• HTTP Status 403

    When i try to access to my jmx-console I get the next message   HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied   I already have checked $JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/deploy/jmxconsole.war...
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    last modified by javim
  • use System Property in MBean Scheduler jboss-service.xml

    I'm working on jboss migration project, we are moving projects from Jboss 4.0.5 to Jboss EAP 5.0.0, I have a couple of Mbean scheduler projects which are deployed and been working for a couple of years,  In jboss...
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    last modified by elrajabia
  • cluster nodes mbeans

    I've a dynamic jboss cluster: there's a root node always active and some other nodes not known that could join or leave cluster. I've to know info about nodes beloging to this cluster querying only the  root nod...
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    created by luke_m
  • mbean configuration

    Hi, I'm working on JbossMobicents 5.1.0, and I'm trying to configure some ApplicationServer parameters via jmx Mbeans. I've problem that mbean configurations doesn't persist, and when Jboss has been restarted I've l...
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    last modified by luke_m
  • Receiving java.io.IOException: No context factory when remotely deploying

    Hello.  I'm trying to deploy a WAR file located on an HTTP-accesible location (Nexus server) to a JBoss 5.1 instance using JMX:  jboss.system, service=MainDeployer, redeploy method.  I've tried using th...
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    last modified by programmist
  • MainDeployer#isDeployed() used with an URL

                Hi,   I'm deploying various files via MainDeployer bean of EAP 5.1, using code such like this:   return this.server.invoke(   new Obje...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Filenotfound exception at lookup

    javax.naming.CommunicationException: Operation failed [Root exception is java.rmi.ServerException: IOE; nested exception is:     java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost.localdomain:8080/invoker...
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    created by rajyalakshmi.d
  • Deployment order in jboss 5.1

    Hi,   We are migrating our application from JBOSS 4.2 to JBOSS 5.1. As part of 4.2, we had a custom deployment using URLDeploymentScanner, where we used to control the deployment order for our sar files. There a...
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    created by muraali
  • JMX Remote with JConsole and JBoss 5

    Hi,   I'm trying to get JMX Remote Management info with JConsole and jboss-5.1.0.GA   I can view MBean information within JConsole, but not any other information such as Classes, Memory, VM Info etc.  ...
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    last modified by huntp
  • JMX with JBossESB service

    Hi Folks,             I have an esb service which is currently responsible for doing some routing (calling another esb service via serviceCat:serviceName:maxthre...
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    created by sbutt
  • How to dynamically retrieve datasource names

    I'm wanting to periodiacally query each registered datasource's MBean for connection statistics, using something like:     String jmxLocation = "jboss.jca:name="+ jndiName + ",service=ManagedConnectionPool"...
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    last modified by tarballa
  • Exporting JMX to SNMP using snmp-adaptor.sar

    I am exporting float values as jmx atttributes using spring 3.0 in the following way:   @ManagedResource(objectName = "foobar:name=XYZVerarbeitung", description = "Kenndaten der XYZ Verarbeitung",   currenc...
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    last modified by mschoechlin
  • Expose a POJO as MBean

    Hi ,   I am new to JMX and JBoss . I have a requirement to monitor my application through JMX , for that I need to instrument my POJOS to Mbeans also I need tos end some notification from them. I know in JBoss...
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    created by agruchi
  • How redeploy BSHDeployer from the jmx-console ?

    Hello,   I run a jBoss server (3.2.8.SP1, i know it's an old one) in my lab and i am confronted to one problem.   I would like to know how to redeploy the BSHDeployer service from the jmx-console. I...
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    created by pr00t
  • Services in Jboss (Tomcat Status)

    Hello, Please look at the attached picture. Can this "services" in jboss be stopped / killed without restarting the jboss-server? Redeploy the application doesn't help.   We use Jboss 5.1.0-GA.   Thanks f...
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    created by jeergn
  • SNMP Adaptor in JBOSS

    Hi All ,   I have an enterprise applciation for which I need to implment an SNMP agent in order to send traps and notifications. I have some application specific mibs and the application will be deployed on JBO...
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    created by agruchi
  • JBoss 4.2.3 with JDK 1.6 throws javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException during deployment

    Hi,   I am working on migration of our product from JDK 1.5 to 1.6.   When we ran the JBoss 4.2.3 server on JDK 1.6 it throws the following exception:     [com.j2fe.management.JVMStats] ERROR - ...
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    last modified by deepak.techie
  • Exporting JMX attributes over SNMP: JMX, snmp-adaptor.sar and Spring

    Hi, i implemented some jmx-attributes using Spring 3.0. (see spring descriptor below)  I start JBOSS with the following arguments:     JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port...
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    last modified by mschoechlin
  • MBeanServer not registering java.lang:* MXBeans on jboss sta

    Title pretty much sums it up. I'm using latest JBoss 4.2 (same on 4.3) on Solaris with 1.6 SUN JDK. This is annoying as hell. My monitoring scripts get "java.lang:blablabla is not registered" and mxbean attributes are...
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    last modified by boniek
  • accessing single MBean

    We've created an MBean and everything works fine. Now I want only a specific group of users to have access to this MBean. I mean visualize it in a browser. Something like the JMX-console with that difference that thos...
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    last modified by bdv