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Thread ShrinkWrap Export to File
ShrinkWrap Export to File "Jaikiran" wrote: I happened to try out the ShrinkWrap (1.0.0-alpha-1) this weekend. Pretty useful stuff, especially in test case environments :) I read through the project wiki http://www.jboss.org/community/...
SHRINKWRAP-106: Inner Classes@see https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SHRINKWRAP-106 What should be the expected behaviour? Add a class and its inner classes get thrown in too? Some user option? The issue is one of visibility; clients of ShrinkW...
Thread SHRINKWRAP-99 ExplodedExporter and Filesystem conflicts
SHRINKWRAP-99 ExplodedExporter and Filesystem conflictshttps://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SHRINKWRAP-99: "The contract for ExplodedExporter should be documented to state what happens if there is an already existing target directory. "Overwriting an existing directory wi...
Thread SHRINKWRAP-102: Do not expose extension loading in Archives
SHRINKWRAP-102: Do not expose extension loading in ArchivesPer my notes in the description; thoughts? :) I'd like to see the Archives API act as a factory alone, with configuration elsewhere. https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/SHRINKWRAP-102 S, ALR
Embedded API Design ProblemsPlease take it as feedback and not hassling ;) INCONSISTENT METHOD NAMES * ISSUE 1: Many Embedded project classes/intefaces follow BEAN naming convention but there are some exceptions. * RULE 1: API should be con...
Embedded Server and classloading issuesI have been trying to use Embedded Server API in the testsuite of one of the JBoss EJB3 components. The setup details are: - JBoss AS 6.0 M1 (built from tag) - Embedded Trunk (1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) - Java 1.6 In the EJB3 ...
Thread Tried to check out & build with cygwin - OOME
Tried to check out & build with cygwin - OOMEI was trying to build/checkout on my windows machine using Cygwin bash this weekend and I wasn't able to get testsuite to run without an OOME. * JBoss AS was from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/tags/JBoss_6_0...
JbossWS in embbededHi, i've been playing with the test, trying to test webservices deployments. When i test a deploy of a war with an annotated @WebService class, the test throws this error: org.jboss.tmpdpl.api.container.DeploymentEx...
ShrinkWrap Logo DesignThe guys over at .org have prepared for us 9 options for a ShrinkWrap logo. http://www.jboss.org/files/jbosslabs/design/shrinkwrap/index.htm Please vote for your preferences. Any elements you'd like to pick apart an...
ShrinkWrap Continuous IntegrationI've added a job: http://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/job/ShrinkWrap/ This will run each day at 4AM EST, and deploy the new snapshots to the repo. FindBugs and Code coverage reports included. S, ALR
Embedded and Bootstrap DevelopmentNow is a great time to get started with development on the JBoss Bootstrap and Embedded projects. We've kept the scope of these small so there's not a great deal of ramp-up investment required. @see documentation at: ...
Thread Peer Review of Embedded, ShrinkWrap and Bootstrap
Peer Review of Embedded, ShrinkWrap and BootstrapJesper was kind enough to have a look at our work and give his input. "Jesper Pedesen" wrote: Overall: ======== * Good idea to add overview.html / package.html * Good idea to run checkstyle * Good idea to run find...
embedded and bootsrap dependenciesBriefly looking at the embedded and bootstrap project i noticed:
public interface JBossASEmbeddedServer
JBossASBasedServer<JBossASEmbeddedServer, JBossASServerConfig>,
I think this is a ...
ShrinkWrap Coverage@see http://jboss.hudson.alrubinger.com/job/ShrinkWrap/24/cobertura/ Likely we should comb through there for candidates for further testing. Ignore the 0% on the "export" package, that's some bug where a whole set is...
Exploded Exporter Test CaseWhile doing some refactoring I came across: Asset assetOne = new ClassLoaderAsset("org/jboss/declarchive/impl/base/asset/Test.properties");
Path pathOne = new BasicPath("test.properties"); Couple things for clarif...
Reloaded eclipse project usageI'm looking at getting a new profile service integrated into a reloaded subproject and was looking at the as5_0_1-profile as an example. When I run the org.jboss.reloaded.repoclassloader.test.simple.unit.SimpleTestCas...