• Log4j Logging in a module

    Hi, I want to create a module for my jboss application server 7.1.1. Here is my module.xml:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="ecard.hsm">   &...
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    last modified by kotinao7
  • Using IAIK Provider for the Java™ Cryptography Extension (IAIK-JCE) with JBoss AS 7

    hi has anyone out there had any success using the IAIK JCE provider with JBoss AS 7?   when we run the following code:       IAIK.addAsProvider(true);     try {   ...
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    last modified by ozoli
  • Problem start app with jboss

    I have a problem with an app ... Start the server jobss 7.1 and seems to be correct, but when I try to start the app I get this line and not part     New missing/unsatisfied dependencies: service jboss.nam...
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    last modified by gaiapuffo
  • Classes of WAR file couldn't able to access the JAR file EJB's (Error getting reflective information for class X)

    Hi,   I have a ear file which consists of jar and war file. My WAR file is accessing the EJB's in JAR file but when I am deploying the ea file to the JBOSS EAP 6.1.0 GA, it is not able to load those local interf...
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    last modified by sachin.dhingra
  • Registering extension and subsystem through CLI batch

    We have this feature in our system (JBoss 7.2.0.Final), where we can execute CLI scripts when a a module or a deployable (.ear, .war etc) is deployed. The script is executed on the server-side directly, not through a...
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    created by ansur
  • How to add an indication to a custom Login Module that will be set on occasions?

    Hi   I need to create a custom login module that can receive an indication whether to check the password or not. I want the default behavior remain as it is expect for the times that I explicitly set the indica...
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    created by avico81
  • AS 7.2.0: Why Oracle JDBC connections not getting released to pool?

    It leads to - No managed connections available.  During the application run-time, I need to flush the pool using Console. I have tried with ojdbc14 and ojdbc6 drivers also.  My application uses nearly 11 dat...
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    created by nnadara
  • JBOSS 7.0 Deployment failure

    Hi I'm new to Jboss. We have a Windows 2008 R2 server that I used to install Jboss 7.0. I have added the following to the servers Environment Variable C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin   Our developer has crea...
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    last modified by razmikz
  • How to stop multiple instances on same server in jboss-7.1.1 final?

    I am able to shutdown the node which is present in standalone folder by : ./jboss-bin.sh --connect command=:shutdown But i have 10 standalone folder for 10 different ports. For ports other then in standalone folder...
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    last modified by gupta.sakshi001
  • Jboss7.1.1-final LdapExtLoginModule authentication failing for LDAP/Active directory users with encrypted password

    Hi,   I am using LDAPExtLoginModule to login using ldap users. It works fine for the users with clear text passwords but not working if passwords are encrypted. Also, in standalone-full-ha.xml, I have to use cl...
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    created by veenaonnet
  • PS Young use in ideal Jboss AS 7.1.1.FINAL

    Disclaimer:I have nothing deployed. What exactly is jboss doing to keep the PS Young busy, when there is nothing happening from outside.   Configuration: Domain Mode : using full-ha profile domain.sh : eval...
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    created by indranil32
  • In Jboss7.1.1-final clustered environment how to bounce HornetQ mbeans on failover. Is it actually required?

    Hi, In Jboss4, in a clustered environment, on failover, we used to bounce(Stop followed by Start) queue mbeans on newly Active node. It was done using "mejbStart", "mejbStop" methods. After takeover/failover, cache...
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    last modified by veenaonnet
  • Transaction cancelled without error

    Hello, I hope someone can help me with a serious problem in my production system. Today I found this log entry 02.10.2013 14:16:33,321 WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna](Transaction Reaper) [{ARJUNA012117: Transact...
  • JBoss AS 7.2.0.Final deactivate transaction propagation

    Hello everybody,   I have the following problem: There is a client, server 1 with EJB1, server2 with EJB2 and a H2 database. The client performs a lookup for EJB1, EJB1 calls EJB2 and EJB2 persists an entity i...
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    last modified by ronnybr
  • Flush Connections Programatically

    Hi, i am new bie to Jboss 7. Earlier i have worked with jboss 4.x/5.x We use to have connections probelm with our applications.So we use to flush them programaticaly using the following code MBeanServer server = M...
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    last modified by chichasonu
  • jboss server issue

    I was installed jboss -7.1 final at production . as os we are using hp-unix. there is two machine in which 3-3 instances of jboss server is intalled . 70000 user are expected to use our system... but now only 1000 use...
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    created by sancha38
  • How to Inject EJB(Container Resource) into POJO(non Container resource)?

    I want EJB should  get injected from my POJO class . With the new EJB 3.1 spec is it possible to inject an EJB into a pojo? I know in EJB 3.0 the @EJB annotation could be used to inject an EJB but this did not w...
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    created by ajinkya.bambal
  • JBOSS AS 7 times out without any error

    I am migrating an application from JBOSS 4 to JBOSSAS 7. I followed the guide for migration, converted all the ejbs to ejb3 fixed the JNDI names. After I deploy the ear I see message that the EJBs are bound. After tha...
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    created by rpunit
  • setting context-root OUTSIDE of the ear

    I want to be able to install the same ear file multiple times with different context roots. This is so I can have PRODUCTION, TEST, TRAINING environments etc.   Under websphere I remember it used to ask you for ...
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    created by chrisbitmead
  • Dynamic file and appender creation using Log4j under JBoss EAP 6.1

    Hi all,     I am able to merge existing log4j.xml into standalone.xml, so my module can use log4j (provided by JBoss - I did not pack my log4j jar in my module) for logging as well.   I see that for a...
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    last modified by mattso