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Thread Improving Spring support using annotations in annotated ESB actions.
Improving Spring support using annotations in annotated ESB actions.Hi guys, There is still a fair amounf of JBoss ESB (and SOA-P) users that use a lot of Spring in their development. Now, I know that we support Spring through our AbstractSpringAction, however this has a numbe...
Thread Dynamic Routing by code via HttpRouter without ConfigTree po
Dynamic Routing by code via HttpRouter without ConfigTree poHi, The JBoss ESB has various routing possibilities, but no dynamicaly configurated HTTPRouter (as far as I know). I need contentbased message routing without having to declare each and every http-endpoint in the jbo...
RemoteGatewayListener, RemoteFileSystemFactory, RemoteFileSyThis code is very interesting indeed :) I was looking at it wrt JBESB-2524, specifically in relation to how it uses the ftpLocalDir and ftpRemoteDir config settings. These settings are used by the FtpImpl and Secure...
Minor issue with ESB 4.10 and HttpGatewayhi, I was porting my project from ESB 4.9 to 4.10, and encountered the following minor issue. To simulate the issue, in the "http_gateway" sample code, i did this change to the "build.xml" file: ...
Email receiver gateway questionI have a need for an email receiver gateway. I know I can use the email adapter and monitor an email account when emails are received, however is it possible to setup an email receiver gateway that clients can s...
Problème Jboss Webservice esb jbr-providerBonjour, je débute sur jboss et je souhaiterais créer un esb de type webservice. J'ai créé un projet de type esb ainsi qu'un provider de type JBR-provider pour mon fichier jboss-es...
Thread Starting ESB without having all jms-providers online
Starting ESB without having all jms-providers onlineI'm tasked with creating a test tool that can act as external endpoints to either receive or send messages through our ESB (version 4.9). The nature of the test tool of course means that we should be able to tes...
destination filename for fs notifierHi, I'm new to jboss esb and have been tasked with evaluating it as a replacement to our legacy middleware application. I'm trying the very simple use case of moving a file from one local dir to another. But I...
Thread Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via jBPM
Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via jBPMHi there, this is a question about the JbpmCallback action provided by the jBPM version that is shipped with the JBoss ESB (in these tests I'm using ESB 4.4 and the contained jBPM 3.2.2 in a JBoss AS 4.2.3). I'm appl...
jboss esb project with soap - ProblemHello All, I had developed a web application which simply responds back the name which any client send as a request.Now i have deployed the project as web service in the jboss server.Now i would like to create...
jbossesb errorCreated 2 WSDL’s , one for the source and the other for the target. We are trying to invoke the source web service and trying to retrieve the response in JBOSS ESB. We created a Jboss ESB Code specifying the...
Thread Exception handling between actions and ftp-listener
Exception handling between actions and ftp-listenerHello. Thats one service in my jboss-esb.xml <service category="de.eskalon.kn.garuda.invoice.HistoricalExchangeRates" name="HistoricalExchangeRateImporter" description="Imports historical exchange ra...
ESB Action StaticRouter vs JMSRouterHi, I have run into an issue when using the StaticRouter and having the message body not contain the object that I expected. Does the StaticRouter put another wrapper aroound the message body that would ...
Thread Steps to read file and insert to DB using JBOSS ESB
Steps to read file and insert to DB using JBOSS ESBDear All, Please help me in polling the file data and insert to Oracle DB. Please help me with example or steps to build on. solutions are appreciated. Thanks in Advance Regards...
Thread How to configure and scale a large stateful CEP service?
How to configure and scale a large stateful CEP service?The question is how to deploy and scale a large stateful CEP service. CEP services could be required to handle thousands or more events per minute, and hold millions of events in working memory (along with a huge numb...
Thread problem with ant deply quickstart helloworld
problem with ant deply quickstart helloworldHello, I'm new to JBossESB. At first, i import helloworld to eclipse (i'm using eclipse helios sr2, win7) and i deploy project on JBoss 6.0 runtime server. I thing i have succes with deploy. 14:27:20,...
FTP - Local FS ESB Services QuestionHello All I have problem with ESB ftp(or file system) bus. What need to do: Some module of complex application does some process and as result creates file on file system (local directory). This file should...
Thread httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web Routing
httprouter issues with GET/POST WADL Services and Web RoutingI ran into two issues when using the httprouter (new): 1) Using this router one must specify the method (get,post,delete, etc) in the configuration tree. If you route to an external server that supports both GE...
JBoss ESB 5.0 roadmapDoes anybody know when JBossESB 5.0 is plan to be released (approximately) and if it will be possible to deploy to AS 7? It looks very interesting in http://community.jboss.org/wiki/JBossESB50InitialArchitect...
Thread Smooks 1.4 on ESB 4.9 SmooksConfigurationException (UNEDIFACT)
Smooks 1.4 on ESB 4.9 SmooksConfigurationException (UNEDIFACT)Hello, I know that running Smooks 1.4 on ESB 4.9 is not a supported configuration, but any ideas on this issue are appreciated. I've upgraded Smooks according to the Upgrading Smooks thread (http://community.jboss.org...