• Getting exception

    Hi, I'm having trouble getting the Embedded JBoss EJB 3.0 container to work. I've bashed my head against this problem for a while now and I can't seem to get it to work. I hope that someone here is able to help me ou...
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    last modified by tnektpb
  • Embedded JBoss, Maven, and the ubiquitous Jar

    For the most part, I've managed to figure out how to setup Embedded JBoss with Eclipse so I can run my unit tests. Now I'm trying to figure out how to setup my Maven pom.xml file so that I can run my tests from the co...
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    last modified by drathnow
  • Snapshot of Embedded Beta 3 available

    A snapshot of Embedded based on JBoss AS 5 trunk (the soon to be released AS 5 beta 3) is available here: http://snapshots.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/embedded/jboss-embedded/beta3-SNAPSHOT/jboss-embedded-beta3-SNAPSH...
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    last modified by pmuir
  • Unsupported dsType

    Hi, I added JBoss embedded to a Maven project with SeamTest based test classes but I desperately try to start it. I had classpath problem I finally could solve (at least I think I solved them !). But anyway the embed...
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    last modified by chawax
  • How do I configure Embedded JBoss (TestNG) Seam with EJB2.1

    I have written a JBoss Seam application that uses injected EJB 2.1. I have gotten my application where it deploys and runs on JBoss 4.2. I am trying to run integration tests using TestNG and Embedded JBoss. When I de...
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    last modified by chrisrippe
  • Seam2 integration testing - problem with embedded jboss?

    Hi, I'm using Seam 2.0.1.CR1. I set up the embedded jboss and I've encountered a strange exception while running very simple integration test: Caused by: org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantia...
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    last modified by piotr.porzucek
  • Embedded JBoss beta3 and VirtualFile

    Hi, I saw, that the beta3 does not support deployment with VirtualFile anymore. But with beta2 this was still possible. Is this something that will be deprecated in future or will it return sometime? What are the cur...
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    created by hamtho2
  • Use Embedded JBoss in a standalone application

    Hi, i'm making Enterprise Application that uses EJB3 and runs on Jboss. I have a big costumers with a lot of clients connect to server where my application runs and a few small costumers that have only one computer wh...
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    created by spalazzi
  • Best practice for sharing embedded-jboss config through mult

    Hi @all, I just would like to know, if there is something "best-practice" for sharing the configuration files for the embedded jboss (as located in the directories deploy, deployers conf etc.) throughout multiple pro...
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    created by hamtho2
  • MBeanServerFactory problem using setter dependency injection

    I have been assigned to unit-test a smaller j2ee-application and when researching this I came across Embedded JBoss. Am I certainly not a JBoss-expert but during the ongoing research I have learnt a lot of things abou...
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    created by fredrik12471
  • Once again: Embedded JBoss with JDK6 and maven2

    Hi @all, although I read around the forum regarding the problems with Embedded JBoss and JDK6 I´m still not successf...
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    created by hamtho2
  • Maven2 example application for Seam2

    This is a crosspost from the Seam forum http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=126786 --- Hi, I have made available for download a work in progress to getting a sample project going with Se...
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    last modified by cory_prowse
  • sql params trace

    Hello, Unfortunatly I don't have the answer to your question but I've got a similar problem ... I've done some tests in standalone mode with Emebbeded beta2 and SNAPSHOT beta3 and I cannot get any log messages from ...
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    created by jfjames
  • Unit Testing and JBoss Maven2 Repository

    I am trying to setup up a project that will perform unit tests in Maven2 and had planned on using the BaseTestCase class as indicated in this wiki page: http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=EmbeddedAndJUnit I do...
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    last modified by auspal
  • Embedded JBoss Beta 2 & Java 6

    Can't run the tutorial with java 6 (no problem with java 5). Is there any patch or workaround to run the embedded jboss beta 2 with java 6 ?
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    last modified by flowbee
  • Will Embedded Jboss be updated to support Seam 2.0?

    Embedded EJB and Embedded JBoss are different projects. Please follow the guide in the Seam2 ref manual to set up Embedded JBoss in Tomcat.
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    created by pmuir
  • Accessing oracle from JBoss is slow

    We have this problem: when we are trying to run an application using Oracle as backend, its response is very slow compared to MS SQL server. Both the application and DB are hosted on different high end machines (DB is...
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    created by vijayabhaskarv
  • Does it support CMT?

    HI,guys I would plan to use Embedded jboss to do unit test for EJB3 application, but I wonder if Embedded jboss support CMT to mananger transaction? thanks, my regards
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    created by justin.gong
  • obtaining remote ejb ref via localhost lookup?

    Hi Guys, I have an issue with looking up a remote ejb via JNDI lookup when I use localhost instead of the actual machine name. I know that in a real environment, one would never use localhost, but we have a large tea...
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    last modified by skomarla
  • Embedded JBoss in WebSphere 6.1

    I am an architect at a large company. Our company is committed to using WebSphere as it's application server. This is for many reasons most of which are political. I would like to introduce Embedded JBoss to allow our...
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    created by nsshah_jboss