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Thread Installer friendly SARDeployer
Installer friendly SARDeployerSo I'm back to prototyping an installer based on the IzPack tool (http://developer.berlios.de/projects/izpack/) and it seems sufficiently capable of handling the type of installs we need. This main issue I'm seeing wi...
jBPM deployerI'm looking for the best way to get the JbpmSessionFactory in JNDI via the JBoss deployment stuff. ('stuff' indicates not-yet-crystal-clear :-) I thought that the easiest way was to reuse the HAR deployer. But that s...
Deployment/ClassLoader modelWhere are we on the VFS model and the processing of extensions in general? I ask because of this bug which is caused by invalid assumptions about deployment packing based on a hardwired extension: http://jira.jboss.c...
Thread Reasons for Parent-first vs. Child-first classloading
Reasons for Parent-first vs. Child-first classloadingThere are a couple of related discussions going on on the Jakarta commons-dev mailing list where I'd like to invite the classloading gurus from the JBoss community to weigh in: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=1114778...
NOVICE: plese help to deploy simple appJBoss 3.2.5: I wrote simple app with EJP SessionBean and Servlet in IDEA 4.5, compilation is processing sucesfully but i can not deploy that app to JBoss. LOG in IDEA: ... 17:29:24,958 INFO [ChannelSocket] JK2: ajp...
proposed mods to SARDeployerThe HARDeployer has a lot of duplicated code in common with the SARDeployer. The only real differences between the two being: 1) The service descriptor used to describe the service 2) "preparation of the defined mbean...
JVM per containerThis might sound outrageous but say I have a requirement such that based on some EJB deployment settings I want to fork a new JVM for that particular container. (If you should know, my EJBs talk to Java wrappers which...
JSR-88 DeploymentManagerHi, I'm a newbie to JBoss. I am trying to use JBoss implementation of JSR-88 and have not been able to get very far. I was able to get an instance of DeploymentManager after instantiating org.jboss.deployment.spi.fac...
Active Deployer Development?Is there any active development in the area of the JBoss deployers at the moment? The reason that I am asking is because I have been looking at the following issue: - http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1517 The...
DeploymentService(moving this here, the quoted stuff is from Sacha) but do we agree that for all services that is deployable through your system, you have a corresponding MBean that can be used to perform such action? Is this MBean ...
Thread Dynamically Attaching Interceptors to any (X)MBean
Dynamically Attaching Interceptors to any (X)MBeanI scratched my head quite a few times trying to figure out: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=56668 The main issue here was that we want to attach an intereptor-like chain to existing d...
Refactor the SARDeployer xml parsingWe are limited in our ability to extend the service creation capabilities by the hard coded xml processing of the SARDeployer/ServiceCreator. With the jbossxb framework this can be externalized such that multiple form...
Experiment DeploymentService in 3.2.7RC1It basically allows you to generate deployment descriptors (using velocity templates) and move them in and out of ./deploy. Read more at: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=DeploymentService Comments/suggestion...
Error in deploying appication in jBossHi : I have developed a web application and it run fine on oc4j, later I packaged all the application files using war file and redeployed them into web container other then oc4j, it seems work fine as well in tomcat ...
Problems while deploymentDr. Jung. Thank you again for your reply. There were two issues I was tripping over. The first (see the odd posting starting with "Eye of Newt" in this forum), had to do with a class collision between the commons-log...
Customized deployersHello everyone, I was wondering if it is sth. common that people customizes the deployers. I was thinking of developing a deployer that would be activated by, let say an xml file with the suffix .suf copyied in a depl...
Thread how can I show the deployment infomation log
how can I show the deployment infomation loghello every. I am considering of create an GUI deploy tool, I need to show the deploying log on my own tool,just like it's shown on the console, when user deploys an new j2ee applciation in jboss. how can I implement ...
Thread How to parse an xml file which is packaged in an .ear file
How to parse an xml file which is packaged in an .ear filehello everyone, I am going to write a little tool to visualize the contents and the relationships in an ear file before it's deployed in the the server.can anybody tell me how to parse an xml file which is packaged in...
Thread tips: external JAR references from ejb-app-JAR
tips: external JAR references from ejb-app-JARSuppose that you want build the EJB-APP "MYAPP.EAR" packed in MYAPP.jar which needs MYLIB.jar. To obtain a functional EAR you must build this structure: MYAPP.EAR | |-> META-INF/ |........|-> APPLICATION.XM...