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Thread custom jboss extensions
custom jboss extensionsI am not sure if this is the write place to post this question, but we are using custom jboss extensions to allow users (clients) to login to an application. We have a custom login module we wrote that provide...
ShrinkWrap FindBugsI've put a FindBugs static analysis on the ShrinkWrap project. It's exposed https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SHRINKWRAP-38, which I resolved today. To run it, use "mvn site" then find projectName/target/site/findbu...
New Embedded PrototypeI've committed new jboss-embedded projects: http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/embedded/trunk/ This is defined by: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EMB-17 Included in this initial setup is a prototy...
Thread Deploy allready running web.war into embeddedJboss.
Deploy allready running web.war into embeddedJboss.Hi , Im new to EmbeddedJboss and appreciate your help on this. Im having a set of .war files which is able to deply in normal Jboss 5.2 envirnment. Just wanted to know how can I deploy them in the Embe...
Blocking unwanted startup JbossHi, I am writing because my Jboss server keeps locking up during its startup phase. In addition, it provides no log. I work on Windows XP SP3, Eclipse Helios Service Release 2, Java 6, JBoss EAP 5.1 Do...
How to debug embedded JBoss ?Hi, I am running embedded JBoss AS for unit testing and I would like to know if there is a way to enable debugging. I know that I can start JBoss AS with debugging enabled (set JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:tra...
Thread Test within embedded container in Eclipse not working...
Test within embedded container in Eclipse not working...Hello everybody, I'm trying to get a test working in Eclipse within the embedded container (using JBoss 6) and JUnit. I changed the Run Configurations to this: -Djboss.home=/home/linn/workspace_test/e...
ShrinkWrap - DescriptorsI played around with how we could impl descriptors into the archives last night.. Basicly; - a WebArchiveDescriptor IF with methods like addFilter, addServlet etc. - a JAXB based WebArchiveDescriptorAsset that handle...
Thread Relaunching bootstrap with additional configuration information
Relaunching bootstrap with additional configuration informationOne thing we discussed a week ago during the domain model work around JBossAS was the need to be able to read jvm settings from the domain model, and to be able to restart the jvm with the bootstrap configuration. I j...
Article JBoss EmbeddedAS | Development and Contribution
JBoss EmbeddedAS | Development and ContributionPrerequisitesProduct Version Required Java Development Kit (ie. Sun JDK) >=1.6.0, <1.7 Yes Apache Maven >=2.0.9 Yes Subversion >=1.4.x Yes Eclipse IDE m2eclipse IntelliJ IDEA Configure Environ...
JBoss Embedded AS | Release ProcessHere describe the steps taken to create a release of ShrinkWrap. For the time being we support Maven2 Repository publishing only. Prerequisites Read-write access to the JBoss Maven Repository Manager (Nex...
Thread ShrinkWrapDeployer: A MainDeployer adaptor for Archives
ShrinkWrapDeployer: A MainDeployer adaptor for ArchivesThe next step forward in getting an Arquillian Container for Reloaded is to support deployment of ShrinkWrap archives into MainDeployer. Bailey's provided us with an ArchiveFileSystem such that archives can be r...
EmbeddedAS Boot Error Against AS/trunkIn placing EmbeddedAS stuff into AS trunk, I'm coming across: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at ...
Missing AOP dependency?Thanks to ALR for the 0.1.1 update today, jboss-reloaded-vdf-bootstrap-minimal seems to work against HEAD of AS versions of MC etc. I had to add a dependency block to slurp in jboss-aop explicitly, though: ...
JBoss Embedded for 6.0.0.M2Is JBoss Embedded included in 6.0.0.M2? If so, where can I find some hints how to use it? If not, is a separate download location available?
Trying out the full classpath exampleI was able to spend some time trying out the 'full classpath' Maven example in the past few days. I ran into a snag though. The surefire plugin configuration specifies -Djboss.home=${JBOSS_HOME}, but...
SHRINKWRAP-104: Empty Directorieshttps://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SHRINKWRAP-104 I've added support for empty directories (and tests) in r3836. This is nice, because importers can now account for empty dirs as well. The design I've used is a new ...
Thread bug in VFS preventing testsuiting from running on OS X
bug in VFS preventing testsuiting from running on OS XI've spent some time debugging a problem trying to run the jboss-embedded testsuite, and thought I'd post the outcome here in case anyone else comes across the same problem. The issue is that the testsuite (r...
Maven build issue?I've been trying to make my spike of Embedded AS work on WinDoze this morning and I ran into a small snag. Here's my setup: WinDoze XP IDEA 9.0 Maven 2.0.10 JDK 1.6 The configuration for the compiler...