• java.lang.SecurityException: cannot verify signature block file META-INF/JSAFEJCE

    Hello,   Runing Jboss 7.1.1.   Server crashed at launch time when putting JsafeJCE lin in jre/lib/ext.   Any clue to solve this problem ?   Thanks a lot     C:\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\...
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    created by laumarot
  • restful webservice with ejb3 @PersistenceContext annotation

    hello im trying to create a restful application with ejb annotations but the persistenceContext is always null when entering the websevice   the web.xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?...
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    last modified by ronny.ron
  • prevent .war from deploying before the XTS service has completed loading

    Hi all,   we has a xtstest.war which uses ServletContextListener. There is an intermittent failure when registering the recovery module in start(). We found it is because the XTSServiceTestRunnerBean start() bef...
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    last modified by zhfeng
  • Deploying REST endpoint from the subsystem

    Hello,   I am writing a REST-AT subsystem which is responsible for registering and bootstrapping REST-AT transactions coordinator. However, to do so subsystem needs to register a REST endpoint during AS initializ...
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    created by gytis
  • Build with Java 7 and -source 1.6 leads to warnings

    Hello,   the 7.2.0.Final is using the enforcer plugin to require Java 7 as a build environemnt. At the same time it specifies -source 1.6.0 in some modules. This leads to some warning messages about having a wro...
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    last modified by b.eckenfels
  • Add Notification support to the domain management API

    tracked by https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-370   Use Cases Web console JMX Notification Replacement Out of scope No Metrics Notifications Requirements Design Notification Descript...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Jboss 6 or 7 temporary path Question

    Hi   In JBOSS EAP 6 is there an option that will allow you to change the location of the JBOSS server temporary directory. I am trying to run the JBOSS test suite but some of the test are failing because the te...
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    last modified by chrostsj
  • Can't build JBoss AS 5.1.0 (any more?)

    Hi,   I have to do a little maintenance stuff on old JBoss 5.1.GA So I did a fresh checkout   $ svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/tags/JBoss_5_1_0_GA/ $ cd JBoss_5_1_0_GA/build $ ./build.sh ...
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    created by bha007
  • How recent are the JBoss AS 8 dependencies

    Hello,   with the help of http://versioneye.de, you can have a look at the compile and runtime dependencies of the jboss-as project (on GitHub). It is based on parsing the POMs. There are currently some minor gl...
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    created by b.eckenfels
  • Cxf REST and hypermedia

    Can anyone please throw some light on the Cxf component of JBoss to be used with REST along with Hypermedia support... any pointers would be helpful, Thanx.
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    created by javanand
  • is there a 7.2 prerelease announcement?

    Hello,   since 5 days there is a 7.2.0.Final-prerelease1 tag in the Git repository - and a switch to 8.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT on master.   But I havent been able to locate anny announcement in the User- or De...
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    last modified by b.eckenfels
  • JBOSS 6 test Suite

    Hi   I am trying to run the JBOSS 6 testsuite, When it tries to deplpoy,  I am getting JMS is not active yet. The server log says that JBOSS is started. Is there a way to configure JMS?   Any ideas &#...
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    last modified by chrostsj
  • JCA validation report generation

    Hello, I would like to strat discussion about this JIRA: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-528 which has been left to comminity. Description of the issue itself is not very descriptive   Validation report ...
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    last modified by romanj
  • Remote EJB Context Initialization fails

    Hello all, i have a backend server application which is running on the jboss-7.1.1 server. This application consists of several statless beans. First the frontend and backend run on the same server and it works. N...
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    last modified by mhille
  • Looking for JBoss 5.1 sample application sources that build with maven

    I'm looking for a small sample application that will deploy on JBoss 5.1.0, including the sources that will build with maven.  I've searched around and can't find anything.   Anyone have something they can ...
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    last modified by sgold45
  • jira 5.1 on jboss 7.1

    I tried to deploy jira 5.1 on jboss 7.1, but it failed. Need help, thanks.   20:35:59,067 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "atlassian-jira-...
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    last modified by lgl
  • Start Stop War-Ear programmatically in JBoss-5

    Hi,    Below is the script to start and stop the war/ear in Jboss programmatically. With this script am facing the below issue. Can anyone please let me know the changes that need to be done.   Issues...
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    last modified by forum.khan
  • Adding an operation step handler for an existing subsystem

    Hi, First time post, so I hope this is the right section - apologies in advance if it's not!   Been struggling a bit with subsystems lately, and thought I was getting on top of it - but, I'm kinda stuck (so per...
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    created by jimmythedog
  • TCK5Guide

    Preamble This guide details the instructions for running TCK5 against EAP 5. Running TCK 5 against AS 5 or 6 is no longer supported.   You must be logged onto the Red Hat VPN to have access to all needed resourc...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • @Inject in Custom JBoss Module

    I have the following in a custom module:         import javax.inject.Inject;     import org.slf4j.Logger;       ...       @Inject &#...
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    last modified by jboss123user