• Test Configurations out of sync

    I was trying to run the test as specified in: http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-309 This test should run with the jacc configuration enabled, so should be part of the "tests-jacc-security" target. Basically, th...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Brief introduction to DTF

    Hello QA members As Ryan has mentioned, i'm presently working as an intern, helping Mark Little migrate the Distributed Test Framework (DTF) to Atlanta. My understanding of the DTF and the details of its place in the...
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    last modified by rachmato
  • Common tests across JEMS projects

    While testing the 4.0.4RC1 release we found that version of JBossCache being used has a number of Serial UID errors. While the AS testsuite catches this, the Cache project has independant releases and should not rely ...
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    last modified by ruel.loehr
  • Refactor test targets from the testsuite build script

    I am wondering if the test targets from the build.xml in the testsuite can be refactored into a seperate xml file under the imports directory or is it worthwhile to have a seperate xml file containing the test targets...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Tests that require shutdown of JBoss

    Here is an old bug that exists in our JIRA: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-850 Basically, any test to solve this issue would need to consider a JBoss instance that is shutting down. We need some kind of a se...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Testsuite success notification e-mail subject

    Would it be a big deal to include the total number of tests in the subject of the notification e-mail? "jms-head-testsuite build.37 Build Fixed" -> "jms-head-testsuite build.37 Build Fixed (2470 tests)" "jms-head...
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    last modified by ovidiu.feodorov
  • questions about jboss testsuite

    I've built Jboss 4.0.3 and it's testsuite. > > I read JBoss Development Process Guide 2004 version, it's contents are > different for 4.0.3 Jboss src. > I'm seeking Jboss functional testing suite. &g...
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    last modified by tommyyan
  • Tests log output under cruisecontrol

    There is link called "tests.log" (http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/artifacts/jms-head-testsuite/20051118050725/tests.log) under the Build Artifacts page (http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/artifacts/jms-head-testsuite...
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    last modified by ovidiu.feodorov
  • Testsuite reports

    While performing QA on the latest cache release, I notice that there generated testsuite reports have some useful links. For example, on a failing test, 2 links are appended to the report. These links detail the syste...
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    last modified by ruel.loehr
  • SecurityManager tests

    I've added some simple support to run tests with a SecurityManager enabled. The implementation is currently a "hack" in that it is enabled it just detects what should have all or no permissions based on the ending of ...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Integrating JBossProfiler with Testsuite Runs

    What would be the impact/value of running the JBossProfiler memory profiler with the nightly testsuite runs? Mostly, I think it might be useful for tracking down/monitoring memory leaks. 1. run each server config wit...
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    last modified by ryan.campbell
  • Ant Tasks for controlling server instances

    I've checked in some ant tasks to give us better control over jboss instances. The basic usage is like this: <server:config javaHome="${env.JAVA_HOME}" jbossHome="${jboss.dist}"> <server name="myserver" ...
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    last modified by ryan.campbell
  • SessionBasedConcurrentTestCase failure

    Hello All, I am running jboss in linux platform. While running the test suite, org.jboss.test.cluster.test.SessionBasedConcurrentTestCase always fails. Error massage shown in the test report is given below. Test ...
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    last modified by prakah
  • JBWS79TestCase bug fix is not working

    Hello All, The "JBWS79TestCase" was failed in JBoss 4.0.2 in both linux and HP-UX 11.11, 11.23 platforms. I am using Java 1.4.2 version in these machines. I have tried the changes mentioned in the following URL, ht...
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    last modified by vkathiravan
  • testcase SerialVersionUIDUnitTestCase  fails on HPUX

    Hello All, I am working on HPUX and using JBoss 4.0.2 The test org.jboss.test.compatibility.test.SerialVersionUIDUnitTestCase fails on HPUX but passes in Linux Reason: There is a mismatch with the version UID of the...
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    last modified by prakashbabu
  • Jboss 4.0.2 testsuite - HAConnectionFactoryUnitTestCase erro

    Hello All, While running the testcase org.jboss.test.jca.test.HAConnectionFactoryUnitTestCase in jboss-4.0.2 using HP-UX machines gives the following error. Could not create connection using any of the URLs: [jdbc:h...
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    last modified by parthasarathi_raju
  • JBoss 4.0.2 testsuite- Test cases correction for HP-UX PA 11

    Hello All, I am facing a problem with JBoss 4.0.2 testsuite when I run it in HP-UX PA 11.11 platform, Java version is "". Following tests are failed due to "Timeout error occurred", org.jboss.test.cache.te...
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    created by vkathiravan
  • Jboss 4.0.2 testsuite using expired certificates??

    Hello group, I am facing few "CertificateExpiredException" as below when i run SSLUnitTestCase and few jrm test cases.I happen to see that these tests are using the keystore provided with the source.So is it becoz th...
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    last modified by malinims
  • JBWS79TestCase failure(JBWS-159)

    Hello grp, Jboss testsuite bug-http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS-159 says it is resolved in jboss4.0.2 BUt i am getting the same err as below with jboss 4.0.2.What could be the solution. ==== Could not derefere...
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    last modified by malinims
  • SRP test failure: testSRPLoginWithAuxChallenge

    I'm seeing this failure both on cruisecontrol and locally. junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Unable to complete login: Failed to complete SRP login, msg=Failed to encrypt aux challenge at org.jboss.test.security...
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    created by ryan.campbell