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Thread Does JBoss automatically stops/undeploys a faulty Application
Does JBoss automatically stops/undeploys a faulty ApplicationHi, I need to list down all the scenarios where an application, which is deployed in JBoss, is automatically stopped/undeployed by JBoss. Is there any mechanism bywhich JBoss determines which application need...
Sar classes are singletons?Hi all- I've been trying to find some definitive information about whether or not a sar is, effectively, a singleton object within JBoss. The reason I ask is because I have a sar that loads a configuration fil...
sar deployment problem with jboss 4.2.3Hi, I have a service archiv, which contains a standard MBean written using JDK 1.4.0. The deployment of this service was successful in JBOSS 4.0.5. Yet I switched to JBOSS 4.2.3 with JRE 1.6, I get the following Er...
Thread How to stop application (ear) using JMX? (JBOSS AS 5.1)
How to stop application (ear) using JMX? (JBOSS AS 5.1)Hi All, I need to stop application if startup initialization is failed. AdminConsole have such functionality, so I hope it can be done programmatically using JMX. The stop(String) method of the MainDep...
Thread javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException error on JBoss startup
javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException error on JBoss startupI get the following error trying to start JBoss-3.0.7 under jdk1.6.0_04: 17:06:06,357 INFO [Server] JBoss Release: JBoss-3.0.7 CVSTag=JBoss_3_0_7 17:06:06,432 INFO [Server] Home Dir: /usr/home/devc...
Setting dependencies in my SAR?Hi all- I've written a SAR that uses JAXB to parse an XML file. In server.log I can see: 2010-10-15 10:37:52,999 ERROR [com.mycompany.mysar.db.GetDBInfo] When unmarshalling, got: null javax.xml.bind.JA...
Thread SNMP monitoring of MBeans (attributes.xml in snmp-adaptor.sar)
SNMP monitoring of MBeans (attributes.xml in snmp-adaptor.sar)I want to monitor some attributes of seveal MBeans that are running on my system: I have configured my attributes.xml unders snmp-adaptor.sar to include: <mbean name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDep...
Thread MainDeployer listDeployed returns empty list
MainDeployer listDeployed returns empty listHello, I ran into very weird issue. I amtrying to use jmx-console to get information about deployed resources (mainly applications). When going to jboss.system:service=MainDeployer and invoking listDep...
Thread DeploymentManager and multiple applicationURIs
DeploymentManager and multiple applicationURIsHello, jboss has a bunch of .sar, .war, and .jar deployment artifacts as well as a bunch of xml files in the default deploy directory. For the more safety and better management, we deploy our products t...
Deploy a file to JBoss via JMX ?Hello I'm currently trying to deploy applications to JBoss remotely, via JMX. Right now, I'm using the jboss.system:service/MainDeployer MBean's deploy method. That method gets as parameter a java.net.URL. ...
Thread How to write Jython scripts to communicate with MBeans
How to write Jython scripts to communicate with MBeansHi, I am working on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform(4.3.0) and need to write Jython scripts to fetch server monitoring data from JBoss MBeans. I am a newbee to both MBeans and Jython and just can't figure out a...
Issue with JRockit Mission Control 4.0.1Hello, I'm trying to use JRockit Mission Control 4.0.1 with JBoss4.2.3.GA on a Linux x86_64 box. JBoss runs fine with JRockit, and I can use all features of MC like MemLeak and FlightRecorder when run.c...
Lookup RMIAdaptor JBOSS 5.1Hi, I am trying to lookup "jmx/invoker/RMIAdaptor" on the server running with JBOSS 5.1. The call "(RMIAdaptor) ctx.lookup("jmx/invoker/RMIAdaptor")" returns with an unknown Host exception even if I pass the I...
Issue with SchedulerHello everyone, Hopefully I can get some info on why this may be happening, or some kind of workaround. I currently have a Scheduler set up to run on a daily basis at 10pm. Here is the configuratio...
JBoss custom service startup dependencyI am using JBoss service techology to coordinate the deployment and management of a variety of components of my enterprise application including runtime configuration elements and scheduled activities. I also ...
Jboss connector portHi, I've an application running on jboss 5.x, and I've to know inside my appl Jboss connector port and address. I can know Jboss address reading system property "jboss.bind.address", but I don't know how to ...