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Thread JBoss 7 : How & where to define the custom resources?
JBoss 7 : How & where to define the custom resources?Hi, I am moving from tomcat to jboss 7. I had custom resource-factories in tomcat under context.xml. I want to use them also in Jboss. I have defined the references to it in web.xml & jbos...
Thread JNDI remote alter protection using NamingServerGuard in JBoss 6.1.0
JNDI remote alter protection using NamingServerGuard in JBoss 6.1.0Hello, We are using JBoss 6.1.0-final to remotely invoke EJBs. Using both the RMI invocation and also the HTTP invoker setup. We use the JNDI service for lookups, but it seems to not only allow remote lookups...
Thread Server and client versions incompatible in jboss 7.1.1
Server and client versions incompatible in jboss 7.1.1Hello All, I am getting following exception when i run client from remote machine. same client If i run on the local machine (same as server) then it works properly. Dec 5, 2013 2:53:53 PM org.xnio.Xn...
jboss 7.1 bind to jndi programmaticallyHi, How to bind programmatically to jndi on jboss 7.1 Context.bind throws exception. What are the other ways to do it?
Thread EAR on jBoss EAP 6.1.Final not able to find res-ref
EAR on jBoss EAP 6.1.Final not able to find res-refI am trying to port my application to jBoss EAP6.1.Final and while deploying my ear with currently only one EJB 2.1 module is activated I am getting following errors; 20:34:42,120 INFO [org.jboss.as.controller] (Contr...
ear deployment in EAP6I am having issue deploying ear in jboss EAP6. when I have project.version number in the ear (eg: cvm-5.2.2.ear) and deploy, I have errors attached. If no versions are added to the ear it is deploying fine.
Thread Lookup JNDI within EAR does not work correctly
Lookup JNDI within EAR does not work correctlyI have a EJB 2.1 deployed in a EAR. The EJB is in a jar ejb-jar-tl1-tl1layer.jar and I'm trying to lookup this from an another EJB of the same EAR in the jar ejb-ems.jar I'm able to see the EJB getting deploy...
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: global/...when I try to lookup my Remote EJBClass, I receive this NameNotFoundException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: global/foo_business_ear-ear/foo_business_ear-ejb/LoginBean!foo.business.login.LoginBeanRemote ...
Thread Migration issue from Jboss4.0.5 GA to Jboss7.1.1 Final
Migration issue from Jboss4.0.5 GA to Jboss7.1.1 FinalHi All, I am having problem related to Naming in Jboss7.1.1 Final build, while creating InitialContext inside thread we found that the context is empty, there is no naming binding in the contxt. I am creating ...
Thread How to add a resource-adapter programatically?
How to add a resource-adapter programatically?I would like to add a resource-adapter (data source) while jboss 7 is up and running. As per the doc, we can add this using CLI command, but is there a way i can configure this through a java program? or Can we ...
JBoss JMS JNDI lookup NameNotFoundExceptionHello, Following is my JMS client code. I`m getting a NameNotFoundException. I`m struggling for almost 2 weeks now and would appreciate any help Clinet code: private static f...
Moving from 4.2.2 to AS 7Hi. I'm in the process of moving a rather large application from JBoss 4.2.2 to JBoss AS 7.1.1. There's an awful lot to know about when doing this, and sometimes the documentation can seem to lead one around i...
Use plain @EJB for remote EJB lookup?I've been using the guide at https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/EJB+invocations+from+a+remote+server+instance to make a standalone war that uses beans that are deployed in an ear running on a separate AS. I go...
Jboss 7 and the global JNDIHello, I use JBoss 7.1 and did NOT understand the support of the global JNDI in "Remote application clients" of the global JNDI in JBOSS 7.1. When I use the JNDI java:global/my-ear/my-ejb/BMPFacadeBea...