• org.jboss.proxy.ClientContainer security manager: RMI class

    javax.naming.CommunicationException. Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.proxy.ClientContainer (no security manager: RMI class loader disabled) at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadClass(Loa...
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    created by srinath_jboss
  • Where can I find the JBoss QL spec

    I found no document about JBoss-QL spec. So I don't know what is supported in JBoss and what is not. I am migrating an application from Weblogic to JBoss. This appication use CMP 2.0 and use some weblogic-ql. So I hav...
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    created by silverhoof
  • developing BMP using JBoss & MySql

    Hello all, I'm new to JBoss and EJB, and I have a problem. I'm using JBoss 3.2.1, MySql 4.0.13, JConnector 3.0.8. I have a BMP for a table like this: USERS ------------ id name password For testing this bean, I'm ...
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    last modified by droscaru
  • WARN  [TransactionImpl] Unlocking, but not locked

    I don't understand what the warning message is trying to tell me and I've tried a search of the forum but without luck. This warning message occurs after an EJB was executed by a class that implements Schedulable. It...
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    created by brian.duguid
  • JBoss 3.2.2RC2 ejb-link/JNDI around bug

    Hi All, I have an ear that contains two ejb modules with identical code but different descriptors (they are pointed to different database with the same structure). Of course, all beans has unique jndi names. The ear...
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    created by maksymg
  • How to make JBoss work with Oracle9i?

    I'm using jboss-3.0.7_jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24 and I have successfully deployed a CMP in JBoss.but JBoss and Oracle9.2 both use port 8080,when I started Oracle first,JBoss failed to boot, How to solve this problem? Thanks!
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    last modified by gorges
  • Swing Client-Firewall-Cisco Router

    Hello, My problem is something like this: Client: Swing Server:JBoss-2.4.3_tomcat-3.2.3 There is a login page for swing client. When the client enters the username and password and press submit then the application ...
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    created by raj_skromis
  • Can I deploy the same MDB with 2 different descriptors/topic

    Hi all, I have implemented a generic MDB. But now I would like to listen to several topics. does JBoss support the deployment of same MDB class using different descriptors ? Each MDB will work on different topics. ...
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    created by cedlux
  • EjbBMP and Oracle Datasource

    1) resource ref and resource managers tags are used only to prompt a deploy error at deployment time? or are needed to permit my ejb access a datasource?? if yes how to describe this relation in ejb-jar.xml and jboss....
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    created by nepos_uck
  • ejb auto-increment

    Has anyone had success getting their EntityBean's to function correctly when doing an entity.create(name); and then being able to access the id of the newly created record when using the auto-increment functionality o...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Socket connection from SessionBean

    Hello ! I want to use a socket connection to a server from a SessionBean. That's not allowed. What can I do ? I need the connection to implement a business process. I have no skills in MBeans, JMS, etc. and i am unde...
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    last modified by hirosh101
  • EJB QL (select MAX(id) from table)

    Hello, It seems not possible to do the instruction EJB QL select MAX(id) from table. Do you know if the aggregate functions are supported by Jboss and how it is possible to use these functionalities like MAX, MIN, S...
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    last modified by mbe
  • ejb 2.1

    Hello, Can anyone tell me whether jboss 4.0 will support ejb 2.1 ? Thanks in advance, Julien.
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    created by balteo
  • how to configure cloudscape data source in JBOSS running pet

    hi, I am trying to run petstore 1.3.1 on JBOSS_3.2 with tomcat. I am using the petstore patch from wrox website. Do I just need to rewrite the login.config file in /server/default/conf and add one file about data base...
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    created by cliffwei
  • requirement 18.3.7 from EJB 2.1

    The EJB spec tells in 18.3.7 (on javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException): >>(...) To give the client a better indication of the cause of the error, the Container should throw the java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException (which ...
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    last modified by arne
  • context.getEJBObject() broken?

    does somebody know anything about the problem outlined in the following thread? http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t= encountered this problem in Jboss v. 3.2.0 & 3.2.1 I di...
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    created by chriss
  • dynamic reconfiguration fo EJB

    I am writung a report about dynamic reconfiguraiton of EJB, if it is posible!. Cann somone tell me if JMX ist the right way..... Thank you
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    created by maahie

    Post questions here: http://www.jboss.org/forum.jsp?forum=47 This forum discusses the development of jboss's EJB container. ANY OTHER QUESTIONS WILL BE DELETED. Regards, Adrian
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    created by adrian.brock
  • what's wrong with the LIMIT PARAMETER in dynamic ql

    when I used LIMIT and OFFSET parameter in my ejbselect , the excution of select is quiet slowly the dynamic ql looks like: select Object(g) from Account g ORDER BY g.id OFFSET ?1 LIMIT ?2" My JBOSS is 3.2 version ...
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    created by godspeedwang
  • isolation of enterprise naming context

    I had a question regarding the JNDI implementation in JBoss and how it achieves isolation of a ENC provided for components. It seems to be that the isolation is achieved by relying on thread affinity - the code below...
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    created by marks