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Thread Accessing EJB methods from an Action Class defined in struts
Accessing EJB methods from an Action Class defined in strutsI have two projects defined in Eclipse. One of them is an EJB(3.0) project and the other is a dynamic web project. I have defined a stateless session bean named LoginAuthenticator and created two interfaces local and ...
JBPM-Bpel helloworld example- ant run testHi, I am getting this error report when i try to run the test class through ant -run test in the helloworld example of JBPM-Bpel 1.1-beta3 and the test result is Running org.jbpm.bpel.tutorial.hello.HelloTest [jun...
Thread setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMess
setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessI am trying to run a standalone java client which will invoke a webservice. My webservice is a session bean implementation and is running and tested with SOAP UI. My client code looks like the following : 1 URL url =...
Thread HelloUser simple ejb deployement in Jboss5 true myeclipse
HelloUser simple ejb deployement in Jboss5 true myeclipseh i'm trying to setup a basic exemple ejb project : my sessionBean :
package ejb3inaction.example;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
public class HelloUserBean implements HelloUser{
public void sayHello(S...
Update workbook to work with JBoss 5?Tried to get work book examples to work with JBoss 5. Had to change buid.xml to use %JBOSS_HOME%/client in classpath instead of what was there. Then example 4_1 would compile at least. When loaded in, got error vfszi...
Thread Thank you and Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered
Thank you and Help us learn how Feature Requests R gatheredThank you to everyone who completed the survey! We’re getting great feedback. If you haven’t already participated, please take a few moments to complete the survey located at the ...
Thread examples ex04_1 ex04_2 ... fail on second run
examples ex04_1 ex04_2 ... fail on second runHello, trying to become more familiar with EJB3.0 in combination with JBoss. Using jboss-4.2.3.GA / JDK 1.6.0_07 and ant. Installation and running Jboss was no problem. (Using all the defaults as to server config,...
Thread Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered
Help us learn how Feature Requests R gatheredMy name is Paula Laurent. I’m a Computer Science PhD student at DePaul University conducting research on soliciting and prioritizing requirements. The goal of this research is to find out about the ...
Thread i am getting an exception in workbook ex04_1 (remote not bou
i am getting an exception in workbook ex04_1 (remote not boubill (Mr Bill Burke) are you there please reply. i got this error please help [java] javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: remote not bound [java] at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:529) [java...
ejb3.deployer not foundWhile running with jboss-5.0.0.Beta4 in case someone finds this error Solution: The ejb3.deployer is present in deployers folder instead of deploy folder. Open the build.xml and modify the classpath entry as ...
Thread Chapter 4 - O'Reilly: TravelAgentRemote Not Bound
Chapter 4 - O'Reilly: TravelAgentRemote Not BoundI am doing the same Exercise 4 of O'Reilly's EJB3.0 with Eclipse Europa, OracleXE and JBoss 4.2.2GA and I have deployed titan.jar successfully but I am getting errors at the client end. I have gone through all 8 page...
Thread problem with resource definition in chapter 11
problem with resource definition in chapter 11The "min" resource gives a runtime exception on deployment:
10:47:10,182 WARN [ServiceController] Problem starting service jboss.j2ee:service=EJB3,module=core.jar
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to convert: min ...
Thread Silent application server crash with jboss-4.0.3SP1
Silent application server crash with jboss-4.0.3SP1On Solaris x86 5.10 We have production JBoss deployment where we are running it in three different configurations - Cluster 1: 2 AS nodes - JMS hosting (just Queue and Topics registered here) Cluster 2: 2 AS nodes ...
EJB3 creates the foreign keys twiceHi, I have one table named "Orders" and the corresponding Entity is Order.java which is given below. When i deploy the application, i am able to see the foreign keys created twice and also the indices to those FK col...
JMS topicHi Friends, I am new in ejb topic JMS. i wrote a small program but i am getting bug when i rum my application can any body help me. I am using Jboss-4.0.2 server. I have change JNP port 1099 to 10999 I am getting Ex...
Error accessing Local EJB using JBosshi, I am trying to access Local EJB. I am using JBoss as an application server. But, I am getting following exception - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local.Loca...
ex 7-1 not workingE:\complete JBOSS\workbook\ex07_1\build.xml:60: E:\complete JBOSS\jboss-4.2.0.GA \server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\jsf-libs not found. this is the error what i am getting when i am running ant command
Thread Examples don't work with Java 1.6/JBoss 4.0.4.GA
Examples don't work with Java 1.6/JBoss 4.0.4.GANot looking for information, just passing some along. I was running with the above combination and things worked fine until Chpt 11. Then I got exceptions when using Stateful session beans. I switched back to Java 1.5...