• Error in zip file

    Hi,     I'm running the latest 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT on Sun 1.6 JDK (Windows).     I have a war with a jar with a faces-config.xml in META-INF. When I deploy I get a   09:22:15,811 SEVERE [config]...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • Recommended JBoss 6.1.x build

    Hi,   I'm experiencing some issues with JBoss 6, messaging (HornetQ 2.5.5) and also logging. Since JBoss 6.1.0 was released a while ago, I'd thought that trying out a version from the CI server might be a good i...
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    created by florian.kunz
  • Failed to resolve global element binding {http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans}beans

    Hi all, im using jboss 6 with spring 3.1 library, i have an error when i deploy my application (note: the same application was deployed in weblogic application server without problem)   could anybody help whit t...
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    created by cavalos2
  • Transaction is not active!?

    We run JBoss 5.1 and after awhile the java process hits 99% cpu and the whole system "hangs".   The logfile gets filled with things like this:   javax.transaction.RollbackException: [com.arjuna.ats.intern...
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    last modified by eminil
  • Suspending WebMethod invocation

    Hello folks,   Since Servlet3.0 it is possible to suspend servlet requests with AsyncContext. The doXX Methods wont close the response and will be called again when an timeout occurs or the request is resumed by...
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    created by avithan
  • Call external OSGI bundle from EAR package

    I follow this tutorial http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/javaee/maven-osgiservice-cdi.html I'm interested is it possible to replace the simple web client (WAR) package who calls the OSGI bundles with the EAR package. I want...
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    created by rcbandit
  • Custom logger on AS 6

    Hi,     I've played around with a custom log4j-logger but so far, no go. What I've done:   I've packed my logger in a jar in <JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/lib, the logger looks something like ...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • JMX Services

    Hi, all         Is there any way to deploy my JMX Beans in a WAR or EAR package? I have them in a SAR package and I'm facing some problems. In my project there is a singleton that must a...
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    created by ortolanph
  • JBoss startup order

    Hi, I have a strange Spring issue when starting Jboss 4.3, I have a Spring bean defined which is created and instanciated correctly during the initialisation of the Application Context but then later in the Jboss star...
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    last modified by david-brighton
  • Message Driven Bean Advice Please

    I am deploying a message driven bean to JBoss 4.2.3.GA         <message-driven>          <ejb-name>SCIMSMessageDrivenBean1</ejb-na...
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    created by ismailjones
  • Jboss Native Service Issue with Jboss 3.2.5 and JDK 1.6 64 bit

    Hello,   I have recently faced an issue in Jbossnative service, It behaves very strangly on high volume of traffic. On further investigation, i found out that application was working fine, but it was not taking ...
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    created by zequreshi
  • Jboss 5.1.0 GA,JPA+Hibernate, Maven3 combinely giving  org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence cannot be cast to javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider

    Hi we are using Jboss 5.1.0 GA, Maven 3, JPA With HIbernate 3.3.1 and JSF. Can any one help for developing a multi module maven project by keeping persistence layer as seperate module from web module.   I am not...
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    last modified by dkalyan3
  • Determination of Classpath

    Hi   When a application is deployed as a collection of war files, how does Jboss determine the actual classpath to use   Thanks
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    created by david-brighton
  • JSPRuntimeContext occupying more heap space

    Hi all,   Recently we had outage in our server(jboss-eap-4.3) and after analysing the heap dumps we realised that JSPRuntimeContext was occupying more than 30% of heap space.   Is it suggestable to add the...
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    created by ramathulasi
  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: <queue_name> not bound

    We have a adapter that uses Java Messaging Service (JMS) APIs. When this custom adapter is invoked, a JMS messsage is sent by our core Engine to a JMS Queue. A Message Driven Bean (MDB) listening to this JMS Queue pic...
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    created by dpandey
  • how to configure 64 bit jvm with jboss eap

    Hi All How to configure 64 bit jvm with jboss eap....I am running 64 bit windows 7.Actually I want to increase memory of heap upto 2 gb.   Utkarsh
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  • Want to know where we can download jboss5.1 eap

    Hi All,      can you please provide a link where to download jboss 5.1 eap free dowload.???
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    last modified by sumanthkethe
  • Has anyone got JMS Logging to work in JBoss 6?

    I've seen a couple of post.  Has anyone been able to successfully configure JBoss 6 to do JMS Logging?  I have a topic configured which i can publish messages to from outside JBoss and consume them, but I ca...
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    created by jm1468
  • How to start Jboss from Java

    Hello every one,   I am wondering how to start Jboss from command Java.   Thanks! Ben
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    last modified by benjabyz
  • Custom log4j Appender - activateOptions not called

    I'm running JBoss 6.1.0.Final on JDK 1.6.0_26 (mac osx)   I have a custom subclass of org.apache.log4j.FileAppender that implements a size and day rollover of log files (ie: 20M max size and rollover each day as...
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    last modified by bwallis42