• Tomcat 5.0 integration/JSR 045

    Hi, Have any one tested JBoss 3.x with Tomcat 5.0? Is it in the horizon? I am particularly interested in implementation of JSR 045 which is there in Tomcat 5.0. Any help will be appreciated. -Abhijit
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    created by abhijit_deb
  • jboss 3.2.0 with tomcat 4.0

    Hi, We plan to use to jboss 3.2.0 integrated with tomcat 4.0.x As this is not available on the web site. - Is there any other location i can get the integrated version of jboss 3.2 and tomcat 4.0.x binary or - Can i g...
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    created by rkan
  • 11:52:03,025 INFO  [Engine] StandardHost[localhost]: MAPPING

    how to config the root directory? when i visit :http://localhot:8080/ this error occured: 11:52:03,025 INFO [Engine] StandardHost[localhost]: MAPPING configuration error for request URI /
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    created by huangyifu
  • Problem with Web Module

    Hello: I have an application with EJB. My application have 2 archive jar: EntitySegurity.jar (classes by EntityBean) and SessionSegurity.jar(classes by Session Bean). My Web Module contains: /classes /lib/EntitySegur...
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    created by walter
  • request.log files and server.log files

    Hello all, I want the ability to turn off the creation of the request.log files and server.log files. Does anyone know how to go about doing this. The request.log files seem to log every single HTTP request and the f...
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    created by bbd66
  • Custom Authenticators

    Hi, As a result of this thread (in particular, my last post): http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t= was wondering, has it ever been considered to allow users to register their o...
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    created by sradford
  • JSP source disclosure: JBoss 4.0DR1 (Jetty-version)

    Hi, JBoss 4.0DR1 (Jetty-version) is still vulnerable to JSP source code disclosure. Nothing has changed since the post of the same vulnerability in the 3.2.1 version. For those of you who missed the original post, t...
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    created by marc_schoenefeld
  • IllegalArgumentException: No getter or setters found

    Hello, I am trying to run JBoss-3.2.1 on my machine (winxp pro, jdk1.4.1_02 + turkish locale). I got the following error. When I change the locale to english It just disapears. Any comments? Is it a bug? Umit VARDA...
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    created by vardaru
  • does jboss 3.2 or 4.0dev support Tomcat 5?

    i can not build jboss neither ver 3.2 nor ver 4.0dev with tomcat 5.0dev error message: ..... [execmodules] ====================================================================== == Executing 'most' in module 'catal...
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    last modified by seth
  • How to use web start call JMS

    Hello folks : This works okay when I run the clients from a command line, but when I deploy with Java Web Start 1.2, I get a message saying "Ignoring com/sun/jms/util/jms.properties due to exception "java.lang.NullPoi...
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    created by jovi
  • Java2ClassLoadingCompliance==false -> NO jmx-console

    JBoss 3.2.1 jetty: if the attribute Java2ClassLoadingCompliance is set to "true" in deploy/jbossweb-jetty.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml, then the jmx-console page shows up with all of the mbeans. if Java2ClassLoading...
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    last modified by rme
  • HTTP ERROR: 503 javax.servlet.ServletException: Query: can't

    Hi i am a newer with jboss and mysql and eclipse , i did the following steps to make my servlet connect to mysql : 1.create mysql data base [db.name] 2.copy mm.mysql-2.0.14-bin.jar to [jboss.dir]/server/default/lib...
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    created by sabar
  • DefualtContext and Reverse Proxies

    I have an Apache Reverse Proxy that is used map back to the multiple application servers, one of which is JBoss 3.2.1 w/ Tomcat 4.1.24. The Problem that I am having is that, if I create a alias that maps directly to ...
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    created by mcgowati
  • <distributable> causes HttpSession failures (JBoss 3.0.6)

    I've gotten in the habit of putting in my web.xml deployment descriptors, even when not deploying into a cluster. I found some odd behavior when I did this using JBoss 3.0.6 and JBossWeb (i.e. Jetty 4.2.6). My appli...
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    created by hlship
  • AJP13 Integration Problem

    Has anyone encountered an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when integrating Jetty (JBoss 3.0.6) with Apache 1.3.26 using AJP13? In looking at the Jetty source it appears that this exception is occuring because Jetty is ...
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    created by huckster
  • package com.lowagie.text.* not found

    I run Jboss 3.0.6 with Jetty. I have deployed the IText.jar for pdf creation. in the JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib folder If I try to import from a web page the package : <%@page import="com.lowagie.text.*" %> ...
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    last modified by utente2
  • Retrieve message from JBossMQ

    I'm trying to retrieve the message from JBossMQ and then use JSP to display the message to a web page. Does anybody have any kind sample code for me? Thank you very much!
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    created by jgao
  • Starting Jetty

    I'm trying to start the jboss (and jetty as part of it) as part of my JVM. While trying to start Jetty there is an error parsing XML config file. This error comes after the Jetty service saves the configuration to XM...
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    created by ankush
  • Tag libs in 3.2.0RC4

    My tag lib class seems to be having a bear of a time being found correctly by Jetty. It can't find my setProperty. I'm going to test this out on 3.0.6 and on the tomcat versions, but I even put the .jar in the JBOSS c...
  • jboss and jsp's

    I'm trying to use jsp's in a jboss application server but whem i acces to the jsp page in the browser, there's an error: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No output directory: String index out of range: -1 I made th...
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    created by santi