• OptionalDataException when retrieving cached session

    JBoss AS 4.2.2, JBoss Cache 1.4.1sp5   Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer    My appserver uses DB2 as a backend for JBoss Cache to persist sessions. I can kill the appserver, restart it...
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    created by kanedk
  • exception from CacheJmxWrapperMBean.getCache()

    I'm trying to reach the same cache (3.2.5.GA) from two different webapps running on the same Tomcat.   The first time it starts I'm registering with the following code: {code}Cache jbossCache = new DefaultCacheF...
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    last modified by szerintedmi
  • JBoss Local Cache - Access

    Hello -- We are hosting an application that uses JBoss LOCAL cache (which is working fine). On the same VM there is another web application being hosted. Is there a way the second application can get access to the ava...
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    created by bhargavac
  • PojoCache

    Hi,   I am using PojoCache in my project. I used @org.jboss.cache.pojo.annotation.Replicable annotation for the data class and the classes it is referring. Used the ant task "aopc" to precompile the classes for ...
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    last modified by vsnallu
  • Jboss Cache with glassfish server

    Hi,   I am using Jboss cache configuration in glassfish server.   We have two clusters which has 8 instances. (4 each) All instances share one common jboss-config.xml.   The cache objects refreshe...
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    last modified by avdhoot.walvekar
  • Migrating JBoss cache in JBoss 5.1.0

    Hi,   Earlier I have wrongly posted this in Installation and Configuration forum:     I am involved in migrating JBoss AS from 4.2.3 to 5.1.0   We had a JBoss cache version 1.2.4 that is shipped ...
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    created by prabhun
  • JBoss Cache and JBoss AS 6.x

    Hello   Is JBoss Cache compatible with JBoss AS 6.x ? If I understand well the JBoss Cache project is archived... deprecated.   I wrote part of my j2ee application based on the JBoss Cache but now I want ...
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    last modified by rmazzola
  • Realtionship of Hibernate second level cache and Ifinispan as shared cach

    Hi   I want to cache a simple Book Author application and tweak the caching according to the freshness requirements of the users. My question is Can we use Infinispan as shared cache without using Hibernate or ...
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    last modified by meenarajani
  • Index on JDBCCacheLoader

    Hi everybody!!     I have developed a cache component to support a web application with JBossCache and it works fine.     I have chosen a JDBCCacheLoader to deal with persistence activities. Now ...
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    last modified by maurizio.mercatis
  • JBoss Cache and HAPartition, different clusters

    Hi,   In an environment we have four JBoss servers (4.2.3.GA) A,B,C,D split into two clusters for failover (A,B are in one cluster and C,D in another). Now we want to start using JBoss Cache (1.4.1.GA) as a dist...
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    last modified by heineson
  • Replicate PojoCache using JMS

    Hi guys, first off, well done on a great product. I've been evaluating EHCache versus JBoss PojoCache for use in a bond pricing system and in my opinion PojoCache wins hands down. EHCache can't replicate object graph'...
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    created by nickos556
  • JBossCache with SERIALIZABLE isolation ?

    I need to make transaction with SERIALIZABLE isolation. It seems, it is no more possible with the current API (but available with the previous one)... Can someone confirm and elaborate ? http://docs.jboss.org/jboss...
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    created by fvisticot
  • Upgrading JGroups for JBoss Cache 3.2.5.GA

    Hi Guys,   We're using JBoss Cache 3.2.5.GA which is delivered with JGroups 2.6.13.GA and facing errors we didn't find solution/workaround to (see: http://community.jboss.org/thread/161679?tstart=0)   Woul...
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    created by amitna
  • Concurrency questions - URGENT

    How the concurrency is is handled while the same object is being updated in more than one of the cluster? The documentation talks about MVCC which provides locking of the objects while it is being modified, but whethe...
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    created by gaprashanth
  • BerkeleyDbJe-4.1.7 used with BdbjeCacheLoader not working ?

    Hello, I would like to use the BdbjeCacheLoader with the last BDBJE version (4.1.7). When the application starts, i have the following exception:   Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sleepycat.je.Envi...
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    last modified by fvisticot
  • What is the difference between Hibernate Entitie and EJB3 entities?

    Regardind this artice https://community.jboss.org/wiki/NewJBossCache14xBasedHibernate32CacheProvider#comment-5320   "Deploying c in EAP/AS 4.2 or 4.3. If deploying EJB3 entities, there's no urgent need to use th...
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    created by mikesmith17
  • TCP : Port value out of range: 65536

    I'm getting the following error when I try to deploy 3 different TreeCache's using TCP (not multicast UDP). I have checked all 3 of the *-service.xml for the "ClusterConfig"s I don't see where a port number is wrong....
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    last modified by snacker
  • How to handle an object's expiry in cache

    We understand from the Jboss Cache userguide that either the object can be made to be available in the persistent store all the time as a superset because of passivation OR   available in the persistence sto...
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    created by gaprashanth
  • High availability question on Jboss cache

    We are having an all active node cluster where each node can receive requests for reading data and is expected to return identical data all the time. Now there is a requirement to introduce a caching framework which s...
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    created by gaprashanth
  • org.jboss.cache.cluster.ReplicationQueue - failed replicating 47 elements in replication queue

    Hi Guys,   We've started using JBoss Cache lately and yesterday we've faced replication problems (see error below) in the main cache node (which adds data distributed among other cluster nodes) and it seems ...
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    created by amitna