• Transaction taking long time to execute

    Hi, I am using Jboss 5.1.0 GA, EJB 3.0 , MySQL 5.x  My application is running on a Linux server. In my  java program(client), multiple threads are trying to access the entity bean "LiveSubscriber" using ...
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    last modified by bingojava
  • Performance issue related to logging in JBOSS 5

    Hi everybody,   I have deployed my application in jboss5   in my logs max no of log file backup created are 3 each of 10 mb   I noticed that server.1.log server.2.log server.3.log are created but, ...
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    last modified by sachi.dash
  • Duplicate request threads are received at JBoss during Load Testing only for some value of maxThreads

    Hi. (1) We are getting Duplicate http requests / threads in JBoss when carrying out Load Testing for below configuration/details: Concurrent Load Test Requests Sent: - 100 (i.e. 100 concurrent users/threads) - Sof...
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    last modified by rupesh.bhadeshiya
  • JBoss threads are not getting freed up during load testing

    Hi.   We are currently facing a JBoss threads related issue while load-testing our application.   Our configuration/details are:   App Server: JBoss: - version: 5.1.0.GA AS, Non clustered - maxThre...
  • JBoss 4.2 high thread consumption

    Hello, I'm rather new on JBoss and I saw momething that i identified as a strange behaviour for JBoss ... and perhaps a malfunction. JBoss is consuming when i follow the activeThreadCount an increasing number of thr...
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    last modified by isagarran
  • [Richfaces performance tuning]

    how to do richfaces performance tuning?
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    last modified by iamecko
  • memory leak and high thread usage for my application

    hi All,   I am using jboss3.2.1 and java database is oracle 9.2. I am having ejb , hibernate and jdbc connections with my database. I have my app & DB installed in hp -ux 11.23 ia64. my run.con...
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    last modified by jerishsunny
  • tuning of JVM

    Hi All,   OS CentOS 5.5 64bit I am using JBOSS 4.2.3 JAVA 1.6u21   JAVA_OPTS=  -server -XX:MaxNewSize=170m -XX:NewSize=170m -Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xss256k -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInt...
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    last modified by mario.almeida
  • java.net.SocketException: Too many open files on Red Hat lin

    Dear All, We are using JBoss 4.2.2GA on a RHEL with Apache as Webserver. We keep running out of open files whenever after just hrs since the JBoss server is started. We also increased the ulimit max open files number...
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    last modified by kiranhk
  • heap size settings in jboss

    Hi,   What is the mininum heap size required to start a jboss application server instance? And is there any limit on maximum heap size setting? Please clarify
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    last modified by sreeg88
  • Trying to increase performance, doesn't seem to be CPU or DB

    Hello I am trying to maximize the performance/thoroughput of my JBossAS. Currently my server processes approximately 60 external requests per second. At this rate CPU usage is at ~50% usage, memory is at ~35% and th...
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    last modified by jamicide
  • Performance in JBoss

    Hi, Can anyone tell me in performance tunning of apache-tomcat and jboss application server?? when I deploy some application in apache-tomcat the performance is say 100 users per second and incase of jboss it is...
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    last modified by dinsceg
  • Memory leak in StatelessBeanContext

    Our application starts a service (org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Service) which uses java.util.TimerTask to start jobs.   These jobs are Stateless EJB's. Within the run method of the timer that is triggered we use In...
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    last modified by delgurth
  • jboss 5.1 slower 10% than jboss4.2

    I'm planning to migration from jboss 4.2.2 to jboss 5.1, but it seams that jboss 5 is very slow when I do a test:   env: os:RHEL 5 64bit cpu: 2 X Intel Xeon E5310 mem:8GB jdk:jdk6u21   jboss4.2 vs jbos...
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    last modified by mlw5415
  • Socket Remoting tuning

    Hi All, Could Anyone kindly tell me how to configure jboss socket remoting in the best way. currently i just got connected socket clients till 27K and this still far away from my bozz expectation. by ejb3 rem...
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    created by hirasirojudin
  • Memory consumption 1h after JBoss start

    Hi, I have a strange behavior on my JBoss during load test. I start JBoss and after some minutes I start my load test script. After exactly 1 hour (both with 70 or 150 concurrent users of constant workload during th...
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    last modified by gifor
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

    Hi,   In my production env i am getting following error when one of my program is being executed. The user didn't feel any issue but in the log file i got follwoing error.   java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Per...
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    last modified by rasa
  • Configuration of Datasource: min-pool-size and max-pool-size

    ¿Which are the recommended values for min-pool-size and max-pool-size to configure an application used normally by 30 users?
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    last modified by eraonline
  • How can I confirm the jboss's process runs in which cpus?

    As subject mentioned, I have jboss instance runs in a 8 cpus aix 5.3 server, I went to know all the jboss process jobs/threads runs in which cpus at a time-point? or does aix 5.3 has a command can view all processes ...
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    last modified by zlyperson
  • Variation in Max Heap size

    Hi ,   I am using JBoss 4.2.3.GA server on a HP UX machine. Recently, our organization planned to buy a tool for performance monitoring of the enterprise applications. We have received reports that the maximum v...
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    last modified by rohit.macherla