• EAR Metadata

    This is in regards to EJBTHREE-617 Maybe a generic metadata facility would be a better approach rather than a specifc jndi binding setting in jboss-app.xml? This way EAR subdeployment types can evolve without having ...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Random OutOfMemoryError on the initial deploy of conf/jboss-

    (Moving here from private discussion) This is relatively easy to reproduce by using any out of-the-box jboss v4.0.2/4.0.3SP1 on a linux/sun 64bit 1.5.0_05 jdk (e.g. dev17). One out of ten times, or so, we get an OOM...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Make the URLDeploymentScanner pseudo-transactional

    Related to: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3118 I refactored Andy's initial changes to come up with a hopefully clearer API, that deals with all combinations (not just redeployments) still does want Andy need...
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    created by dimitris
  • DeploymentInfo.ucl vs localCl

    When deploying something, the subdeployer receives a DeploymentInfo. I am interested in finding the classloader being used for the deployment, both when deploying as a scoped and a normal deployment. The DeploymentInf...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • Hibernate w/JBoss, multiple hbm class paths and datasources.

    I hope someone here has an answer for me. We are using Novell's exteNd portal with JBoss and have multiple db connection pools setup for the various databases used by the portlets. Some are shared, many are not. I am ...
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    last modified by arnieaustin
  • JBoss Atomic Farm Deployment

    I'm trying to help with Farm deployment and would like to start a forum discussion on issue JBCLUSTER-26. Ben Wang and I discussed the need for atomic deployment support last week, the information below is partly base...
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    last modified by smarlow
  • Need DeploymentServiceMBean.updateModule() method

    So far, the admin console project has been using the DeploymentServiceMBean.createModule() to define new data sources and JMS destinations to deploy. Now, however, we need to modify existing configuration files locat...
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    last modified by peterj
  • Another kind of deployer

    Some time ago I asked a question about the pros and cons of implementing a deployer using the SimpleSubDeployerSupport. I finished my deployer which may be of interest to other members of the JBoss community. http://...
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    created by leifj
  • when I delete jsr88-service.xml from deploy dir, what will h

    when I delete jsr88-service.xml from deploy dir, what will happend?I an not found anything changed! why? who can tell me?? thx
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    last modified by yangjs
  • JBAS-2350, ServiceBindingManager should not be a service

    Related to this installer issue is the known problem of the ServiceBindingManager being a service when it should be an aspect of the ServiceController. Enabling the ServiceBindingManager should be enabling/configuring...
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    created by starksm64
  • Making JARDeployer accepting explicit suffixes

    Currently the JARDeployer is a bit "liberal" on what it accepts: non .xml or .bsh deployments non WEB-INF/ or META-INF/ with *.xml content So it accepts, for example: - foo.txt, leading to a .Zip open error - foo.t...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Deployer accepts() ordering

    Posting here from the dev list for reference Bill: I just implemented being able to deploy ejb3 archives in a .jar. To make this work, I have to guarantee that the EJB3 deployer runs accepts() before the old EJB2.1...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Parallel deployment

    Hello, I am currently looking into parallel deployment (of EARs) when more than one cpu is available. This should speed up system startup times for bigger machines. It looks like URLDeploymentScanner.scan() is about...
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    last modified by pilhuhn
  • Explicit dependencies from VFS

    Hi, currently, the dependencies between deployment units come in two flavours - implicit by name / ending - explicit by depends-entries Unfortunately those are not available at the same time. It would be good to have...
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    created by pilhuhn
  • Setting URLDeploymentScanner.ScanEnabled at runtime

    Disabling ScanEnabled in the URLDeploymentScanner MBean at runtime has no effects. It would be useful to disable scanning via JMX console when doing some changes on the filesystem we don't want immediately hot-deploy...
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    last modified by mnasato
  • What is the Bind address

    We are missing a piece of configuraton. Currently, the jboss.bind.address is always set to by default. It would have been better to have ${jboss.bind.address:} in the configurations, but that is an ...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Should I use SimpleSubDeployerSupport?

    I am working on a type of component which requires a new deployer. I am thinking about subclassing SimpleSubDeployerSupport and would like to know if this is a good idea or if the near-time development of jboss makes ...
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    last modified by leifj
  • How to use org.jboss.util.loading.Translator

    Hi, I'm trying to translate web application's classfile (bytecode) at load-time. I heard that org.jboss.util.loading.Translator allows changing the behavior of UCL and then implemented and attached the simple transla...
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    created by muga_nishizawa
  • VFS Aspect for deployments

    Regarding, http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-2380 I have gotten back to prototyping this. The notion of the VFS aspect is that class loading and deployers should not be dealing with the current local file, jar un...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • unable to deploy using exploded archive type in MyEclipse ID

    Hi, Myself is heman malve,i'm getting problem with deployment in the MyEclipse environment, if i use exploded archive and able to deploy in the packaged archive type.I have one doubt like whether the JBOSS(4.0) app s...
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    last modified by hemanmalve