• VFS3 - missing features and other issues

    To follow up today's VFS3 discussion, I'm opening a forum thread where we should discuss missing features and any other issues. The current VFS3 svn can be found here: - http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projec...
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    last modified by alesj
  • JBKERNEL-12 - Scoped Deployments

    I started looking at Scoped Deployments as part of some work surrounding the Spring Deployer. To wit, this means allowing Spring-instantiated beans to be registered as MC beans, essentially hiding their Spring nature ...
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    last modified by marius.bogoevici
  • ClassPool for JBoss Reflection

    Kabir, As was mentioned at the f2f meeting, I'm responsible for completing the Javassist implementation for JBoss Reflection. Given all the work that Stale has done for https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREFLECT-4...
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    last modified by flavia.rainone
  • Wrong check in DeployersImpl.checkControllerContext()

    This check looks wrong to me protected final void checkControllerContext( ControllerContext context, Map<String, Throwable> contextsInError, Map<String, Set<MissingDependency>> contextsMissingD...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • Deployer meta data don't specify XML element order

    After an upgrade to jbossxb-2.0.1.GA I see Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot deploy beans from: bundle://10.0:1/META-INF/base-deployers-beans.xml at org.jboss.osgi.microcontainer.internal.Embedded...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • Possible problem with bean-deployer_2_0.xsd

    IDEA does not like .xml files that use a namespace attached to the bean-deployer schema (since the extraction of the jboss-beans-common stuff into a separate file I suspect). And the IDEA folks say that it's an XSD pr...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Deployers Ordering Issue

    This is the follow up with user forum discussion and relates to JBDEPLOY-201.
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    last modified by ropalka
  • MC tools

    Just yesterday I was thinking of needing nice MC tool(s) to help me with some migration, optimization. So, the idea is next (all cmd line tools): (1) help migrate -service.xml --> -beans.xml * single file, ant pa...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Kernel Class Constructor Access Modifier

    Hi; I was looking for the configuration and booting of the Kernel instance. There is a class KernelFactory to create Kernel instances. It is a singleton factory class for Kernel. But then why Kernel class has a publi...
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    last modified by gurkanerdogdu
  • SingletonSchemaResolverFactory is evil?

    Related to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBOSGI-107 Working on Blueprint I am hitting an issue where the MicrocontainerService cannot be restarted. The underlying issue is AFAICS the use of the static SingletonS...
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    created by thomas.diesler

    Folks, I noticed that the kernel eclipse setup does not leverage the projects dependencies defined by the pom. Instead of manually maintaining the dependency list like this <classpath> <classpathentry k...
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • mailing lists

    Are posts to this forum pushed to any mailing list? I don't see an obvious one here https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo
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    last modified by thomas.diesler
  • JBoss Reflection Questions

    Ales, After taking a look at JBoss Reflection implementation, I have a few questions: - Why aren't the classes JavassistField, JavassistConstructor, JavassistMethod and JavassistReflectionFactory package-protected? ...
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    last modified by flavia.rainone

    Moving our mail discussion to the forum "kabir" wrote: Hi Ales, Please see my comment here: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBKERNEL-36 "jaikiran" wrote: Hi Kabir, Which retrieval stores the ComponentMeta...
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    created by jaikiran
  • DeclaredMethodSignature for annotation handling

    While scanning for annotations, the CommonAnnotationAdapter does this: 1) CommonAnnotationAdapter for each MethodInfo creates a MethodSignature. The MethodInfo has the method name, the params and even the declaring c...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Classloading and versioning

    While hacking the demo, I had 'problems' creating this 'expected' behavior: I have foo.jar which contains FooBar service. This FooBar service uses two other services - AlesService and ScottService. <bean name="...
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    last modified by alesj
  • Selfreliant beans

    A bean depending on itself should either fail to install or just start. Not give an error during dependency resolve. Deployment "3j001-madclq-fvjf8a09-1-fvjf8cuq-9" is in error due to the following reason(s): ** NOT ...
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    last modified by wolfc
  • Moving microcontainer -> kernel

    We plan to make some changes to the microcontainer project over the next few days/week, and wanted to give you all a bit of advance warning. The reason is that the microcontainer project has grown since its inception ...
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    last modified by kabirkhan
  • mc-script - and other stupid ideas

    I got a bit bored yesterday so I decided to write an example that shows how easy it is to extend the microctonainer's value system. (Actually the example really shows off JBossXB's xml any handling). By way of a stup...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Deployers, Classloaders, and Reflection in JBoss 5

    We are working on a deployer for JBoss 5, which exposes entity beans to a QMF bus (http://qpid.apache.org/qpid-management-framework.html). The main engine takes EJB interfaces and invokes methods on the class via refl...
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    last modified by bryan.kearney