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Thread Testing Pooled Invoker with ECperf
Testing Pooled Invoker with ECperfI'm using ECperf from Sun with JBoss3.2.3. Everything works fine with the JRMP Invoker. With the Pooled Invoker instead, it works only if driver and server are on the same node (unacceptable choice for performance tes...
JRunit requirementsAm starting this thread to discuss current JRunit requirements and what needs to be done to further satisfy these requirements and stabilize the project. Current requirements have been posted to: http://labs.jboss.c...
What's about JRunit ?Sorry I am not sure that's the right forum for this question but I do find any JRunit forum. JRunit is in beta 2 for since 2005. Is it still alive or is it a dead project ? Is there other project for performing clien...
Jboss socket managment benchmarking?I am using jboss-4.0.2 I am doing some benchmarking of my own at the moment. I have a set up a Jabber Instant Messaging server I have a client which connects to that server directly. I have set up that client to log...
A strange problem about specjhi everyone: I meet a strange problem when i test specj in jboss4.0.2. I do not generate a full result. see the excetpion. why? Driver: RemoteException got java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection e...
JRUnit Benchmark object modelHi- It's my understanding that a Benchmark has a set of BenchmarkExecutions which happen on a certain date/time and contain a set of BenchmarkMeasures. For simple benchmarks, e.g. record elapsed time to do X this se...
JRnit - spawning processesA while back I had a problem with the way JRunit would spawn the client and server processes for testing. The Runtime.exec() would actually keep a handle to the spawned processes in the native code. This would cause t...
Basic questions on JRUnitHello chaps I'm looking at JRUnit with the view to seeing how it can help us with jms perf testing (as you know). I have some very basic questions so pls be patient :) If I have 3 machines, A, B C. From machine A, ...
Thread specjappserver 2004 with jboss-specjkit 1.3.7
specjappserver 2004 with jboss-specjkit 1.3.7Hello all, I am trying to deploy specj-appserver-2004 on jboss 4.0.2 with Mysql db. I am using jboss-specj2004-kit-1.3.7 Here is my jboss-Mysql config file from jboss-specj-kit.
Thread Performance degradation JBoss 4.0.2 +Specj 2002 + MySQL
Performance degradation JBoss 4.0.2 +Specj 2002 + MySQLHello all, I tried testing the performance of JBoss 4.0.2 with Specj2002 on HPUX with Mysql 4.x as the backend. The TOPS value reduces as the injection rate(txRate) increases. TOPS=1.7 * txRate txRate TOPS Expe...
Transaction isolation problem!I'm having an issue that I don't know if it's a bug or a JMS configuration problem. I have a testcase which is calling a Statefull Session Bean. Them I'm sending a JMS message, supposelly using XA. Here is the code f...
Help with my jbossAppserver2004I am using oracle9i, jboss4.0.2 and the kit you provide to setup SPECappServer2004 but got the following errors. It seems it cannot load org.jboss.webservice.server.ServiceEndpointInterceptor interceptor. I double che...
Thread Performance tuning using SPECjAppServer2002
Performance tuning using SPECjAppServer2002Hello all, I am running Specj2002 with jboss/mysql on my HP-UX .Basically i want to know what configurations i can do with specj.It has a run.properties file which has tuning parameters like triggerTime,runOrderEntry,...
Thread Problem running SPECJ2004 into JBoss 4.0.2-RC1
Problem running SPECJ2004 into JBoss 4.0.2-RC1I have had some private e-mails about this, so I decided to use the forum for this. As we have discovered a small issue in the cmp2 container, you need JBoss 4.0.2 to run Specj2004 with our KIT. The issue we have fo...
Thread Datasource on JRunit Web Report application
Datasource on JRunit Web Report applicationI will need to use a datasource for accessing the database with benchmark executions. I'm considering to use a pre-determined name (like JRunitDS) and document it. Is this okay, or someone thinks I should configure ...
JRunit: Current ProgressThis is just to make an anoucement. I just finished the database persistence layer. That means that I will start producing reportings today, and I will start with the cool stuff first. (Charts :-) ) I will be using...
Thread Which CPU should be used for developer purposes?
Which CPU should be used for developer purposes?Hello, perhaps I'm a little bit off topic, but id did not found any common use forum. Which CPU (Intel or AMD) X86 should be used for developer purposes? There is a JDK which supports AMD 64 Bit, but I think it will ...
Thread FileBenchmarkReceiver Thread Model vs DatabaseBenchmarkRecei
FileBenchmarkReceiver Thread Model vs DatabaseBenchmarkReceiFileBenchmarkReceiver has this piece of code for multi-threading: private void initServerThread()
Thread svrThread = new Thread()
public void run()
AntBenchmarkReceiver questionThis is a question addressed to Tom Elrod which I think it would be nice to have it recorded as a forum. My plan for saving benchmarks is to use database persistence, being managed by AntBenchmarkReceiver. As you (T...
additions to JRunitJRunit changes (JBQA-101) Added new class BenchmarkTestDriver. This class extends the normal TestDriver class and adds a listener for the benchmark results by providing an implementation for the handleRemoteDataMessa...