• Transaction Isolation Level

      "Mark_McLain" wrote: I realize Transaction Isolation Level (TIL) issues have been beat to death in this forum; however, I must be missing something. Please enlighten me :) Here is our scenario: On both JBoss ...
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  • Issue with deploying web application to JBoss 6.1 using Toplink 12c

    Hi everyone,   We have web app that uses Toplink 2.0_41b deployed on JBoss 4.0.5. Since we need to migrate to JBoss 6.1.0 I started getting errors when I tried to deploy the same application. Those errors were ...
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    created by nikgannev
  • predeploy for PersistenceUnit error - JBOSS 5 - toplink

    I am trying to deploy the product from Tomcat 6 to Jboss-5.1.0-GA   I am using JPA 1.0 with toplink-essentials for database process.   In tomcat it is working perfectly.   But when i am trying in JBO...
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    last modified by sri4985
  • JBoss does not reconnect after mysql-server restart

    Hello, I am using JBoss 4.2.2, mysql-connector-java-5.1.5 and mysql-server 5.1. I sometimes have to restart my mysql-server (/etc/init.d/mysql restart). However, when I do this, JBoss does not reconnect. I get com.m...
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    last modified by wasu
  • PersistenceProvider not found Exception in JBOSS AS 5.1.0 GA

    Hai!! I am trying to deploy the product in JBOSS AS 5.1.0 GA using eclipse in Linux. Previously it was executed successfully on tomcat 6.   While deploying I got many errors. I had solved one by one.   ...
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  • Delayed operation optimization in PersistentBag and PersistentList can corrupt 2nd level cache

    The delayed operation optimization in PersistentBag and PersistentList can corrupt the second level cache under specific conditions.   Assume we two entities Parent and Child with a bi-directional one-to-many fr...
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    last modified by eugene75
  • JPA Issue (multiple persistence unit)

    Hi,   I am using jboss 6 EAP and was facing issue in JPA w.r.t multiple persistence.xml files. My domain class (i.e. classes annotated with JPA annotations) reside under ejb.jar files which are packed/deployed a...
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    last modified by sunil_dixit
  • .How can i change default databse Hypersonic to Mysql

    Hai t all, I am new to JBOSS Application.How can i change default databse Hypersonic to Mysql,i don't want to use Hypersonic DB.I am continously pushing messages to JMS Queue nearly after 17 Lac's Messages Jmssender...
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  • restful webservice with ejb persistence manager problem

    hello im trying to create a restful application with ejb annotations but the persistenceContext is always null when entering the websevice   the web.xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?...
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    last modified by ronny.ron
  • Injecting EntityManager or passing it

    Hi... design question.     When using a SessionBean and some DAO classes, should i then inject EntityManager in all dao classes or pass it as a variable. ?     My SessionBean is injecting the E...
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  • SQLServer 2008 Stored Procedure: Query did not return any result.

    Hi guys,   Once more time, I came here to ask your help. The problem isn't actually to connect or even select something from my database, because it's working fine, it's about calling stored procedures. My pr...
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  • Optimistic Locking and Transaction Setup

    Hi, I think this is a very simple issue but I am getting confused. I have a form in a web application which displays data and the user edits them. I use optimistic locking using the version lock strategy which seems...
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  • Configuring JBoss CacheManager in Websphere Application Server 7

    Hi , I have a Web Application running in both Websphere application Server as well as JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. I have configured my application Cache in JBoss Cache Manager and it is running fine in JBo...
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    created by vivekrocks
  • Failed to start service jboss.persistenceunit

    Hi, I'm trying to migrate an application from JBoss 5.1 to JBoss 7.1.3. I get the following stacktrace when starting the server.   13:10:19,575 INFO  [org.hibernate.annotations.common.Version] (ServerServ...
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    last modified by gunnarbos
  • [Jboss 7.1.3] GenerationType.AUTO doesn't work with mysql autoincrement

    Running tests, encountered such an error:      [cactus] Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'sw2_std.hibernate_sequence' doesn't exist   I found a suggesti...
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    created by kkkppp
  • How to persist data into mysql database from Jboss Data Grid?

    Hi All,          In my application i m using client server architecture with hotrod protocol for communication between java client and Jboss data grid 6.1.0 beta cluster in dis...
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    created by vaibhavdiwate100
  • connection pool error in jboss-4.0.4.GA

    WARN  [org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.local.LocalManagedConnectionFactory] Destroying connection that is not valid, due to the following exception:
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  • how to make persistant unit wait until reffered datasource is completely deployed in jboss 5.1 or jboss soa 5.3.1

    hi Server used is jboss 5.1 (actually jboss soa 5.3.1)   i have configured teiid as datasouce in my persistance.xml, teeid datasource is configured to a vdb file. When i try to deploy the project ear, teiid ds...
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    created by jaigates
  • Jboss5 PersistenceUnitHandler.getEntityManagerFactory null point error

    Hi I'm trying to deploy application to jboss5+seam2.2+jdk1.6. I got this error when starting jboss. Does anyone know what could be the cause? Thanks   ERROR [TomcatDeployment] ENC setup failed java.lang.NullP...
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    last modified by liuhongqian77
  • ORA-00942 errors upon deploying an app with hibernate

    In our project we are having an issue with error messages, which can't be explained and which potentially is a JBoss configuration issue.   1.) On deployment with hibernate on AS 7.1.1 the log does contain ...
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