• Injecting a classloader

    In order to support per-deployment log contexts, I have to introspect the deployment unit which contains the jboss-logging.xml file that is being deployed, in order to inject any and all of the classloaders which corr...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Service POJO JNDI Binding Problem

    Hi there, I am using POJO Services to initialize different parts of an application that is deployed in JBoss AS 5. I got the Service POJOs as such working just fine, but now I have a problem making some of them acces...
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    last modified by ralfsteppacher
  • MC, JSR-299 and notion of

    Given JSR-299 is in final DRAFT, is it fair to say that, once all of {MC, Spring, Guice, et. al. DI IoC providers} are JSR-299 compliant, the community may soon have a single "provider independent" API for wiring appl...
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    last modified by ben.cotton2
  • MC develop directory

    Hi, I am confused about MC svn directory currently. before MC use http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/microcontainer/trunk, it seems it is moved into microcontainer/branches/Branch_2_0/ right? it is only...
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    last modified by jeff.zhang
  • jboss-structure.xml schema?

    Where can I find this?
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    last modified by emmartins
  • BeanMetaDataFactory and value-factory

    I want to define a property value to use a value-factory programmatically via BeanMetaDataBuilder. I can see that the XML tag for this maps to AbstractValueFactoryMetaData; can I just instantiate this class directory ...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • How to convert @Service MBean POJO to microcontainer POJO

    I have lot of MBean Services created using @Service and @Management annotations. I am not using -service xml instead using @Service annotation so that I can use annotations like @EJB.These Services depends on various ...
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    last modified by yashendrac
  • Why is kernel looking for default constructor?

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong :( Could somebody help me with an idea what I might be doing wrong, please? I've got the following deployer: package org.jboss.wsf.container.jboss50.deployer; import java.util.Set...
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    last modified by ropalka
  • More trouble in the bean-deployer schema

    The following construct doesn't validate, even though it's allowed by the bean deployer (which fortunately doesn't validate, but that's another thread): ... <parameter class="..."> <bean name="..." clas...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Deployers Ordering

    I have some troubles with deployers ordering if multiple deployers provide many inputs. So I'm trying to understand how deployers ordering works internally. I'd expect the following test to fail: --- // copy paste fr...
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    last modified by ropalka
  • configure and start jboss mc

    All can someone point me in the direction of the documents for configuring and starting jboss mc
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    last modified by cuthbe
  • Install from Annotations

    Hi; I am trying to install bean into kernel via bean class annotations. I wrote the following code BeanMetaData meta = AnnotationToBeanMetaDataFactory.createBeanMetaData(Person.class); KernelControllerContext context...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • Microcontainer XSDs not in /docs/schema

    Hi, some microcontainer related xsd files (bean-deployer_1_0.xsd, bean-deployer_2_0.xsd, jboss-beans-common_2_0.xsd, policy_1_0.xsd) can only be found in /lib/jboss-kernel.jar, but no in the standard location "docs/s...
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    last modified by wolfgangknauf
  • Implement a New Deployer

    Hi; I am trying to implement a new deployer for my application but I confused because of MC project having a lots of interfaces, abstract classes, etc. related with deployers. Is there any clean tutorial that explai...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • MC picking up irrelevant deployers

    Consider this deployer: public class MyDeployer extends AbstractVFSRealDeployer { public MyDeployer() { addInput("MyRequiredInput"); } @Override public void deploy(VFSDeploymentUnit unit) throws DeploymentE...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Locating the current DeploymentUnit

    Is there, or could we create, a mechanism by which the DeploymentUnit (if any) assocaited with the current executing thread can be located statically? Such a mechanism would possibly use a ThreadLocal which is set be...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Fastest way to migrate mbean services (with dependencies) to

    I'm trying to migrate our ear application from JBoss 4.2.3GA to 5.1.0GA. The problem is that it looks like the microcontainer seems to ignore the "depends" relationships specified in META-INF/jboss-service.xml I don'...
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    last modified by chtimi2
  • Classloading vs. VFS

    I get the following trace: Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: vfsfile at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:574) at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:464) at java.net.URL.<init>(...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • Programmatically deploying an object

    I have a webapp and when a listener gets called I want to deploy an object into the microcontainer . The listener is being handled in the webapplication, so I can't just add it to the beans.xml file and it doesn't hav...
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    last modified by mwringe
  • can't read resource from the classpath??

    Hi all, I've created a deployer for jboss identity, which is listening on the -jboss-idm.xml file. It has two deployer classes, one is the deployer that IDMVFSParsingDeployer, which extends AbstractVFSParsingDeploye...
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    last modified by jeff.yuchang