• how to use new configuration for datasources to get utf8 encoding?

    What I want to achieve is to have encoding for utf8. I use:   1. persistance.xml properties configuration:      <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider>  ...
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    last modified by arknapik
  • Best practices SAR/WAR communication

    Hi,   What is the best practice to do that :   i want to run a custom service when i launch JBoss, and a webapp (servlet/ws) to access objects of this service. the reason i want a separate service is tha...
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    created by francoisbillard
  • Problem with Web Application Deployment in JBoss EAP 5.1

    Good night people in the community. I explain my problem, I have a web application made with JPA2.0 using EclipseLink2.0 (with jars: EclipseLink and javaxpersistence), when generating the war and raise it in an apache...
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    last modified by jboss.golden.peru
  • jboss 4.2.3 and hibernate 4 - ear isolation

    Hello,   I'm trying to make hibernate 4 work with jboss 4.2.3. I can't remove the default hibernate files from server/[my_config]/lib so I need to deploy an ear with the Hibernate4 jars included. The ear struc...
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    created by qtm
  • CNFE:InfinispanRegionFactory   Bug when running jboss as7.1.1 with hibernate3 ?

    Following the thread https://community.jboss.org/message/726943 it looks like as there is a problem running jboss as7.1.1 with hibernate3. I tried out all the instructions given there to get jboss as7 running with hib...
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    created by marcob39
  • JSR portlet WS Integration Error

    HI,   Im trying to integrate a JSR portlet with a outside web service. i was successful in deploying a JSR portlet the it worked fine.   While trying to integrate the portlet with the outside portal via w...
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    created by karthikdb
  • JBOSS repository and make with apache maven.

    Good day, My name is Arthur and I'm having some doubts regarding which to use the jboss repository (server application). I'm starting to defend a thesis in college about free software, but I have not found the main ...
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    created by aomelo
  • Invalidating session after making redirect="true" in struts 1.3

    Hi All,   I am facing one issue while authentication. I an calling one struts action from which I am returning forward mapping. IN action mapping when I do redirect="false" it is taking me to that action but w...
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    created by jitendra_bodake
  • org.jboss.portal.identity.ldap: Is a missing attribute really an error?

    Good Morning,   Just for background, I'm not a Java or JBoss programmer, at all. What I am is the sysadmin and support guy who will have to answer the customer when he want to know why he's getting messages like...
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    created by dafydd2277
  • JAX-RPC Web Service can work in JBoss 5.1.0 GA ???

    Helloo!   I have a web service developed long time back uisng JWSDP 1.4 (JAX-RPC). I am deploying its war file in JBoss 5.1.0, it do not give error on deployment, however when I try to invoke the web service usi...
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    last modified by irfanmasood_015
  • EjbContext CallerPrincipal is always anonymous

    Hello,   we're trying to setup a ldap authentication with the AS7.1 and we need help   We manged it to authenticate with our ldap server, but now we have the problem, that  when we call ejbContext.ge...
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    created by jsofti
  • Is there any client jar file dependency on jvm version?

    Hi,   I am using some middleware application to connet to JBOSS 5 using JMS connector. The Middleware environement has java1.4 HP-UX and JBOSS 5 is running on Windows environment where Java 1.5 is installed. I a...
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    created by neeraj.mishra
  • Start a javastandalone program in Jboss startup !!

    Hi,   I am a new bee to jboss . I have a requirement to start a java standalone application while starting the jboss (i.e while starting the ./standalone.sh ) in Jboss as 7.... where should i provide this in the...
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    last modified by sgandhi
  • What is the expected behavior for a bean with @RunAsPrincipal

    I have question regarding @RunAsPrincipal for version JBoss AS 5.1 and how it should work.   We have a quartz scheduler running, which 1.) create an InitialContext based on the specified SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and S...
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    created by fharms
  • force a commit in EJB3

    Hello everybody,   I'm working with JBoss5 and Oracle11g. I do a couple of inserts and a select inside a stateless bean's method. More precisely:   -insert into A values (...); -select * from A where ...;...
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    created by fpezzati
  • jsf using *.xhtml or other

    I'm using JBoss 7.  When I created an index.xhtml file, I was able to access it via http://server/appname/index.jsf.  I'm also able to redirect to /index.jsf from the server.  I can download the .xhtml ...
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    created by jchamber
  • JAXP issue with Java 1.6.0_25, Jboss 6.0

    I use JAXP in my application and it works with jboss 5 and 5 but not 6.0. Not sure why am I getting the error message bellow.   15:40:17,427 ERROR [LogInterceptor] Unexpected Error in method: public abstract vo...
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    last modified by usdev
  • Configure Quartz in stand-alone mode

    Hi,   I have a stand-alone Quartz mode's question, and I don't found answer anywhere.   I want to configure a Jboss 5.1 server, with a Quartz in stand-alone, looks like a HornetQ stand-alone mode.   ...
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    created by davilinho
  • Injecting Ehcache without Seam

    I'm running JBoss 5.1.0.   I have an EJB marked as a web service using the @WebService annotation.  At the moment, this EJB is being packaged into an EAR file without an additional WAR file.   I'm try...
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    created by edwardpig
  • Question about JBoss AS and Java.

    Do java programmers using JBoss tend to use their api jar libs, like javaee.jar, to code JBoss Server programs (by including relevant jar,war,ear files to the server later), or do they depart from this, and rely on ...
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    last modified by fredfred