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Thread Sample provided by AdminDevelopGuide doesn't work
Sample provided by AdminDevelopGuide doesn't workI need to develop JBoss.net stype web service for jboss 3.2.6 appl. server. I found an example how to do this in AdminDevelopGuide in chap12. I downloaded, built and deployed the example according to instractions. Whe...
Thread JBOSS4.0.2 EJB endpoint Web Service Problem
JBOSS4.0.2 EJB endpoint Web Service ProblemI had spent lot of time to try setting up a web server (server side ) in JBOSS4 without success. I help me out of the problem. I actually using axis Java2WSDL to generate my WSDL from my EJB interface. Then I manuall...
HELP Needed on missing NS in rpc callFrom a given wsdl I generated stubs and deployment descriptor. A relevant piece of wsdl is: <xsd:complexType name="typeFahrzeugDaten">
<xsd:element name="Haendlernummer">
Where are the jboss axis packagedHi, I'm having a problem locating the jboss.axis.client package. Can anyone tell me exactly which jar file contains this package? Thanks, Herb
Thread NullPointerException trying to call webservice
NullPointerException trying to call webserviceHi, I keep getting a NullPointeException when instantiating a new Service class instance from a jsp page. The firt entry in the exception trace has the error coming from the RepositoryClassLoader.findResources(....) ...
Thread Accessing SOAP message through Jboss WS / Axis
Accessing SOAP message through Jboss WS / AxisHello everybody, I'm a student working with JBoss AS 4.0.1. We use Web Services (through built-in Axis) and we use JBoss AOP. We have deployed a "HelloWorld" webservice (it's an EJB with "sayHello" method, webservic...
What is the URL to callWhen you use service = factory.createService(url, servicename); what's the url parameter ? it's not said in the JBOSS manual 4.0.2. is it the same URL for all the services or a spécific one for each service...
WSRWhere do I find documentation for Jboss-NET? I've created a WSR file for deployment in the default server configuration of jboss-4.0.1 and an deployer for WSR files wasn't found. How do I solve this problem?
Thread SAXParser Exception when call a Web Service
SAXParser Exception when call a Web ServiceHello, I have sucessfully develop a Web Service as it's describe in the manual of JBOSS 4.0.2. It's an EJB End Point The Web Service is correctly deploy, and i can see it at http://localhost:8080/ws4ee/services But...
ClassNotFoundExceptionHi, When I try to run my SOAP client using JBoss 4.0.1 I get the following exception: faultString: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.net.axis.server.WSDLAwareActionHandler. Can u...
String lengthHi All, I have a webservice which takes a XML string as input and spits out another XML string. The question i have is, is there a limitation on the size of the string that you can receive as input or send as output ...
Thread How can I switch off multirefs in soap messages
How can I switch off multirefs in soap messagesHow can I switch off multirefs in soap messages ? We are using JBoss 3.0.x to expose web services and are not allowed to use multirefs. The parameter sendMultiRefs=false seems to be ignored in the web service configur...
Thread Apache-Axis SOAP to Stateless Session EJBs - Message Style
Apache-Axis SOAP to Stateless Session EJBs - Message StyleGreetings, I apologize if this question was posted previously. I wasn't able to find it searching the forum. I would like to find out if there is a way to interface stateless session EJBs with Apache Axis using the ...
parameter mismatch while passing nullHello, We are migrating our app. from jboss 3.2.1 to jboss 4.0.1sp1. We have web services running on jboss.net which are being called by .NET client. One of the methods in web service has 3 parameters in foll. order,...
Thread How to turn off the multi-ref portion of the SOAP encoding i
How to turn off the multi-ref portion of the SOAP encoding iHi, I'm developing a BPEL process that works with the Web Services hosted on JBoss 3.2.6 using Axis. The WSDL has multi-ref SOAP encoding, not supported in BPEL PM 2.1.2. So, can you please tell me how to turn off t...
Where is the axis source?I've been suffering from an intermittent NullPointerException which I would like to investigate but I can't find the necessary sources. The JBoss 3.2.6 contains axis.jar claiming to be 1.1 along with a readme from 1.0...
Element return web service jboss4Hi I have a stateless session bean exposed with jboss as a web service using axis the return value is org.w3c.dom.Element . I have upgraded from jboss3.2.5 to jboss4 In jboss3.2.5 everything was fine and i could call...
org.apache.axis.deployment.wsdd.WSDDExceptionhow do i fix this error? i got this error while accessing a webservice i developed for jboss 3 and copied the war and deployed it on jboss4 but on accessing it it gave me this error. AXIS error Sorry, something seems ...
Thread Retrieving a list of all Web Services deployed under a JBoss
Retrieving a list of all Web Services deployed under a JBossHi All, Any ideas for the following challenge will be highly appreciated: 1. The Good: JBoss 4.0 JMX has an MBean called: jboss.ws4ee:service=AxisService One of its operations, listServices() , returns a list of all...
JBoss.NET with Jboss 3.2.3 SOAP ProblemHi all i exported a simple java class inside my ear as a webservice over java:RPC. At the origin i'd like to return a custom java class but, having problem, i finshed to return a string array. Now ll is fine but i'd l...