• issue in oracle data source configuration

    Hi     I have a simple Jsf+Jpa app in Eclipse indigo. I am using Oracle 10d database and want to run the app on JBoss-5.0.0 GA. I have added oracle-ds.xml , xa-oracle-ds.xml file in C:\servers\jboss-5.0.0....
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    created by varmax
  • How to configure JBoss to connect to 2 databases?

    Hi,      I am configuring JBoss-5.1.0.GA to connect to 2 databses    Anybody have the example for 2 databases in server/default/conf/login-config.xml and server/default/deply/messaging/oracl...
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    last modified by span7152
  • driver-class ignored?

    Hello,   My environment is: 1. Java: jdk1.6.0_23 2. AS: jboss-6.0.0.Final 3. Database: MySQL 5.1   In order to connect to database it is needed to configure data source. I created file mysql-ds.xml, an...
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    last modified by lysy78
  • driver-class makes no difference

    Hi   I want to set up p6spy, but jboss is not using the pass thru driver it appears.   My question is:      Is <driver-class> effectively ignored but it's presence required?...
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    last modified by jepper
  • persistence.xml does not deploy

    Hello   I have configured a PhysicsDS datasource. It can be deployed, the database is created. I try to use it in my persistence.xml. But it does not deploy. I get the error:   DEPLOYMENTS MISSING DEP...
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    last modified by ora7
  • JBoss 7 multiple data source declarations for multiple applications

    I'm new to JBoss 7, reading its documentation and attempting to migrate a set of applications from an earlier version of JBoss.  I'm trying to confirm if a way of doing something is no longer available or if I've...
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    last modified by kdolan1
  • Oracle datasource configuration with jboss 5.1

    Posts: 2        posted Today 15:43:55                Hello, Actuallly i am unable to configure correctly a new oracle datasource, i ...
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    last modified by rukia
  • Jboss 7.1.1 FAILED MySql datasource test-connection-in-pool

    I have installed MySql JDBC Driver following directions at https://community.jboss.org/wiki/DataSourceConfigurationInAS7   When I try to test it, this happens: [standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=datasource...
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    last modified by ffabreti
  • Does jboss store Datasource info in any form of cache

    HI, We have cloned our machine using vmware's vsphere tool. Machine details - OS - linux RHEL 5.4 64 GB RAM. Jboss EWP 5.1 installed.   Now, after cloning we are not able to connect to new DB. The entry for ...
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    created by nimishkmr
  • Problem: Configuration MS Access DataSource JDBC-ODBC driver (sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver, AS7.1.1, windows)

    Hi, I have got problems using a ms access database datasource. It simply does not work. Here is the message during restart:   JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:   &...
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    last modified by maderhan
  • Not able to configure ha-local-tx-datasource on JBoss 6.1.0

    Hi,   I am trying to configure ha-local-tx-datasource with JBoss 6.1.0 on my dev environment. But, I am facing below issues:   1. I could not find any ha*.rar files in the JBoss installation 2. I followed...
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    last modified by lomesh
  • Accessing MS SQL 2008 from JBoss 6.1 - Server major version:8 is not supported by this driver.

    I using JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final and running using the JRE 6 included with jdk1.6.0_32.   I need to connect to a MS SQL 2008 database and have downloaded the latest Microsoft JDBC drivers contained in sqljdbc_4.0.22...
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    last modified by notify
  • Maximum Database connection issue in JBoss 5.1

    Hi,       We have a big application which uses JBoss 5.1 and is running on Linux servers. Our production environments has 20 web servers (which runs on Apache/Tomcat) which talks to 4 app servers ...
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    last modified by amathewjboss1
  • JBOSS AS 7.1 Datasource Error please help me

    hi i'm new baby for Jboss:D this error few day my headache. javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4003] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.1.v20111018-r10243): org.eclipse.persistence.exce...
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    last modified by spawn_gg
  • url-delimiter not recognized in ha-local-tx-datasource??

    Hi, I've this DS in JBOSS 4.3:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <datasources>   <ha-local-tx-datasource>     <jndi-name>defaultDST</jndi-name> &#...
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    created by jkiper
  • Sybase datasource config: New missing/unsatisfied dependencies

    Hi All,   I am stuck with this issue for almost 3 days and I had gone through quite a lot of posts regarding this " missing/unsatisfied dependencies " issue. And finally I came here for expertise solution. ...
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    last modified by kagopiee
  • Urgent problem:  jboss as 5.1 offten happened time out exception

    helllo every one, I have some urgent problem about JBOSS db pool with mysql database(5.1.41). I offen found my sql exception from jboss as server. Does anybody find the same error problem before, how to fix this probl...
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    last modified by aquila_bj
  • What means datasource attribute "jta" in Jboss 7.1.Final config?

    Hello,   this 3-letter-attribut is something unclear to me. If you set a new datasource within management, then default is jta="false".   This description only states Enable JTA integration (only <datas...
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    last modified by brand-neu
  • local or xa datasource

    Hi,   I have an enterprise application that is configured to use just one local-tx datasource (ds1). The transaction isolation level is set to transaction serializable. As part of reducing database contention, I...
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    last modified by ashvish
  • Data source : how to set Honor Global Transactions set to false

    Hi, I am migrating application from Weblogic to Jboss and trying to create Data source like Weblogic and one of the data source not working.   In Weblogic data sourece properties :   Data source Name: Abc...
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    last modified by rajasekharba