• Total disregard for privileged operations

    Basically all across our code base (mainly the org projects that come in as libraries) have total disregard for sensitive operations that need to be going in privileged blocks (after deciding whether these operations ...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • JBAS-5689, bootstrap deployments not seen by profileservice

    With the current separation of the bootstrap.xml and included descriptors handled by the bootstrap ServerImpl/BasicXMLDeployer, the ProfileServiceBootstrap does not see the bootstrap services and so their managed obje...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • JBAS-4588; DeploymentSorter

    What exactly does this task want me to do? :-) - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-4588 We currently have the following configuration: - LegacyDeploymentContextComparator (LDCC): static { legacyOrder = n...
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    created by alesj
  • KernelDeploymentManagedObjectCreator doesn't include all BMD

    Looking at KernelDeploymentManagedObjectCreator impl for(BeanMetaDataFactory bmdf : beanFactories) { if((bmdf instanceof BeanMetaData) == false) continue; BeanMetaData bmd = (BeanMetaData) bmdf; This defeats...
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    last modified by alesj
  • JBVFS-67, VFSCacheFactory.getInstance(String defaultCacheImp

    I want to add a VFSCacheFactory.getInstance(String defaultCacheImpl) factory method so we can set the cache to use in the beans descriptor rather than having to set a system property. I would say this value takes prec...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • A Resuable "bootstrap" Component

    @see https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6169 I've changed the dependency between "main" and "bootstrap". Previously, "bootstrap" depended on a few classes in "main" - Server, ServerConfig, ServerConfigUtil, Ver...
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    created by alrubinger
  • JBAS-6104; slow Seam deployments

    Moving the https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6104 discussion here. Instructions to re-produce error: "Jozef Hartinger" wrote: I have encountered strange behaviour of AS when testing Seam 2.0.3.CR1 recently. T...
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    last modified by alesj
  • NPE in TransactionScopedEntityManager

    I get this NPE while running JBossAS_testsuite_Seam: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss.jpa.tx.TransactionScopedEntityManager.getEntityManager(TransactionScopedEntityM anager.java:254) at org.j...
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    last modified by alesj
  • TransactionManagerLocator has instance before TM is ready

    https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-6028 The TransactionManagerLocator.getInstance() should return a MC bean which depends on the real transaction manager.
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    last modified by wolfc
  • VFS and JBossAS initialization

    In order to speed/cache things up, I suggest the following addition: bootstrap.xml <bootstrap xmlns="urn:jboss:bootstrap:1.0"> <url>initialize.xml</url> <url>classloader.xml</url> W...
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    last modified by alesj
  • [jboss-metadata] Release of 1.0.0.CR4

    Anything blocking this release? JIRA reports JBMETA-139 outstanding and critical, so I'm holding the release until this is done or someone demotes its priority. Alexey, Emanuel tells me you're fielding this while he...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Towards a canonical server

    One thing on the agenda for next week is moving towards a canonical server configuration model where the profile service repository has one jar/deployment regardless of how many configurations its used in. Related ta...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • [JBMETA-119] LocalBindingMetaData

      "emuckenhuber" wrote: Do you need a LocalBindingMetaData similar to the Remote one or is something like this also ok ? String localBinding; Let's add the LocalBindingMetaData for 2 reasons: 1) If we decide...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Dropping http-invoker.sar?

    The http invoker service depends on the legacy jmx invoker approach as welling as naming service details that are not going to remain the same. I think we should drop this and just have a remoting via http configurati...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • [jboss-metadata] Additional post-merge processing

    Much like the ValidatorChain I've just introduced (JBMETA-118), we need to allow for a chain of post-processors upon metadata to arbitrarily muck around. I've got two use cases: 1) @LocalBinding.jndiBinding value sho...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • Seam deployment failures

    In the current trunk, the seam tests are failing in the profileservice config with the following type of errors: 20:21:17,867 INFO [SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:ear=jboss-seam-numberguess.ear,jar=jboss...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • console-mgr.sar jars being registered as mbeans?

    For some reason I'm seeing the following type of errors when running the profileservice config: 19:28:02,819 WARN [AbstractDeploymentContext] Unable to register deployment mbean vfszip:/Users/svn/JBossHead/jboss-he...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Resources at the root of the ear in classpath?

    Adrian, can you give a cursory look at this thread and give us your authoritative comments? http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4183320
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Testing Bootstrap Dependencies

    Discussion related to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5349, which I believe Ivo Studensky is going to address. I was thinking a bit about issues with testing this kind of thing; take this for what it's worth...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • profileService and predetermined attachments

    I have a simple test where i deploy a .ear with a single datasource, use profileService to update the jndi-name and restart AS: ManagedComponent comp = child.getComponent("ProfileServiceTestDS"); ManagedProperty p ...
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    last modified by emuckenhuber