• Creating and maintaining a 7.2.x branch of JBoss AS

    I am planning to deploy JBoss AS 7.2 into production. I would prefer to have zero candidate release dependencies deployed in production. Those being Hibernate 4.2.0.CR1 and HornetQ 2.3.0.CR1. Upgrading Hibernate is fa...
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    created by aronim
  • Can i add/remove modules using JBoss CLI in Jboss AS 7.1.1

    When i am trying to add a module using below CLI command, i get module add as Unexpected command. Is adding/removing modules using CLI in AS 7.1.1 permitted ?   [standalone@localhost:9999 /] module add --name=o...
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    last modified by manoj.m.agarwal
  • IllegalAccessException on Serialization of JSR-310 classes

    We are currently replacing the java.util.Date classes with classes from the java 7 backport of JSR-310.   When using org.threeten.bp.LocalDateTime as parameter in a local ejb call on JBoss 7.2 we get the followi...
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    last modified by steven.pessall
  • Ignoring 'stateful' option on lookup of home interface

    Hi,   Please let me know if stateful ejb bean is created if this warning appears.   19:21:02,729 WARN  [org.jboss.ejb.client.naming] (http-localhost- Ignoring 'stateful' option on looku...
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    last modified by vandiesel
  • Disable verbose exception logging

    If a user tries to log in in my application without valid credentials, a LoginException (security-subsystem), an EJBAccessException (invocation failed) and an EJBException (answer to the client) get thrown and logged....
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    last modified by johannes.reuter
  • Security domain default cache

    I am working on JBoss AS 7.2, and try to use a default cache on custom security domain, but I see that the login module is called for each request.     Do I need a special configuration to use the security ...
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    created by galiko
  • server-groups in standalone mode

    Is it possible to define server-groups or something in that line using a single standalone xml my any means, and then have multiple servers instances with port offsets running?
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    created by indranil32
  • How to stop multiple instances on same linux host in jboss-7.1.1 final?

    I am able to shutdown the node which is present in standalone folder by : ./jboss-bin.sh --connect command=:shutdown But i have 10 standalone folder for 10 different ports. For ports other then in standalone folder: I...
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    last modified by gupta.sakshi001
  • java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.sql.CLOB cannot be cast to oracle.sql.CLOB

    Hi,   I have included ojdbc6.jar in global modules folder and in oracle module folder.   I am getting this exception. When I remove one copy of ojdbc6.jar from global modules jboss 7.1 server says NoClassD...
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    last modified by vandiesel
  • j_exception is empty when login failed ( javax.security.auth.login.FailedLoginException)

    Dear all,   i configured a form based login in JBoss 7.1.3. The authentication works fine. When user enters correct user data, he is logged in and can work. If the user enters incorrect user data he is thrown t...
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    created by celle2006
  • Log4j Logging in a module

    Hi, I want to create a module for my jboss application server 7.1.1. Here is my module.xml:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="ecard.hsm">   &...
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    last modified by kotinao7
  • Problem start app with jboss

    I have a problem with an app ... Start the server jobss 7.1 and seems to be correct, but when I try to start the app I get this line and not part     New missing/unsatisfied dependencies: service jboss.nam...
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    last modified by gaiapuffo
  • Classes of WAR file couldn't able to access the JAR file EJB's (Error getting reflective information for class X)

    Hi,   I have a ear file which consists of jar and war file. My WAR file is accessing the EJB's in JAR file but when I am deploying the ea file to the JBOSS EAP 6.1.0 GA, it is not able to load those local interf...
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    last modified by sachin.dhingra
  • Registering extension and subsystem through CLI batch

    We have this feature in our system (JBoss 7.2.0.Final), where we can execute CLI scripts when a a module or a deployable (.ear, .war etc) is deployed. The script is executed on the server-side directly, not through a...
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    created by ansur
  • How to add an indication to a custom Login Module that will be set on occasions?

    Hi   I need to create a custom login module that can receive an indication whether to check the password or not. I want the default behavior remain as it is expect for the times that I explicitly set the indica...
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    created by avico81
  • AS 7.2.0: Why Oracle JDBC connections not getting released to pool?

    It leads to - No managed connections available.  During the application run-time, I need to flush the pool using Console. I have tried with ojdbc14 and ojdbc6 drivers also.  My application uses nearly 11 dat...
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    created by nnadara
  • JBOSS 7.0 Deployment failure

    Hi I'm new to Jboss. We have a Windows 2008 R2 server that I used to install Jboss 7.0. I have added the following to the servers Environment Variable C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin   Our developer has crea...
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    last modified by razmikz
  • How to stop multiple instances on same server in jboss-7.1.1 final?

    I am able to shutdown the node which is present in standalone folder by : ./jboss-bin.sh --connect command=:shutdown But i have 10 standalone folder for 10 different ports. For ports other then in standalone folder...
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    last modified by gupta.sakshi001
  • Jboss7.1.1-final LdapExtLoginModule authentication failing for LDAP/Active directory users with encrypted password

    Hi,   I am using LDAPExtLoginModule to login using ldap users. It works fine for the users with clear text passwords but not working if passwords are encrypted. Also, in standalone-full-ha.xml, I have to use cl...
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    created by veenaonnet
  • PS Young use in ideal Jboss AS 7.1.1.FINAL

    Disclaimer:I have nothing deployed. What exactly is jboss doing to keep the PS Young busy, when there is nothing happening from outside.   Configuration: Domain Mode : using full-ha profile domain.sh : eval...
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    created by indranil32