• Web Serivce Problem

    I want to invoke a EJB as a web service. But it is giving me an error "No such operation : "authenticate". I wrote the web-services.xml for it as follows:- <deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/" ...
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    last modified by ponifaax
  • Error deserializing custom java object (using jboss.net xdoc

    I'm building a web service using jboss.net and it's associated xdoclet tags. I'm following the example in the article posted at www.nsdev.org/jboss/stories/jboss-net.html. One of my web service messages takes a simpl...
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    created by mburbidg
  • JBoss.NET and .NET WSDL Tool

    Hi there, I haven't touched JBoss.NET for some time, but think that due to the .NET Framework Update end of August 04 the .NET WSDL Tool now reports a warning when I generate a stub for a .NET client. "Schema valid...
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    created by mzint
  • migrate IIS to tomcat, then migrate the whole .net architect

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    created by qbsu21th
  • Accessing Web Service from an MDB (client-config.wsdd proble

    Hi all, I'm using JBoss4 with JDK 1.5 on Windows 2000 Professional. I'm trying to access a WebService from an MDB. I have the file client-config.wsdd configured. The problem is, it was an error when JBoss trying to p...
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    last modified by nandipinto
  • JBoss-net.sar changed in 3.2.6 Final

    Hello, I noticed that JBoss-net.sar is different in JBoss 3.2.6 final (axis.jar has been replaced with axis-ws4ee.jar). I was able to get my RPC-style webservice (.ear) to work correctly, however I am having difficul...
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    last modified by efrinmn
  • Axis Message-style/Java Web Service

    Elizabeth asks: I have a Axis Message-style/Java Web Service webservice (.wsr) that we deployed as an example in the RC1 and RC2 versions of 3.2.6. It no longer works with 3.2.6 final, and I see that the axis.jar has...
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    created by thomas.diesler
  • NoClassDefFoundError with axis 1.1

    Hi, our prob is: We want to make an soap call (with axis 1.1) from an EJB (stateless session bean) hosted on jboss 3.2.5 to an third party web-service. Java runtime version is: Every works fine in a standal...
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    created by god
  • Admin GUI for JBoss.NET now Available!!!

    Scott, Thanks for your reply.. After reading your reply and reading some books, I realized that I was trying to mix two things Container managed security and Application Managed security and was getting confused. I ...
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    created by mbarton
  • No such Operation Error

    I want to invoke a EJB as a web service. But it is giving me an error "No such operation : "authenticate". I wrote the web-services.xml for it as follows:- <deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/" ...
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    created by shubhu123
  • Authorization problems

    I have written the following bean, that I have parsed with XDoclet which has generated Bean interface and xml files for me: /** * @ejb:bean name="AdvancedHello" * jndi-name="AdvancedHello" * type="Stateless" * view-...
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    created by f.difonzo
  • Axis EJB provider not registered with JBoss 3.2.6

    Hi, I try to call an EJB from a client using axis web services. So I defined java:EJB as the Axis provider. All this work fine with JBoss 3.2.3. But I decided to switch to 3.2.6 and I have this kind of errors: No p...
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    last modified by mjea
  • Migrate from WL to JBoss .net

    I'm trying to migrate and EJB previously deployed as a web service in WL6.1. I've looked at the JBoss WS, and it seems that its not ready for prime time yet. There's far too much manual generation of wsdl files etc. ...
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    last modified by time4tea
  • JBoss servlet destroy

    Hello, I currently have several servlets running in Tomcat 4.1. When tomcat shuts down the destory() method of each servlet writes a file to let other programs know that they are dead. We now need to move these servle...
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    last modified by sjneworleans
  • The requested resource (/jboss-net) is not available.

    I haved Downloaded jboss 3.2.6 extracted the file to my windows PC. Run run.bat then goto to the following URL http://localhost:8080/jboss-net I should see a welcome screen instead I get the following The requested re...
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    last modified by conradg
  • Newbie attempt with jBoss 4 and AXIS

    Hello all, May I ask for some pointers on what I need to implement AXIS with jBooss4. I am a "casual" user in the sense that I have downloaded jB0ss4 and have delplyed basic EJBs. All seem to work OK. I would like to...
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    last modified by harm88
  • Digest authentication

    Hi, could anyone help me understanding whether its possible on JBOSS3.x to implement a Digest Auth scheme for a web service (using axis) and whether there is any example available ? Note: It seems that Axis doesn't c...
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    created by gsarno
  • Reading soap body as a string in a Document style ws.

    Hi, I don't know this might be an AXIS specific question, but you might have come across this. I would like to deploy a Document style web service and on the Server side I would like to read the Soap Body (payload: i...
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    last modified by gsarno
  • faultString: Attempted to write schema for bad QName (no nam

    We have deployed a document style webservice in jboss.net, but when we try to access the WSDL url, we get the following error: AxisFault faultCode: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}Server.generalException faultSubcode...
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    last modified by cartola
  • trouble deserializing with axis

    I've been working on deploying a web service on JBoss 3.2.5 using Axis, and having trouble getting my response deserialized. I've used Axis 1.1 installed as a war file, and I've used jboss-net; with each one, I get th...
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    last modified by andrewboyd