• How to change JBoss(EAP) 6.4.0 log location to shared Network Drive ?

    Hello Everyone.   I am struggling from past few days to change JBOSS 6.4 Log location to Shared Network Drive . I am able to pass the location in startup commands and it works fine.   But i want to make th...
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  • Unable to connect database for few seconds, otherwise working fine without restart any server

    My application is running on Jboss AS 7.1 on production since 10 months. I have never got any error. From past few days, I have been getting one exception once in a day regarding database connectivity, which is strang...
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  • HornetQException[errorCode=2 message=Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]

    Hello,   This is my configuration (standalone.xml - version jboss 7.1.3):   I use a inVmConnectionFactory for local client only.           <subsystem xmlns="urn:...
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    last modified by blepeigneul
  • Static method to get the current user id (container managed)

    Hi, Guys,   In jboss, is there a static way to get the current login user id? I know there similar ways in other application servers like WebLogic and Websphere.   Thanks in advance!   Regards, Tao
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    last modified by bigcar
  • Unable to access request parameter from Custom Login module

    I want to use some information populated by 3rd party perimeter authentication system in Jboss EAP 6.4 custom login module.   Our current enterprise application solution relies upon a common custom authenticator...
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    last modified by indranilrc
  • Caida Instancia

    Como puedo revisar la caida de una instancia del servidor de aplicaciones jboss community?   version jboss   : jboss-as-7.2.0.Final El servidor de aplicaciones tiene 4 instancias, pero siempre se cae ...
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    last modified by cotessolano
  • HTTP request in custom Login Module

    How do I get request object in custom login module. The PolicyContext approach is invalid from 7.x version. So if I need to share information between authentication and login modules how can I do that? Note the Threa...
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    last modified by jonu4u
  • Scan Jboss ClassLoader

    Hi,   Is there a way to list all classes & jars (Including deployment war/ear) loaded in Module Class loader? I want to see which ones are loaded in JVM. I checked the official documentation and found the vi...
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    created by vinodhan
  • Jboss EAP 7.1 ServiceModuleLoader returning null

    I'm using Jboss EAP 7.1 and when i try to dumpAllModuleInformation from ServiceModuleLoader, i'm getting null pointer exception, however i could see results for LocalModuleLoader. Attaching the Stack Trace below. Basi...
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  • Return type Vector is giving null pointer exception in Ejb3.0

    Hi All, PLease help on this I am stucked and no option since last couple of days I have a EJB program deployed on JBOSS AS 7.1 for the platform@@ .earlier same Sourcecode was working on Weblogic plateform . now un...
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    created by mcaviv
  • How to install JBoss on Linux server?

    JBoss installation is very straightforward. You need to download the desired version from JBoss official download page in zip or gz format. Once downloaded, just extract the file to the location you want to install. I...
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    last modified by dinajones134
  • Getting Class Not Found Exception when trying to access TransportConfiguration class

    Hi,      I am using TransportConfiguration class in my code (using JBOSS AS 7.1.0). I have added the jboss-client-7.1.0.Final.jar in the BuildPath. It compiles fine. I deployed the MBean (SAR). It ...
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  • Set Listening port to 80 in jboss AS 7.1

    Hi      How can i set listening port to 80 in jboss AS 7.1
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  • Reg: JBoss EAP v7.0.9 - RHSA-2018:1247

    Hello All,   We are using JBoss EAP v7.0.9... recently i came across one vulnerability  RHSA-2018:1247, as per RH documentation it need to apply v7.1.1, am confused. Want to know whether we need to consider...
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    created by sreecharan
  • Spring Jars are not working in JBoss EAP Server

    Hello All,   we had one war working in Tomcat it's working fine in My windows developer machine, once i deployed the same application in the Jboss EAP in Linux, its thowing the Spring Errrors,   Can you pl...
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    last modified by chinna1231
  • Weblogic/oracle migrated application to Jboss and Postgres as Web application with EJB 3.0 backend not working

    as createClob() method threw error : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 2018-07-29 07:46:38,367 INFO  [org.hibernate.type.BasicTypeRegistry] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 115) HHH000270: Type registrati...
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    last modified by mcaviv
  • Error listenerStart - when deployed war in jboss as7

    Hi I am getting below error while deploying war on Jboss 6 EAP (as 7). Please help me ===================================================================================== 14:14:17,658 WARN  [org.jboss.as.dep...
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  • JBOSS AS 7.1 issue on deployment-scanner

    Few days back on faced an issue on JBOSS AS7.1 startup -  as seen in  the log below the "deployment-scanner" was not activated in JBOSS resulting in my apps not deployed.     AS log when issue was...
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    last modified by rajeshba-br
  • Remote EJB invocations using JNDI not working as Documented in Jboss 7.1.1

    I was trying to configure my client as in https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/EJB+invocations+from+a+remote+client+using+JNDI with no luck (No EJB receiver available for handling).   Anyway, I've get it w...
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  • mod_substitute equivalent on JBoss AS

    Hi everyone, It might be a dumb question. But as I couldn't find any result on this, I figured I still ask it here. Is there a way to perform string substitutions on response bodies right before sending the response...
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