• Transaction on JMS using OpenMQ provider

    Hi, I'm struggling with the following problem: I'm running jboss 4.2.3GA and I use OpenMQ as JMS provider this is my jms configuration file:     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <connect...
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    last modified by visik7
  • Interoperability between MQ systems

    Hi ,        How does Jboss(Jboss ESB) help in enabling the interoperability between MQ systems that is JMS-compliant and MQ systems that are not JMS-compliant ?     Thanks, Bhargav
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    created by bhargavdesai99
  • MQTT support in Jboss AS 7?

    Hi   i does not find any anwer on my question. Does the JBoss AS 7 message broker support the MQTT Protocoll?   http://mqtt.org/     thank you in advance   best regards hsch
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  • WAR file will not deploy

    I am trying to deploy a SOAP\JMS service and I am getting errors indicating that my JNDI registered queues can not be found.  The queues are registered as can be seen from the following, taken from the JBoss JMX ...
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    created by mtarullo463
  • Multiple Message Brokers

    Is it possible for JBoss to use multiple message brokers?  For instance, can JBoss use HornetQ as it is configured "out-of-the-box" and an external message broker, say ActiveMQ?  Or must ActiveMQ be embedded...
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    last modified by mtarullo463
  • SonicMq and SSL

      Hi All, Please answer this below problem as i am struggling to find a solution after i spent a entire day                              ...
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    created by sangireddi
  • SonicMq and SSL

    Hi! We want to send messages via SSL using SonicMQ as JMS-Provider. Our Message-Driven-Bean is deployed correctly. But when the MDB tries to connect to JMS Provider following message appears: 2004-11-28 19:47:11,530 ...
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    last modified by ernie666
  • JBoss Bridge between JBoss Messaging and remote MQ Series

    Hi,   I'm starting this discussion because I'm trying to create a bridge between JBoss and MQ Series, without success, and at the same time trying to get some knowledge on how JBoss works.   My application...
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    last modified by zecas
  • Message Driven Beans (MDB) with JCA Connections

    Is there a way to define an MDB to listen to a queue that is defined within the -ds.xml file, the IBM MQ JCA datasource configuration?   At the moment I'm defining the message listener as follows:     ...
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    created by eabrand
  • No ActiveMQ admin console in JBoss

    We are using JBoss 6 with ActiveMQ 5.4.2.  We have integrated this version of ActiveMQ with JBoss and JBoss is starting the message broker fine.   We will be using the message broker for pub\sub.  We h...
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    last modified by mtarullo463
  • Hornet Question When Using ActiveMQ

    I am using ActiveMQ as my message broker in JBoss.  I have configured JBoss to use ActiveMQ.   I notice in the boot log that Hornet is starting as well as ActiveMQ.   Can I stop JBoss from starting Ho...
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    created by mtarullo463
  • Error Creating Connection Factory For ActiveMQ In JBoss 6

    I have just configured JBoss for use with ActiveMQ.   I started the admin console and attempted to add a new JMS connection factory.   I entered the information on the form and when I clicked the Save butt...
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    created by mtarullo463
  • How to find the DB queries executed by JBoss

    Hi,   I am looking for some kind of documentation to find out the Database queries executed by JBoss. or any documentation which can help me to understand JBoss Database Schema and the functionality.   T...
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    last modified by yashgarg
  • JMS durable subscriber problem

    Hi: This is driving me crazy.  I don't seem to be alble to setup jboss 5 to use durable JMS.  My setup is typical (followed Jboss in Action) and here are the highlighgts   messaging-jboss-beans.xml ...
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    last modified by twolak
  • HornetQ exception when configuring hrnetq/jms-ds.xml

    Hi   I try to subscribe to a remote topic on jboss6.0.0.final from another jboss6 both are running on same machine with different port setting   Server01 which has the topic to subscribe to server02 wher...
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    created by sapan.vas
  • ExpiryQueue for MQQueue MDB

    Hello,   I have connected 3 MQQueues to 3 MDBs on JBoss. The config is working but I need a separate ExpiryQueue for each of the MQQueues. If processing a message failes the message must be copied to their expir...
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    last modified by sven.loe
  • Topic creation

    hey,   i'm facing an issue on jboss server 4.2.   Through a java application we create a topic session on which we place a subscription. Now each message that is put on that normally takes a short amount ...
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    last modified by stfndln
  • J2EE 1.4 App with MQueue on JBoss 5.1 fails to work

    Hello,   I am porting an old J2EE 1.4 App from Websphere to JBoss 5.1. It has several queues with MDBs on Jboss of which 3 have to connect to an ibm MQueue on a host. I have configured it according to this reso...
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    last modified by sven.loe
  • JMS provider failure detected for  ***MDB

    Running JBoss 4.0.5 GA with JBoss MQ on Sun JVM 1.4, HP-UNIX, in a clustered configuration After a variable period of activity (from 2 hours to a week), I get exception from the MDB Container: Then the container rec...
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    last modified by jakesong
  • maxSessions for MDBs with Quartz adapter?

    Hi guys,   I have an MDB which implements the quartz Job interface (uses the quartz-ra adapter) and I would like to specify the number of consumers for the MDBs. I really need to set this up to a small level thi...
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    created by cristi_cioriia