• message driven bean never gets called

    Hello!  I have problems with my message driven bean. My JBoss is Version 6.1. As described under https://community.jboss.org/wiki/HowToCreateJMSQueuetopicInAS6 I managed to create my queue "queue/searchtabQue...
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    created by wadam1972
  • waiting topic/queue creation queue/A

    I am new to jboss and i know the basics   now  i want to  migrating from jboss3.2.8sp1 to jboss6.1.0 and see the console output as below   what's wrong with my configuration....   do i require...
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    last modified by surendra.konna
  • Access EJB3 deployed on JBoss 5 from JBoss 7

    I have a lot of old services runing on 5.1.0 instances  ... I now want to use these services by lookup from within a EJB3.1 Bean deployed on AS7.1. Obviously I will have to become a AS5 remote client for this, b...
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    last modified by jangalinski

    I am getting the following error while deploying my ear file in Jboss-6.1.0... and i am using EJB 2.x this works fine in jboss-3.2.8.SP1...nw we are migrating to jboss-6.1.0...   how can i overcome these errors? ...
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    created by surendra.konna
  • I'm not able to access my message driven bean from remote server

    Hi,   I have created a mdb, I'm able to access it If my client is in same ear with my mdb. but I try to access the mdb from the standalone java program it threw the exception NamingException. Please help me out....
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    last modified by gauravjlj
  • Nonsense username in custom login module

    I'm trying to implement a simple login module for JBoss AS 7.1.1, but the usernames sent from the client side are all nonsense hex strings like these:   a6e14a87-49f2-4d2c-8add-ba8fc7c699d9   I've tried to...
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    created by gardva
  • About using <transaction:ejb-transaction/> in components.xml

    Hello,   I have a confusion regarding the <transaction:ejb-transaction/> tag in compoenents.xml. Why and when is it necessary?   So far after doing some goole search, I have understood the following...
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    last modified by mchisty
  • Getting a read time out error while calling a third party web app from an EJB

    Hi We have created two EJB application’s and one web application in the following manner. EAR contains two EJB’s And Architecture is as following:          ...
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    created by king_anurag
  • Ask for password in Jboss Server 3.2.5

    Hello,   How can I ask for password when somebody try to access my Jboss Server 3.2.5     Note: I tried this 3.2.5/server/default/conf/login_config.xml <module-option name="usersProperties">jmx-...
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    created by eam
  • JNDI Issue invoking remote ejb

    Hello all   I have two computers in a LAN in my home. Connfigured, deployed a sample EJB 2.2 application on Jboss 6 server on a computer .   Now, from another computer i have created a client something li...
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    last modified by hpulla
  • what's the defination of inactivity (timeout from inactivity to removal SFSB by container)

    Hi All,     I'm wondring to know what event is call inactivity? out of a transaction or last invocation been made, in my following test, throw NoSuchObjectException. So the event of inactiveity should be la...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • serious leak container doesnt call ejb remove() -- urgent pl

    hi every body , i have a serious problem on a production server, we have an ejb dealing with DB actions. now after a few days i noticed in the web console that the create count just keep raising without any call to re...
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    last modified by aagmon
  • How to force te container to call a stateful sb's remove method

    Hello,   I have a stateful session bean deployed. I have a remove method annotated with @Remove. But I never see it called. So how do I force the container to call it, in JBoss 7 ?   Thanks,   Eric J.
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  • SFSB removal in jboss 5.1

    We're upgrading the jboss from jboss 4.2.3 to jboss 5.1.0, which is not a easy journey indeed, I will share the experience when all this get finished, we almost finished with one issue left. We used to call the remove...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • Error  [JBossASKernel]  jndi:null   [JBossASKernel]   Class:javax.jms.MessageListener

    Hi everybody! I try to run code   of book EJB3  in Action chapter 4 MDB link source code http://www.mediafire.com/?kleippoyax1p7x5 and i get  a error   05:56:48,466 INFO  [Ejb3Depend...
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    last modified by micro_
  • java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

    I have successfully deployed the bean on the JBoss Server I am able to get InitialContext Object but When the server comes at ic.lookup() statement it waits for some seconds and afterwards the following Exception is t...
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    last modified by csplrj1
  • Remote EJB Connection to Websphere

    How to lookup EJBs in Websphere from Jboss?
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    last modified by patshamiri
  • JNDI configuration in jboss.xml obsolete ?

    Hi,   As EJB 3.1 tightened the screws on JNDI namespace format, wondering why there is a need for still maintaining JNDI specific configuration in the schema file. I mean, if the app server is going to do the bi...
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    last modified by rakcheru
  • ejb client and naming error - problem

    I'm very beginner in ejb programming so please don't be angry if the question is easy. Below is a code I wrote and it produces an error. What should I change to get this to work? I work with Eclipse Juno and JBoss 7....
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    last modified by darisz
  • javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial

    Hi   I am a new bie in EJB3.x .I am writing JUNIT test cases for ejb which is deployed in JBOSS7.1 FINAL using remote client. I have used all the maven dependency https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/EJB+in...
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    last modified by ghosh_nandita