• High availability question on Jboss cache

    We are having an all active node cluster where each node can receive requests for reading data and is expected to return identical data all the time. Now there is a requirement to introduce a caching framework which s...
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    created by gaprashanth
  • org.jboss.cache.cluster.ReplicationQueue - failed replicating 47 elements in replication queue

    Hi Guys,   We've started using JBoss Cache lately and yesterday we've faced replication problems (see error below) in the main cache node (which adds data distributed among other cluster nodes) and it seems ...
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    created by amitna
  • Jboss Cache Replication Issues in Weblogic 10.3

    Hi,   We have 2 nodes (MS1, MS2) configured in a clustered mode (separate machines) in weblogic server (10.3) and we are testing for replication. The 2 nodes are coming up properly and joining the cluster as fa...
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    last modified by mr.sundar
  • Unable to acquire lock on Fqn error

    During load tests, we keep running into this error: org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: Unable to acquire lock on Fqn [/session/c06045ea-bb09-44c6-910d-d84eedc67d3e] after [10000] milliseconds for requestor [Thre...
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    last modified by drcallaway
  • Atomikos Tx with Hibernate and JBossCache

    Hi   I am using Atomikos transaction manager with JBosscache and Hibernate.   I  have injected java TransactionManager into the JBosscache as stated in  their documentation.  Hibernate look...
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    last modified by sonam.nepali
  • Index on PARENT column vastly increases performance

    Hello,   We've fought for a long time to understand why we were getting TimeoutExceptions from JBC, even when the load was apparantly light.  With some help from a DBA we were able to determine that the pro...
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    last modified by wjm
  • Custom BuddyLocator

    Dear community   I've been trying to create and use my own buddy locator implementation, thus I perfmored following steps:   1. Created FooLocator class implementing BuddyLocator interface and implemented...
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    created by foofight
  • Initial Transfer error (EOFException)

    I have two nodes, A and B. A is up and running and there data in the cache.  When I start node B, the state transfer fails with the following exception:   2010-11-17 14:56:11,499 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plu...
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    last modified by lexsoto
  • How to use JBoss Cache

    Hi I'm new to Jboss Cache and I have few very basic questions. In our system we would like store information about tokens (used for authentcation of request) in Cache. Simply first external request will create token ...
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    last modified by michal_szymanski
  • Jboss node hangs frequently

    Dear All,   We have a problem in our production environment. One of our 4 jboss nodes is getting hanged frequently.   We have 4 jboss nodes clustered in 2 physical servers. They are running perfectly till ...
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    created by manohar.parelly
  • SuspectException seen by one node when the other node in the cluster goes down

    Hi all,   We are using the following configuration: jGroups 3.2.0GA jboss cache 3.2.0 GA jboss AS 5.1.0 GA   I have two nodes in my clustered setup. Consider the case when there is continous load on bot...
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    created by aditi.andhare
  • JDBCCacheLoader failed to obtain connection with JNDI naming

    I am using: - JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA - JBoss Cache 3.2.0 in the configuration, I am setting the loader as: <loaders passivation="false" shared="false"> <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" a...
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    last modified by alllle
  • Need help in configuring persistence in jboss cache

    Hello,         While trying to configure Cache Loader, I'm facing a problem in specifying datasource property. Although the data source is configured in WAS, I'm getting a Naming Ex...
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    created by debayan
  • JBoss cache configuration

    Can ynyone help me with configuring jboss cache to store data in DB.   I added custom configuration to 'jboss-cache-manager-jboss-beans.xml':     <entry>        ...
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    created by a.samulyak
  • Jboss caching web urls

                   Hi We have a webapplication running in JBOSS AS.This is a servlet based app and we are connecting to another server (Websphere) for...
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    created by pradeepsreekumar
  • Hibernate & Jboss cache integration

    Hi all! I've posted two questions on hibernate forum https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1007167&p=2436159   I got no answers till now, so may be this community will be so kind to help me. ...
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    last modified by sxopi1
  • PermGen not freed up even after stopping jboss cache / application

    Hi,   Our application loads lot of data in the POJO cache. Both heap and non heap space is used heavily. BUT we observed that permgen (non-heap) is not getting released/freed-up even after stopping the jboss cac...
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    created by annijos
  • hibernate-jbosscache2 and mvcc issues

    HI, We opted to implement JbossCache-core-3.x on Local (means not on cluster) since it comes with mvcc. We were on jboss 4.2.3 (with hibernate 3.2) and realized that jbosscache-core- 3 needs hibernate 3.3. So we upgr...
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    last modified by anandkrish
  • Jboss Cache Searchable Performance Query

    Hello, I have implemented a JbossSearchable Cache instance from which I put and get Objects based on a index field , which is a 128 char string. Now it is taking over 2 seconds for each Object to be put in the ...
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    created by hershvd
  • Why this question never been answered? lock acquisition

    hi,      I am browsing the web for solution of (what can I see) common jboss cache 3.x problem of:   org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: Unable to acquire lock on Fqn [/PageCache/pop_up_76684]...
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    last modified by mglowacki