• Can't Deploy my web App and Ejbs on Jboss 5.1.0 GA

    Hi I can't deploy my web and ejbs on Jboss 5.1.0 GA Please help for the steps
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  • how to cinfigure one cluster with 2 machines

    Hi, i have 2 linux machines, and i want to install jboss as a cluster using the 2 machines in each machine i have 1 node (configuration) can you help me please and tell me how can we install and configure a cluster...
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    last modified by tinico
  • Looking for jsf-ejb3 example

    All, The getting started guide for 5.0 references the jsf-ejb3 application in Chapter 12. I downloaded 5.0.0.GA, 5.0.1.GA, and 5.1.0.GA and have been unable to locate this example in any of the docs/examples director...
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    created by babernat
  • JBossSX API Documentation for Jboss5

    Hi @ all, i am searching for the JBossSX API Documentation and find only one for the version 4.0.5 http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/javadoc/4.0.5/security/index.html?overview-summary.html Where is the newest version?
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    last modified by luftballon
  • How to pass/set ContextData to be available on interceptors

    I have 2 jboss instances. Clients connect to the first app1 on jboss1, which connects to the second app2 on jboss2 : client-> jboss 1 ->jboss2 This means that each method that is invoked on jboss1 invokes some...
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    created by tomazipaveclucis
  • external directory location for JSP page (virtual-directory-

    Is there a way to serve JSP content from outside the war file (without using symbolic links). In weblogic I can use virtual-directory-mapping to map jsp directory. In jboss, I can use Context, but it only works for s...
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    last modified by margotmedia
  • JBoss Closing connection

    Hello, im a newbie. and im learning java web application. Im have a purchase entry jsp page in which i tried to enter more than 30 records and submitted the page. it stucks and started to display this msg in console: ...
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    last modified by subscribeid
  • JBoss Tools guides

    I'm not sure if this is the right place, but the JBoss Tools guides seem to need some love. I'm stepping through the seam one at http://docs.jboss.org/tools/3.0.1.GA/en/GettingStartedGuide/html_single/index.html#creat...
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    created by elwis
  • user Login

    Hi, I'm newbie to Jboss seam technology,as everyone know seam has default login.My problem is how can i change it?
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    last modified by jayakemmannu
  • unable to Integrate opends and opensso with jbossportal 2.7

    Hi !!! I am using jboss portal 2.7.0 on linux(fedora 10) OS i tried integrating opends(LDAP server) and opensso witj jboss portal following the link http://blog.jboss-portal.org/search/label/ldap but the problem i...
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    created by pooja.ambre
  • Can not create a seam project with eclipse

    Hi, I am new to Jboss and Seam. I have tried to create a new seam project following a tutorial but failed :( (Tutorial: http://javathreads.de/2008/09/tutorial-mit-jboss-seam-und-jee5-unter-eclipse-starten/#EclipseS...
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    last modified by aliaslan
  • Maximum Hardware Requirement for Jboss v- 4.0.3

    Hi All, Currently in our production enviorment , we are using Jboss version 4.0.3 with 4 Jboss instances. We are planning to upgrade the existing hardware ( dual core , 4 G.B RAM) to the following Option A : Qua...
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    last modified by karmaker
  • Drools Usage

    Has anyone out there been using Drools in a commercial product? What is your take on them? Advantages and Disadvantages? Thanks
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    created by rfball2
  • call a web service from a web page

    Is it possible to call a Jboss service from a web page? How? Thanks in advance Jose Luis
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  • Resource bundle for EAR

    I'm having an EAR deployed with 2 war files in it. Using Jboss 5.0.1. Is it possible to have a single Resource bundle file for EAR and use across the 2 web applications? We have built the web applications with RichFac...
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    created by zakpath
  • org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.jdk5.WrappedConnectionJDK5

    When i get a jdbc Connection from the pool (using JNDI and jboss managed pool), it returns a class of: org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.jdk5.WrappedConnectionJDK5 ..however, i'm running on JDK6. Is this something ...
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    last modified by davecasserly
  • org.jboss.classloader.spi.base.BaseClassLoader API

    Hi, I'm using jboss 5.0.1.GA. Anybody know where i can find the source or the API to org.jboss.classloader.spi.base.BaseClassLoader ? When my application deploys i am getting a reference to the classloader. (Applic...
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    last modified by davecasserly
  • populate duke's bank database tables

    Hi all, I try to fill the Hypersonic tables in the Duke's Bank example and get the error: F:\Entwicklung\JBoss_5.0\j2eetutorial14\examples\bank>ant -f jboss-build.xml db- insert Buildfile: jboss-build.xml db-inse...
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    created by jrookie_2402
  • JBoss 5 Security

    I have been looking at the "JBoss 5 Administration and Configuration Guide" and I don't see any information on how JBoss implements of Java EE security platform, particularly setting up a customer realm etc. Does any...
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    created by shekharshan
  • jmx-console -> page cannot be displayed

    I performed the basic install of jboss-3.2.6. I fired up the default server, and its started fine. When I go to management console at: http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/ I get "Page cannot be displayed". There is no...
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    last modified by tclot