• Kerberos authentication with solace

    We are using Jboss 6 to deploy MDB. We have configured Solace as a JMS provider and used the org.jboss.genericjms:main to connect to it.   W e are unable to connect to Solace via kerberos authentication and get...
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    last modified by prateekmalhotra29
  • Using invoker-proxy-binding in Jboss 6

    We have multiple MDB’s connecting to Solace and EMS and packaged inside an ear. Eg ear name is XYZ.ear has to MDB jar like ABC.jar and PQR.jar.   The same ear is deployed to play different roles which are...
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    last modified by prateekmalhotra29
  • How to Enable SQL Trace in jboss-5.1.0.GA

    Can some one please help me to enable SQL tracing/JDBC Tracing in jboss-5.1.0.GA servers. I Basically want to get the all the sql statements(select,update,delete, insert etc) used/generated during the loading of a we...
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    last modified by nitharose
  • JBoss AS 5.1 - HTTP stuck/unavailable

    Hello!   Not sure this is a JBoss problem after all, but I'm facing the same behaviour on different machines (all Linux servers) and different environments, so I ask you.   I have an application running in...
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    last modified by dcheeky
  • Number of connections in db pool

    How can we change the default number of connections of pool connecting  mysql database in jboss5.1 and jboss7.2
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    last modified by tarak.paruchuru
  • JBOSS 4.2.1 and JRE1.8.1xx is compatible? JBoss-4.2.1GA jsp problems

    We have and product which is has 1.6.xxx jre ,4.2.1 jboss and jasperserver, I tried to compile jre 1.8.xxx and build succesfull. First, When I try to login page , had an 404 error. Not able to compile JSP files in JBo...
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    last modified by ozgurk
  • MIME type returned for Office Documents recognized at ZIP in Internet Explorer 8 and lower

    Hello,   We have several clients reporting that a file stream that is returned from our application for MS Office filetypes (DOCX, XLSX and PPTX) is interpreted in Internet Explorer 8 as a ZIP file instead of th...
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    last modified by windwardadmin
  • Multiple instances of @Singleton

    All,   I'm seeing multiple (sometimes as many as 9!) instances of a @Singleton bean being created by JBoss AS v6.0.0.  JBoss seems to elect one of these instances eventually as the "singleton" as only one o...
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    last modified by cpuffalt
  • Read only access to Admin Console in JBOSS EAP 5.X ?

    Hello Everyone,   Can we give read only access to Admin Console in JBOSS EAP 5.X for particular user ?
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    last modified by sureshpeddolla
  • Getting error:javax.management.BadAttributeValueExpException cannot be cast to org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledInvocation in jboss-eap-5.1

    Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.management.BadAttributeValueExpException cannot be cast to org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledInvocation     ...
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    last modified by pijushnandi
  • JBWEB000236:javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Login Failure: all modules ignored??

    Hello Team,   Why i am getting this error after 65 concurrent users via load test of my application. Normally application works fine While doing load test i am getting this error after 65 concurrent users??? S...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • Error On Jboss AS 5.1

    Hi Friends,   We can see below error on jboss AS 5.1 sever.log once or twice in a day. We dont see any application issue, but still we would like to know what is this and why we are getting this error in our log...
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    last modified by nandhujoy18
  • JBoss AS 6 javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses

    Hello,   When I try to send an email using JBoss mail-service (which is utilized by an application) to an nonexistent user my company SMTP server returns with "550 5.1.1 User Unknown" message (the check works on...
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    last modified by postworek
  • How to flush the data-source connection pool in jBoss?

    I encounter a problem in production environment where the jBoss data-source connectivity got destroyed suddenly. It is noticed that after the jBoss restart the data-source connectivity became normal. I guess this migh...
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    last modified by mariaprabudass
  • Blank Screen

    Hi,   I'm very new to JBoss. I've ran the run.sh file and my website is now a blank page. How can I revert this back?   Do I need to run the shutdown.sh?   Any feedback would be appreciated.   ...
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    last modified by pauldowdx
  • How to configure Jboss 5.1 through a company proxy server

    Is it possible to configure Jboss 5.1 work through a file run.bat? I am amended in this way,but when trying to access the Internet site, an error occurs: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException connection refuse...
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    last modified by russotyristo
  • jboss-5.1.0.GA WEB Not deploying EAR File

    Deployment of my project is getting stuck starting from the application EAR file deployment.How may i check what process is the reason due to which the deployment and server start is getting stucked. This was working...
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    last modified by nitharose
  • ojdbc6.jar

    I have a deployment issue and I am not sure what it is and i m guessing it has to do with ojdbc6.jar   In /usr/share/jbossas/modules/com/oracle/main/  I have Ojdbc6.jar Ojdbc- module.xml: <?...
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    last modified by bluepants
  • JBoss arjuna TransactionReaper timeout after jvm restart

    0down votefavorite     In my application i use 20 threads for a job , where each thread calls a remote web service and updates the Oracle Db. This application is deployed in a Jboss server and at every mid...
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    last modified by jobyywilson
  • Abstract jboss persistence based on query type

    Hi   I have a datasource configured in MySQL-ds.xml and the datasource is being used by the application using JNDI.   The scenario here is to separate out calls for SELECT and (INSERT,UPDATE). I would like...
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    last modified by mosharma