• Can't access seam conversation after outputLink

    Do I understand this right?   I have a view with this:   <h:outputLink value="'downloadFile.seam" style="text-decoration: none"'>   <h:outputText value="#{additionalInfo.displayText}" /> ...
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    created by alafarm
  • How Hibernate second level cache behaviours when one node in the server is down:

    Hi,   I am using Infinispan as a Hibernate second level cache.   I am using Jboss as6, Where 2 node are created i.e node1 and node2 which will forms a cache cluster.   Here is my doubt: When a node i...
  • Need help in understanding how Hibernate Query Cache will work.

    Hi,   I am using Infinispan as a Hibernate second level cache.   I am using Jboss as6, Where 2 node are created i.e node1 and node2 which will forms a cache cluster.   Here is my doubt: The Query whi...
  • Clustered SSO Doesn't work

    Hi all!   This is my first discussion in this forum, so I'm sorry if I do something wrong.   I have tho Apps, App_A.war and App_B.war. App_A.war is deployed on Server A, instance A App_B.war is deployed ...
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    last modified by bsl.lacerda
  • User Preference Management software

    I would like to know if JBoss provides any tools/softwares to manage user/customer preferences. I could find preference Management with in JBoss Portlet.  Has it something to do with User Preference Management S...
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    created by anindita
  • Compare list item properties in drools when condition

    Dear all,   I have inserted list of elements in StatefulKnowledgeSession. Now in When clause in drools .drl file I need to compare some propertiy values of different elements of the list.   For example, I...
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    created by shekh
  • Need help in running contact portlet from webcenter (weblogic) portlet container.

    Hi, I have deployed  JBOSS contact collab portlet (http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/portletswap/portlets/bundles/ContactPortlet.zip) to webcenter (weblogic) portlet container, but when portlet is access we see fol...
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    last modified by seshan.k
  • JBoss Forums and Weblogic

    I've been searching around and found nothing but does anyone experimented or tried to use JBoss Forums on Weblogic? Thanks for any responses.
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    last modified by nnkfws333
  • JBoss Forums & GateIn

    Hi,   I´d like to now if is possible add the portlet JBoss Forums(version ?) to GateIn (3.1 or higer) on JBoss AS (5.1 or 6.0)?   The latest version available from the download section is JBoss Forum...
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    last modified by mechtatel
  • GateIn

    Will forums portlet work in the new GateIn portal under Tomcat?
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    last modified by kvpetrov
  • transaction not active

    I get the following error in development but works in local server. Any ideas?   [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean] (Timer-1) Building new Hibernate SessionFactory 2010-10-11 09:09:57,1...
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    last modified by sharan
  • character encoding

    Hi all,   we are having problems with the character encoding (for example, the spanish character ñ, the ¿, the ´..), since they are not s...
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    created by rameshlagisetty
  • Trouble with refresh

    I'm sorry for my bad English. I use Jboss Forums Portlet, i have trouble with refreshing. Back button doesn't work in IE8 when you add message wery offen. Step to reproduce 1. Go to any category 2. Go to any forum....
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    last modified by mrgrechkinn
  • Installing the Forum

    I'm trying to install the forum on my jboss portal are there any additional steps other than just placing the ear in the deploy folder?   Running on JBoss EPP 4.3.GA CP02   Thanks
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    created by jcline
  • Change username

    How can I change my username that appears on the post.
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    last modified by mohitanchlia
  • quick questions: how to install it standalone?

    Qustions: 1. how to install it standlone as web application in JBOSS? 2. Is it internationalized (for example, chinese language)? 3. Can it use existing user database for login? Thanks! Dave
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    last modified by javatwo
  • Jboss 4.2.3 GA upgrade

    Hi, I have a java application which uses 1.5 jdk and i am trying to configure jboss 4.2.3 GA in a windows xp machine. I am not using embeded tomcat which is avaialble with jboss. While starting jboss by clicking the ...
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    last modified by rasa

    Dear All, The JBoss Forums User Forum is only for discussing ideas, problems and any other issues connected with JBoss Forums project. Please, be aware that posts that are not apropriate for this forum will be delet...
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    last modified by unibrew
  • JBoss forums not searchable:

    log into jboss.org go to http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=search bascially, all combinations of search operations/operands give this output Cannot invoke the operation : the module threw an exception
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    last modified by ben.cotton2
  • error starting jboss-forums-1.2.0-Beta-27 on JBoss Portal 2.

    Starting of jboss-forums-1.2.0-Beta-27.ear fails with error 17:14:37,512 WARN [ServiceController] Problem starting service portal.forums:service=Hibernate org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to initialize: cate...
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    last modified by sandello