when Switchboard ...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • AS600FinalReleaseNotes

               Release Notes for JBoss Application Server 6 Version: 6.0.0.Final     Release Highlights Implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 6 Web Profile Specificat...
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  • AS600CR1ReleaseNotes

    Release Notes for JBoss Application ServerVersion: 6.0.0.CR1  Release Highlights  Specification requirements for Java EE 6 Web Profile Infinispan is the new distributed cache provider in JBoss AS 6 includ...
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    last modified by shelly.mcgowan
  • UsingMod_jk1.2WithJBoss

    Using mod_jk 1.2.x with JBoss/Tomcat bundle and Apache2 Quick Overview  Download Apache2 Download modjk 1.2.x (At least 1.2.27 suggested) Change the main Apache config to include modjk config Create the mo...
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    last modified by jfclere
  • CARGO: A tool for easy manipulation of your Java EE server(s); for testing, automated deployment and more

    Hello, JBoss enthusiasts   This is Ali from the  Codehaus CARGO team. I'm sending this short article to tell you about  the immediate availability of CARGO 1.0.4.   First  question, what is ...
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    last modified by alitokmen
  • Jboss As6 M5 mail-ra.rar Receive mail MDB not deploy sucessful

    I use seam 2.2.1CR2 jboss 6 M5 mail-ra.rar send mail ok, but i use the MDB can't deploy ok   first error is @ResourceAdapter("mail-ra.rar") not define can't compile, so i download a jboss-ejb3-ext-api.jar now ca...
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    last modified by stan8688
  • Load Applet in JBOSS

    Hello to all.   I am totally desperate and confused so you are my hope to have some sleep tonight. I jave simple page in Seam (JBOSS) and I am loading an applet into.   I have JNLP file like this   &...
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    last modified by stealman
  • JBossAS6xReleaseChecklist

    Pre-Release procedure At least two weeks before a release, create a task for the release in the JBQA JIRA project. At least two weeks before release, make sure there is a testsuite/src/etc/serialVersionUID/.ser file...
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    last modified by rob.stryker
  • AS600M5ReleaseNotes

      JBoss Application Server 6.0 Milestone 5 has been released and is available for download. http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/downloads.html The release is also available in the JBoss repository.   JBoss AS 6....
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  • JBossReleaseNotes

    JBoss Release Notes  General Source The Release Notes for JBoss are generally published as change notes on Sourceforge. They are located in the documentation section on Sourceforge, and now on JBoss Jira under th...
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  • Configuring Multiple JBoss Instances On One Machine

    Overview  Multiple instances of JBoss AS can run on a single machine assuming you have the necessary system resources (RAM, CPU, etc).  These instances can be clustered or can run completely independently o...
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  • ConfigurePorts

    Setting up multiple instances of JBoss on the same machine  The ServiceBindingManager  JBoss 5  Easy Way   Start JBoss with the VM parameter jboss.service.binding.set set to either ports-default,...
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    last modified by skoussou
  • Upgrade from 4.0.3.SP1 to a stable later version

    Hi,   I just wanted to know what is the most stable later version of JBoss to upgrade to. We are definitely behind but not having any serious issues just yet but definitely intending to upgrade.   Would ap...
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    last modified by saleem1209
  • Can not start the JBoss AS and got error: " create operation failed for package file:/%JBOSS_HOME%/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml"

    Hi all,   I just installed the JBoss jboss-eap-4.3.0.GA_CP02.zip on RedHat LINUX but as I try to start the Jboss AS it failed and I got many exceptions in boot.log such as:   11:39:51,436 DEBUG [SARDeploye...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Problem with org.jboss.net.protocol.file.FileURLConnection.connect

    Hi,   My app is running fine in Jetty as a Grails application on Windows.   I am having problem to get file located on other file system when running on jBoss AS 4.0.3.        //j...
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    last modified by gwofu
  • JBoss AS 5 FAQ

    Frequently Asked Questions about the JBoss-5 Release  JBoss AS 5 changes Why do i get java.lang.LinkageError: JAXB 2.0 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader with Java 1.6 How to use an application ...
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  • How to auto reload a class in JBOSSAS 5.1 GAju

    I used JBOSS AS 5.1 GA. and It default not auto reload a class when i update a class in the webApp/WEB-INF/classes. my question's How to configuration,it can auto reload class. I find JBOSS AS 4 have this feature!
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  • Signed Jar Dependencies Example

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  • JBoss 5 AS Development book

    Dear JBoss folks, Since last XMas holidays it's available off the shelves my first book, published by Packtpub, which is about developing Java EE application with JBoss AS server. The book discusses about the most i...
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