• "CustomerEJB has no local home interface" (Ex12_1)

    I tried to deploy titan.jar for ex12_1 and I encountered the exception: "CustomerEJB has no local home interface" . I read through the forum and found that other people also encountered the same problem for other exe...
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  • remote clients

    I have seen a few postings on running clients remotely. It sounds like people are installing most of the server environment on the client machine just to run a client. What needs to be installed on a client machine to...
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  • O'Reilly Enterprise JavaBeans 4th edition and JBoss 4.0 Work

    I was just reading the O'Reilly web site where it mentions the release of Enterprise JavaBeans, 4th edition (to be released June 2004) and EJB Wookbook for JBoss 4.0 (no release date stated).
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  • jndi/jndi.properties are being ignored

      "mwalker" wrote: "mwalker" wrote: When I attempt to run the examples on a remote client using the included build.xml, I get the ever delightful [java] javax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out. R...
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  • 13.1 example

    I get the following error in the jboss console when I run JmsClient1 in 13.1: 19:12:56,958 INFO [STDOUT] Sending text message to jms/TicketTopic.. 19:12:56,996 INFO [CachedConnectionManager] Closing a connection fo...
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    created by rupshall
  • jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24 broken?

    Hi - I just downloaded and installed jboss-3.2.0_tomcat-4.1.24 and using JDK build 1.4.1_01-b01. There's a non-fatal error on startup - any ideas why a JBoss server should be generating errors on a clean install? ...
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  • ex08_2 failing on JBoss 3.2.3

    Client_82h fails with: General error, message from server: "Unknown table 't1_crs_reservations' in where clause" Client_82i fails with: General error, message from server: "Unknown table 't4_res_customers_RELATION_TA...
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    created by rileywc
  • Workbook Exercise 7.1 and iSeries/AS400 datasource

    Does anybody have experience with CMP entity relationships and mapping them to AS400 datasources? I am working my way through the book and I have all examples to this point(chapter 7) working so I am sure datasource ...
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  • How does jboss auto generate table for entity bean?

    At Exercise 4.1, the workbook says if we use the default db (hypersonic sql), the table for the Entity bean will be generated automatically at deployment time. Is this a JBoss specific feature? Can someone explain on ...
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  • USing JBoss IDE to create deployment decriptors

    All, I'm trying to build the EJB 2.0 Deployment Descriptor for the first chapter 4 exercise... can anyone provide any hints or a walkthrough? Thanks, -M.A.Behr
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  • ex04_01 clients programs hang

      "Bill Burke" wrote: "Bill Burke" wrote: Yes this is more advanced configuration. The final version of book will have more info on this. Until then, buy the JBoss CMP 2.0 docs from the website. > In weblogic...
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  • Ex 4_01a client issue

      "gv_web" wrote: "gv_web" wrote: I am using JDK 1.4, JBOSS 4.0 DR2. The Bean gets deployed fine. But the client gets a no class def error. Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: ejbjar: run.client_41a: [ja...
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  • Example 4.1 Deployment Problem

      "spob" wrote: "spob" wrote: "spob" wrote: "spob" wrote: I've been trying to deploy the CMP Entity bean in example 4.1 on a mysql datasource with no success. I'm sure that my datasource is configured properly be...
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  • how to use entity-commands/auto-increment on ex06_3 to suppo

    Hi I am getting this no managed connections again and again. I am using jboss bundled tomcat as an app server and SQL2000 as the database. here is the error. Please advise as this is a very serious problem to us. Tha...
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    created by marcoyeung
  • CustomerEJB has no local home interface

      "bferro" wrote: "bferro" wrote: When I deploy Exercise 6.3 I got a deployment error: CustomerEJB has no local home interface. Any help? Jorge
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  • Integrate Jboss with pre-installed tomcat

      "anupamshahi" wrote: "anupamshahi" wrote: How can i install & integrate JBoss with pre installed Tomcat .i.e i want to make Tomcat(pre installed) as a web container of JBoss. thanks Anupam Shahi
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  • ex06_3

      "Arun_Reddy" wrote: "Arun_Reddy" wrote: In weblogic specific file , there is additional information about the relationship . This gives the container information about how to join the 2 tables. In jboss specifi...
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  • ex12_2

      "raviram" wrote: "raviram" wrote: Is "findAll()" automagically implemented in JBoss? I thought "findByPrimaryKey()" was the only one in J2EE spec. interface CustomerHomeRemote contains: public java.util.Coll...
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  • many to many CMR

    Hi, I checked sources for exercise 7. I'm trying to understand the way Jboss handles many to many relationships. Questions are - Do I need to create link table? Do I need to map the link table in descriptors - how? Do...
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  • Problem to run client ex_041 from remote

      "fmoo" wrote: "fmoo" wrote: Hi, I'm using: Jboss 3.2.2 Java sdk 1.4 Ant 1.54 When I run jboss server, titan.jar and clients in the same machine all is fine. But, when I try to run client1 in a remote machine ...
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