Thread Axis WSS4j for siginning the Soap request at the cleint side
Axis WSS4j for siginning the Soap request at the cleint sideI am trying to use the the X.509 Token Profile or UsernameToken Model at the JBossws server side and looking for a example to sign and send the request using wss4j Axis. I really appreciate any kind of feedback.
Thread No serializer found for class in registry org.apache.axis.e
No serializer found for class in registry org.apache.axis.eHi All, My deployment descriptor is
Error: MissingResourceException & ApplicationDispatcherExperts, Please help me to resolve following issues with Jboss used in clustered mode on Linux box. 1) I'm getting an exception over MissingResourceException 2) consequently an error occurs(Null pointer) Applicat...
Axis SSL java clienti use a java client to access a web service (JBoss.NET). the following code work on JBoss 3.2.6. when i run it on JBoss 4.0.3, it fails (see exception stack trace). when i access WS from IE, it work fine. any ideas? ...
JBoss.NET vs. JBossWSJBossWS ======= Is the J2EE-1.4 compatible web service implemenation in JBoss. It is installed in the all and default configuration. This implementaion will be developed further and replaced JBoss.NET Why use JBo...
Thread JBoss.Net ClassNotFoundException in JBoss 4.0.2
JBoss.Net ClassNotFoundException in JBoss 4.0.2I am trying to use JBoss.Net on JBoss 4.0.2. I have removed the wsee client lib and SAR and replaced them with the JBoss.Net client lib and SAR. This is an application that used to work with JBoss 3.2.6 and I'm tryin...
Problem With webserviceHi: I initially posted this to the other forum but I thought I'd post it here as well, I am trying to deploy a webservice using and axis, listed below are the details: JBoss Version:3.2.5 Axis Version:1.1 J...
Thread Problem accessing .NET webservice from servlets
Problem accessing .NET webservice from servletsHi, I have one web application that i have written with JSPs and Servlets. That web application accesses one .NET webservice. I deployed that web application in TOMCAT5.0 and it is working fine. I have to deploy the...
Thread Serializer Exception in the reponse(SimpleSerializer failed
Serializer Exception in the reponse(SimpleSerializer failedhi I am using the following wsdl. I pass the reply object across to server using wrapped inside replyHolder.The request is successfully received by the Web Service and processed correctly .However, when i receive it o...
returnQName ignored...I am not sure what changed with my setup, but I can no longer get the returnQName I specify for the result of my web method:
* @ejb:interface-method view-type="remote"
* @jboss-net.web-method returnQName="job_id"...
Urgent:ClassCircularityErrorHi All, We have written an application using JBoss- version 3.2.2RC3 with Axis 1.1 and Java version j2sdk1.4.1_02. We are running concurrent tests on this application and we are getting ClassCircularity error in diff...
Handling out/inout parametersI'm a porblem using holder to handle inout parameters. Indeed, the value of the param received by my client is the same as the value sent. Here is a part of what I do : ------------------------------- Client : Str...
Jboss-netHi http://localhost:8080/jboss-net/services/HelloWorld HelloWorld is my my test web service. if i open this URL, i am getting the response as HelloWorld "Hi there, this is an AXIS service! " "Perhaps there will b...
Thread Ejb beans not caching state during transaction (ie Weird beh
Ejb beans not caching state during transaction (ie Weird behWe are experiencing unexplainable behavior while executing session beans inside our webservices. Here is an example: aBean.setA("something");
aBean.getA(); <- returns null!
but once the transaction is over, the...
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.axis.description.EleHello All, I'm experiencing a wierd problem. I'm using JBoss 3.2.1. I've an application (myapp.ear) which uses Axis 1.2 beta jar. I have to integrate Quick Address application (proweb.war) with my application. I cop...
m$.net client and wsdl problemWe have a client using C# trying to access our web service. They are unable to build the stub classes from our auto-generated wsdls, because they have an empty soapAction parameter: e.g. <wsdl:operation ...
Thread Missing webservice response from Jboss1.4.0.1
Missing webservice response from Jboss1.4.0.1I have deployed a webservice which is to be used by a .NET C# client to send data to the Jboss server for import to a database (using SOAP). This service has been successful previously, but now the client hangs due to...