• problem with the first exercise in the workbook

    Hi there , I was trying , step by step , to get the first example in the workbook running on JBoss 3.2.1 with Tomcat 4.1 . Everithing builds fine , untill i try to run the first client and I get this : javax.naming.N...
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    last modified by zapa
  • Using mySQL as the datasource

    I read the Appendix A and tried to configure for MySQL. page 184: some of the OracleDS references in the file "titandb-service.xml" are highlighted and explained. However, there are much more references to OracleDS i...
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    last modified by joe_the_quick
  • CMR at ex08_1 (JBoss 3.2 workbook)

      "ariefbastian" wrote: "ariefbastian" wrote: I'm just happening to compare CMR for CreditCompany-CreditCard at ejb-jar.xml and the bean implementation for CreditCompany. CMIIW, but I think there are missing fun...
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    created by ariefbastian
  • cannot bind JNDI name

      "sajgoc" wrote: "sajgoc" wrote: Hi, I am trying to get the CartEJB in Sun's J2ee tutorial run on JBoss I have packed the bean classes under cart package and CartClient class under client package .Then I set cla...
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    created by sajgoc
  • HOW-TO delete a table from Hypersonic?

    Dear Forum, The workbook is very instructive, thanks to Bill & Sacha for writing! The ex_41a and b work as described in the book, that mentions an entry "clean.db" to clean up de table from the database. Unfortuna...
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    last modified by loth
  • Error While creating table

    I followed the book and ran the exercises. I used the firebird as my DBMS. It worked fine till I did ex07_1. I got the following error: MBeans waiting for othe rMBeans: [ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=CreditCardHome...
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    last modified by qinding
  • jbosscmp-jdbc

    Following the discussion of this thread, http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t= I have a question on the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml too. Now that I have my ejb-jar.xml working in which it ...
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    created by kenny1
  • Welcome

    Hello all, Sacha Labourey and I have written a companion workbook to O'Reilly's "EJB 3rd Edition" by Richard Monson-Haefel. It will be published sometime in October and we would really like some feedback! Please refra...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • ex 4.1

    Hi erveryone, I ran both ex_41a and ex_41b, and it was OK. my hypersonic dir deleted as it should. 41a run successfully, still when i'm trying to run the 41b i get the following exception: run.client_41b: [java] java...
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    created by eranhovav
  • Error on Running Client for Ex04_01

    I have sucessfully deployed the titan.jar for example EX04_01 (also checked that table ie cabinEJB is getting created in Oracle database ie Oracle 8i lite) but the following error when i run the client for ex04_1 and ...
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    created by sailendray
  • Cannot complete exs.52a and c - please HLP

    While working with these two, I am getting these nasty exceptions. It seems that .getEJBHome() and resurrecting EJBObject by the handle both produce this problem. In this same setup, I can quite happily run other stuf...
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    last modified by djbobo
  • EJB Container development

    Hi, I'm new to J2EE technology. Over the last few weeks I learned JSP, Servlets and EJB. I want to involve myself in Container development now. Since JBoss is open source I thought I can get some exposure here. Can s...
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    created by kalyan
  • Error in ex

    I get error below.I am using jboss-4.0.0DR1_tomcat-4.1.24 Can some body help C:\ejbworkbook\Titan-JBoss-3.2-12d\workbook\ex04_1>ant run.client_41a Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: ejbjar: run.client_41a...
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Best JBoss documentation

    There is only a few pages about JBoss in this documentation, but it is the best documentation on JBoss I have ever seen. I wish there would be more clear documentation on JBoss like this.
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    last modified by bangclash
  • Ex 41a: Client can't connect!

    Successfully deployed but the client seems not to connect to the JBoss server. the client waits for a while and finally shows up following errors: compile: [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\Java\jboss\docs\ejbwJ...
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    last modified by pongsor
  • Problems with exercises 5.1b & 5.2a

    I'm running into problems in Exercises 5.1b and 5.2a in the JBoss 3.2 workbook. Both problems are related to getting the EJB Home, in 5.1b from EJBMetaData, and in 5.2a from EJBObject. In 5.1b the relevant section of...
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    created by npruett
  • Fantasy or Reality

    Does this book really exist or is this a hoax? There's no book on JBOSS listed on O'Reilly's pages that I can see (a search on both their main site and the Safari site pull up nothing) and the only links in this forum...
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    last modified by locutus
  • jboss-3.0.7/client/jbossjmx-ant.jar contains jndi.properties

    I have been working with the O'Reilly book and JBoss 3.0 beta workbook for some time now and want to let the rest of you know about a few items I have figured out. From the start I have been using two RedHat 8.0 boxes...
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    created by jkmuncy
  • problem with exercise 7.1c, using Oracle

    Ok, I had to do a few things to get the tables to be created properly, had to change the columns with the name NUMBER to THE_NUMBER, Oracle doesn't like NUMBER as a column name.... Now I got excercises 7.1a and 7.1b ...
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    last modified by jbrosenberg
  • JNDI Lookup

    Hi, I am getting an exception while trying to lookup("java:comp/env") from the remote client. Properties p = new Properties(); p.put ("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs","org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"); p.put ("ja...
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    last modified by amaresh