• regarding ejb remote access with global JNDI Namespace

    Hello everybody,   After searching for an error during half a day, I found a very strange behaviour in jboss 5.1.0GA that I can't explain. Here is my case :   My jboss server holds an EJB 2.1 bound to this...
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    created by djeanprost
  • EJB 2.1 Packaging Exception in JBoss 6.0

    Hi,    We have an application which was running on Jboss 4.2 with EJB 2.1. Now we are migrating the build to Jboss 6.0. After doing all the known chanegs in the build for new deployment we tried to deploy ...
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    last modified by siddharthakapil
  • Port 1090 is taken

    I am using JBOSS As 6.0.I am dealing with port problem continously. I could not get rid of.I restart my computer and trying to deploy application, but it does not.There is some data in jboss community discussions. &...
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    last modified by deryaaltuntas
  • Port 1098 is taken

    Hi, JBoss while starting looks for this rmi port. But in netstat it shows that 1098 connection is already established? Because of this server is not starting up at all... The exact message I get is: java.rmi.server....
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    last modified by kannaiyanbalaji
  • JBoss JNDI - Hibernate sessionfactory

    I have an EJB.ear file which contains a jar for Hibernate related code. Once EJB.ear gets deployed into JBoss, I am sending a transaction to session bean which invokes Hibernate code and loads hibernate.cfg.xml. Howe...
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    created by dbd1979
  • LDAP connection management

    Hi, We have an application which makes use of LDAP connections to an external LDAP server for various operation.   This application resides in two different datacenters in different parts of the world (A and B)...
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    created by borfnorton22
  • QueueConnectionFactory problem in JBoss-5.1.0.GA

    I am upgrading from JBoss-4.2.3.GA to JBoss-5.1.0.GA. I have the following piece of code that worked fine in JBoss 4 but is giving me QueueConnectionFactory not bound exception in JBoss 5.   @Resource(mappedName=...
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    last modified by hmusavi
  • ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start persistence unit

    Hi guys, anybody can help me?   I'm developing web application using jboss seam (jboss-seam-2.2.0.GA) with jboss jboss-5.0.1.GA as application server, database Oracle, and Icefaces (ICEfaces-1.8.2-bin) as presen...
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    last modified by delapan4
  • Bind external ejbs to jndi

      We have two jboss servers (say A and B) running. Is it possible to have ejbs deployed on server A to bind to the naming service on server B? The goal is that clients on server A should not have to do a remote l...
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    last modified by anitaalbert
  • Intermittent issue with Jboss4 and EJB look up

    I have used struts2  and JPA-Hibernate in my application deployed in Jboss server. We are getting javax.naming.NameNotFoundException while the JNDI look up in interceprtor class. This issue is Intermittent and ...
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    created by lipsa
  • lookup a session bean inside a servlet

    Hi, i have a simple servlet that lookup up for a session bean in doPost:     package webinterface.servlet;   import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import javax.naming.Context; i...
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    last modified by bertoz84
  • Change env-entry-value at runtim

    Hello   I would like a part of my webapp configuration to be server-dependant, meaning I want to have a different value when deploying in my jboss dev instance and in the production environment. And I would like...
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    created by cchene
  • timeouts on jndi calls (jnp.timeout & jnp.sotimeout)

    Ive been playing around with the time outs on client jndi lookups (we want to set these for HornetQ JMS bridges) and have found that the timeouts i was setting weren't being used. After debugging i found that the foll...
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    last modified by ataylor
  • javax.naming.CommunicationException

    Hello Folks: I am trying to run the following simple JMS client but in process am getting an error. Pls. look at the bottom of the post. I am not sure if the factory implementations and the corresponding URL/port n...
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    last modified by dimagh
  • JNDI, JBoss and Drools-drl-file

    Hello,   I would like to put my Drools 5.1 rules.drl-file (or KnowledgeBase) on JBoss 6 so that it's accessible in JNDI for Stateful/Stateless Session Beans (EJB3.1). However, I don't know how to do that. Can an...
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    created by braca
  • Dependancy injection with datasources within a webservice

    Hi,   I'am trying to use the @Resouce-Annotation for a datasource in my WebService (wsdl). I guess the datasource is properly configured because the following snippet works without any problems.     pu...
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    last modified by jensmander
  • EJB - JBOSS - JNDI      HELP!!!

    Hello, i'm new!!!   I'm approacing for the first time with JBoss and EJB; currently i'm running JBOSS 6.0 final, EJB 3.0 ( i chose this when i created my project - i don't want to use EJB 3.1 for now ), Eclipse ...
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    last modified by bertoz84
  • Can't find JNDI datasource

    Dear all I defin a datasource in the JBoss 4.2.3 The configure as below   jboss-web.xml <jboss-web>   <resource-ref>     <res-ref-name>MyDB</res-ref-name>  ...
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    last modified by qwertqwert
  • How to add Custom Resource Factory

    I would like to register a POJO with JNDI Context inside JBoss.     From the following tomcat page, I figured out how to register a custom resource factory for my service in JNDI:   http://tomcat.apac...
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    last modified by sarora
  • Registering lots of JNDI objects

    Hello,   I'm trying to make jboss configuration easier for developers using a particular resource adaptor. Currently end users must add each JNDI object via an mbean in a -ds.xml. I would like to add some form o...
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    created by dwayne