• Problem with taglib in jboss.

    Hi all, i have a application which is running in WebLogic 8.1 (works in 7.0 also) application server, and when i port this application to JBoss 3.2.2 i'm facing the following problem. i have taglibrary which will i...
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    created by mallikarjunab
  • JspRuntimeLibrary

    Hi, While using a JavaBean in a JSP document, when I use the <jsp:getProperty ... /> there is an error JspRuntimeLibrary not found ... I ' m using JBOSS 3.2.1 with Eclipse and Lomboz plugin Where is located the...
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    last modified by xthib
  • TLD and JBoss4DR2

    Hallo! I put a war that i used in tomcat under the deploy directory of tomcat and i get an error: "Exception initializing TldLocationsCache: Illegal class loader binding" (I use the taglib of WebWork1.3) And then: ...
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    created by formenti
  • Web login using jaas with getUserPrincipal null

    Hi, I'm trying to use jaas for the authentication and even it works when I use request.getUserPrincipal the return value is null. My configuration is particular and I don't know if It's correct because I've an Authe...
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    created by sysuser1
  • ServletContext.getRealPath() does not work in JBOSS 3.2/Tomc

    Hello all, I have written an application listener to listen the contextInitialized event. At which time I am attempting to find the absolute file path of my application context via the following call ... String real...
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    last modified by jodybrownell1
  • Extension-friendly Tomcat service

    I've been working on an extension that allows me to use the source of a request (host address) in a LoginModule. To drive this process, I need to use a different realm manager for the tomcat-jboss integration. Unfortu...
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    created by shorero
  • New Context

    I use JBoss 4+Tomcat. How can i create a new context?! Like add "Context" in the tomcat-standalone's "server.xml" file! This because i want to add a webapp that is in "c:\mywebapp\". Can anyone help me? Thanx Gio
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    created by formenti
  • anyone using jboss web?

    any good or bad things to say about it? I am interested to see what people have to say about it. I really don't see a big reason to move from the jboss/tomcat release,...
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    last modified by jpoley
  • Error with Jboss 3.2.2.RC4 jetty and JDK 1.4.2_01

    When trying to run JBoss 3.2.2.RC4 with JDK 1.4.2_01 I'm getting the warning: "JSP compilation requires $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar on your JBOSS_CLASSPATH" at startup. JSP compilation is impossible after this. I checke...
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    last modified by cherold
  • filter tag not working on jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24

    Hi I am trying to put the following filter tag in my web.xml on jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 version of jboss. <filter-name>IEFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.SessionChecker</filter-class>...
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    last modified by harpreetset
  • Need Recommendation on JSP EJB IDE

    Hi, I am looking for the best (preferably open source and free) IDE tool that I can graphically connect GUI objects on JSP pages to back-end EJB. The tool would automatically generate the code. I know I am asking a l...
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    created by chanyatwan
  • JSF EA3/EA4 car demo war deployed in JBoss/Tomcat 4.1.24

    Does anyone have any success in deployment JSF EA3 or EA4 car demo war into JBoss 3.2.x/Tomcat 4.1.24? My experience is this. EA3's cardemo.war deployed OK. However, the generated htmls are messed up. Text, buttons ...
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    last modified by willievu
  • jboss doesnt connect from mobile phone

    Hi, I have jboss3.0.7 with embedded tomcat installed. when i try to access a WML page from my mobile through GPRS connection phone can't connect to jboss. Access log doesnt show any request coming. what is the problem...
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    created by parul_patidar
  • Multiple Jetty instances within single JBoss container

    We are running JBoss 3.0.7. We have multiple servlets we want to deploy. For security, we'd like to separate servlets for use by external users from servlets for use by internal users by putting them on separate ports...
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    created by briangoetz
  • Tomcat 5.0 integration/JSR 045

    Hi, Have any one tested JBoss 3.x with Tomcat 5.0? Is it in the horizon? I am particularly interested in implementation of JSR 045 which is there in Tomcat 5.0. Any help will be appreciated. -Abhijit
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    last modified by abhijit_deb
  • Security-Filter

    Hi, Has the development team looked at the securityfilter project on source forge? Basicially wondered if the good points to it could be integrated: Either use it as it stands, with an adapter to link to JBosssx to ...
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    last modified by sradford
  • Migration Jetty -> Tomcat

    Hello, I have developed EJBs and Web-Applications for JBoss3.2 (with jetty). Just now I have tried (just for fun) to migrate to JBoss4.0 with tomcat. There seem to be some mysterious differences between the Jetty-In...
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    created by wallenstein
  • lookup local EJB home from a servlet

    When trying to run JBoss 3.2.2.RC4 with JDK 1.4.2_01 I'm getting the warning: "JSP compilation requires $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar on your JBOSS_CLASSPATH" at startup. JSP compilation is impossible after this. I checke...
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    created by avishay
  • jboss-jetty behaviour in Query Strings in Request Dispatcher

    I recently discovered the following behavior of Jetty Senerio: ------- Servlet (or JSP) s1 forwards to servlet (or JSP) s2 String path = "/s1?aa=data2"; RequestDispatcher rd = context.getRequestDispatcher(path); rd....
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    last modified by tsangcn
  • JSPs in JBoss 3.2.2RC1 touched with current date

    About a year ago, when I try JBoss 3.0.2, JBoss restore my JSPs with the files last changed date touched to the current timestamp when I eployed my application or restart JBoss. The bad thing of this is all my JSPs wi...
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    created by tsangcn