• Tibco EMS + jboss 6

    Hello,   I'm trying to use JBoss 6 with Tibco EMS. I followed http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossEAP5IntegrationwithTibcoEMS     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <connection-factori...
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    created by xplace
  • Connection Close Problem

    Hi   I have migrated my code from weblogic to jboss. We have been using ejb 2.0 and ibm mq in our application. On Jboss 5.1 we are getting following error:   javax.jms.IllegalStateException: MQJCA1019:Con...
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    created by nagenss
  • Message Redelivery not working.  .

    I am using JBoss 5.1.0 GA. . I have a simple non transacted queue using the client Ack mode. For the queue configuration i am using all out of the box settings.   When i read a message from the queue i process ...
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    last modified by nadiafern
  • how to avoid insertion of messages?

    hello everybody...   last week we hit a problem with JBoss Java Messaging Service (JBoss 4.2.2 with JBossMQ)...   our server was shut down and we just tried to start it. in the log files we noticed a warn...
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    created by robert.geisler
  • IBM Websphere v6 and JBoss 4x MQ Connectivity - Please Guide

    On Server Side, i have IBM Websphere v6...   On Client Side, i have JBoss 4.0.3SP1....   I want to use MQ technology. I Need Client Side Settings.   1) I read that it requires "wmq.jmsra.rar" <---...
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    last modified by shptlucky
  • JbossMQ Message stuck

    Hi..i am new to Jboss MQ. I have a requirement in which i start some bunch of JMS Receivers to a JMS Queue. I keep this receivers alive instead of closing it after finishing my read. This is because i want my receive...
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    last modified by cool_gandhi
  • Queue count from Database

    Hi,   How can I get the count of the queues from the database with their respective status. What will be the SQL.   Thanks,   Yash
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    last modified by yashgarg
  • JMS Managed Connection pool sizing

    Hi,   I'm a fairly new JBoss administrator of an application that uses JMS messaging pretty heavily. One of the places where it is used is on a client workspace that receives real-time calculation updates. We ar...
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    last modified by jharlow1
  • JBoss 6 Final, how to get rid of messages

    Hello,   sorry if thi is the wrong forum but I haven't found one for HornetMQ.   I cannot find out how to delete undeliverable messages in HornetMQ.   With JBoss 4.x I knew how to delete messages fro...
  • Websphere MQ (MQSeries) JCA adapter, JBoss Connection pooling, setMessageListener

    Hi JBoss and MQSeries users,   I have a question related to JBoss 4.2.3 and integrating MQSeries 6.x/7.x (i tried now both) and MessageDrivenBeans. I did setup the JCA connector for MQ Series outlined below. I'm...
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    created by wdorninger
  • JMS Persistence Manager Exception

    Hi, I am getting this exception when sending a message to the queue. This happens occasionally. looks like two messages of the queue are creating the same message id and trying to persist in the JMS_MESSAGES table whi...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • SLSB Transaction rollback due to java.io.IOException: Client is not connected

    Dear all,   We have encountered the following transaction rollback error when the JTA manager was about to commit the transaction. A close look on the stack trace suggested that the root cause of the transaction...
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    last modified by niefeng
  • How can I configure JBoss Application server to make queue messages persistent?

    Hi all I am new with this topic as a matter of fact, I do not know JBoss , but someone else asks to me to find out, why if I put a message into a JBoss queue using HermesJMS and I restart JBoss' application server, pr...
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    last modified by logan_gha
  • Subscription to same topic on multiple JMS providers

    Hi,   is it possible to subscribe to the same topic on multiple JMS providers? Say, we have two JMS providers, one at location A, the other at location B. At location A as well as at location B we want to subscr...
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    last modified by sbaley
  • JBoss MQ Topic and MDBeans

    Hey guys,   Firstly, I have searched the forum and have found MDBean questions posted all over the place (EJB / MQ / EJB3 etc) , so if I have posted to the wrong sub forum, please let me know where this question...
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    last modified by scott.venter
  • Ok to use single DB as JMS store for multiple Jboss instances?

    HI,   We have two applications deployed to two different JBoss clusters residing on two nodes (each node has one instance of each JBoss server). The JBoss versions are 4.0.3SP1 and 4.2.3GA, each running one of t...
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    last modified by deepakp
  • connect to ActiveMQ in JBoss AS 5.1.0

    Hi, I need to connect to my partner (they create a queue by ActiveMQ). So, could I create a bridge to that queue? I tried import activemq connector to my Jboss but I cannot attract  /lib/optional/activemq-rar-...
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    last modified by alexpr
  • JBoss with an external Message Queue

    Hi,   i have Server A with my JBoss and a Message Driven Bean.   Is it possible to Configure my JBoss so it uses a Message Queue (ActiveMQ) from a different Server (Server B) and not the internal Hornet se...
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    created by laures
  • MDB could not be deployed using annotation

    Environment: JBoss AS 5.0.1 with EJB3   1. Create MDB with deployment descriptor and it works.  There are five files:   1). testJMSClient to send Queue 2). jboss.xml 3). ejb-jar.xml 4). myQueue-ser...
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    created by axolotldev2011
  • Secured queues access and JCA-JMS(JmsXA)

    Hi!   We are testing some apps with JBoss 5.0.0 EAP (afaik equivalent to 5.1.0 GA) and we are having some issues trying to configure user//pwd security on our queues accessed using the JmsXA connection factory. ...
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    last modified by a_e_f