• database connection pool

    Hi, Do you know how I can monitor database connections in a database pool.. ? I am using Jboss container. The purpose is to monitor connections that are closed and refresh them. There a firewall.. across which my a...
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  • How to disable MEJB access?

    I want to control admin access to the JBoss from control. I know that I could disable JMX access via making RMIAdaptor unaccessible. Now I am wondering how to disable the MEJB which could also get the management infor...
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    created by jxtang
  • re: Web Console - HTML vs. Applet tree

    To continue a topic started on the user forum: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3845128#3845128 We would like to consider an all-HTML navigation tree to replace the applet for better s...
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    last modified by ivelin.ivanov
  • shutdown.bat -S fails when JNDI not on port 1099

    Any idea why? How to fix? If I change it back to 1099 it works. 23:26:07,875 WARN [NamingContext] Failed to connect to localhost:1099 javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to server localhost:1099 ...
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    last modified by lpmon
  • jndi viewer for web console

    Wanted to get feedback on how people would like to see a JNDI viewer work for the web console. My thinking is there are two basic ways of doing it. One is to populate a html view of the tree on the right frame using ...
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    created by tom.elrod
  • New look of JBoss JMX console

    I've made some changes regarding look of jmx console improving its managebility. It can be downloaded from: http://www.open.hr/~sbrbot/JBoss/
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  • Looking for a serverId to include in Alarms

    i have the sames problems with the jboss3.0.0-catalina distribution. i have debugged the deployment of jboss-net.sar and it seem's to me that the problem is the version of class org.jboss.net.axis.server.AxisService ...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Visualising the management model in 3d

      "Jeremy Pitten" wrote: "Jeremy Pitten" wrote: "Jeremy Pitten" wrote: "Jeremy Pitten" wrote: I've been developing a management application that generates a 3d visualisation based on the management model exposed ...
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    last modified by jeremypitten
  • Need to build an application client?

      "juha@jboss.org" wrote: "juha@jboss.org" wrote: Yes there is. What's your status right now?
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    last modified by haodan
  • Managed Servers in JBoss

      "jaiom" wrote: "jaiom" wrote: Hi, I need to port an existing application from Weblogic 6.1 to JBoss 3.2.2 The problem is that it is using Managed Servers of Weblogic. Do we have an equivalent in JBoss ? Can we ...
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  • Exposing connection pool information

      "bbalmer" wrote: "bbalmer" wrote: We currently have 15 separate connection pools across multiple servers and databases with more to come. I find the existing web-console cumbersome when I want to keep track of...
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    created by bbalmer
  • JDBC Resource

      "rameshs" wrote: "rameshs" wrote: Hi ! I am looking at the JSR77 Management Model implemented in JBoss 3.2.1. However, I am unable to locate the MBeans for the JDBCResources which exposes the DataSources, driv...
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    created by rameshs
  • External JNDI namespaces

    I might be way off here, but what can be done about the aspect thing in terms of adding/removing/narrowing mgmt capabilities for an mbean? Like ((AdminRights) o).edit() versus ((ClientRights) o).view(), or even having...
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    created by naskoak
  • Using JMX in J2EE Application

      "kewlbee" wrote: "kewlbee" wrote: I am new to this user group and I am also very new to JMX concept. I am still learning the b asic concepts of JMX. My question is I have web application which uses JBoss as app...
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  • SNMP support

      "ffillah" wrote: "ffillah" wrote: Is the development team considering the creation of a MIB and SNMP agent for JBoss in the near future? If so (or not) where can I find a listing of development priorities? Th...
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  • Components

    Hello, I really think we need components (but I already said that in other threads). For example, take a look at these snapshots: http://jakarta.apache.org/proposals/tapestry/images/success/status-table.gif http:/...
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    last modified by slaboure
  • web console error

      "smallnest" wrote: "smallnest" wrote: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null Generated servlet error: [javac] Since fork is tru...
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    last modified by smallnest
  • JBoss4 console error

      "spiritualmechanic" wrote: load: class org.jboss.console.navtree.AppletBrowser not found. Running on IE6. It works fine on Phoenix. What's the best way to view source in that left pane? Let me look the src up...
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    last modified by spiritualmechanic

    OK, admin console is in the official 3.2.1, see http://localhost:8080/web-console/ it requires a 1.4 java plugin for your browser (or Branch_3_2 if you only have jdk 1.3) Anyone is welcome to contribute, either: -...
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    last modified by slaboure
  • Managing a JBoss Cluster

    Adrian Brock suggested that I post a cross reference to a thread on the user forum. http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t= also appears that JSR 77 standardizes on cluster manage...
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    created by ivelin.ivanov