• active connections - jboss vmware windows server

    I have custom developed application running in JBoss 4.2. Every day hundreds of TCP connection from Jboss remain in CLOSE_WAIT state. The problem is currently circumvented by restarting JBoss. Is there any other solu...
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    last modified by opensoft
  • 100% CPU utilization by JBoss java process

    Hello, We are running load tests with our application using JBoss as the application server. In random load tests (not all) and at a random interval in these load tests, we have observed the JBoss java process runnin...
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    last modified by avenkatesh
  • How to disable org.hibernate?

    Hi, I have running jboss, connected to a DB2 database and seems that org.hibernate is creating some problems. For some testing purpose I would like to disable the org.hibernate (modules) to see if the same issue appea...
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    created by thejinx
  • maxThreads/ThreadPool configuration

    I'm little confused with the following 2 parameters 1. <Connector port="8443" maxThreads="500" in server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer\server.xml 2. JBoss System Threads 10 in \server\default\conf\jboss-ser...
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    last modified by njrfrens
  • Performance Tuning

    Hi All, I'm using JBoss Framework,.,I'm developing a product using seam...I want to monitor the performance and also improve the fastness of the product,.,what can i do for that,.,anyone could help me to do this,.,B...
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    last modified by moyphus
  • JBoss High CPU Load

    Hello Everybody, More often now we are facing a high CPU usage for our jboss4.0.5 application. On analyzing the ThreadDump and ThreadCpuUtilization I see that maximum CPU is consumed by JMS SessionPool Worker Threads...
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    created by kaushalpanjwani
  • Scaling of a Seam app

    Hello all, I have experience in developing web applications with php and javascript for 10 years and have also 7 years of java experience. Now I made my way to the JEE world and my interest is creation of scalable a...
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    last modified by jb0ssn00b
  • JBoss Performance Tuning

    Hi All, To better tune JBoss, 1. Use the fastest JVM (Mustang I believe) 2. Tune the JVM 3. Use caching in Servlet container where possible 4. Put EJB in same class loader as Servlets I have measure 1-2msec (P4 3Ghz...
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    last modified by tdanecito
  • JBoss 4.2.2GA - Inactive Connections in DB (Newbie)

    Our application rouinely displays no avaiable managed connections. The connections are "inactive" in Oracle DB. I've tried Idle timeoutminute; but it doesn't have an effect. How can I force removal inactive connecti...
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    last modified by n2jaz
  • Anormal use for CPU on hibernate queries

    Hi all, I have a performance problem, I don't where it comes, Im using hibernate, spring on JSF/richfaces web apps, when the user log on, I have to load many lists of objects, about 6 queries like: getHibernateTem...
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    created by lmk
  • Can i handle ApplicationDeadlockException globally?

    Can i handle ApplicationDeadlockException globally? I hava an EJB 2.0 Application. I'm using CMP and CMT. but due to some bad code, sometimes it throws ApplicationDeadlockException which is wrapped up in either Remot...
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    created by nepster48
  • jboss profiler 1 (CR4) - not getting any results

    I have set up jboss-profiler on JbossAS 4.2.2 (compiled my own libjbossAgent.so and libjbossInspector.so using the provided compile.sh scripts) on Centos. JVM startup params have been updated. "-XrunjbossInspector:/t...
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    created by brettcave
  • Problem with JMS messages using Oracle DB.

    Hi, My Java application is deployed on 2 virtual machines (load balanced by F5), points to Oracle 8i database. I have a MDB that accepts messages from the application, and sends it to a queue. My application was usin...
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    last modified by sra78
  • JBOSS 5.1.x :: Unused services ...

    Hello all, I am trying to stop / remove some of the JBoss unused services which my application does not use. Basically I have an enterprise application (EAR) with some EJB3s and Servlets etc. I have removed followin...
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    last modified by preetam_pict
  • Improve Remote interfaces (marshaling unmarshaling...)

    Hi, I have some strange problem. I need to minimize the execution time of remote ejb method invokation. I have Tomcat that comunicates with jboss and use ejbs for business logic. In my struts action i lookup remote i...
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    last modified by mnenchev
  • Full GC not releasing Memory

    Hi, I am using Jboss 4.2.0 GA version in clustered mode with JDK 1.5.0 update 12 on Enterprise Linux 4 32 bit OS with 4GB of RAM. The JVM parameter that i am using is -Xms1000m -Xmx1000m -Xss128k -XX:NewSize=400M ...
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    last modified by vons1234
  • About the UseParallelOldGC

    I am running a cluster JBoss servers. Both server has 4 CPUs, dual cores. i.e. 8 logical CPUs. I want to tune the JVM setting and I found that I can use the following parameters: +UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThre...
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    last modified by cytchiu
  • Huge number of connection creation count irrespective of con

    Hi all, I am using JBoss-4.2.2.GA server on a HP-UX machine. My application uses JAX-WS type webservices. I am using connection pooling and the connection pool parameters are : BlockingTimeoutMillis = 30000 BackGrou...
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    last modified by rohit.macherla
  • The performance problem of richfaces in IE

    The performance of richfaces is limited when runs in IE browser, the performance will be better when runs in Firefox; How to do the performance tuning? Would you like to share some experiences about richfaces? Thank ...
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    last modified by ecko
  • Performance Tuning utilizing open source tools

    I am absolutely stuck on this project and need some help! I’m not sure where else to turn, and I could certainly use some ideas on this role…The position I have is in the north sub...
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    created by cmcsource