• Potential Netty problem with synchronously closing connectio

    We have a JBM test which quickly creates and closes connections in a loop which eventually fails with: New I/O server boss #1 (channelId: 28338721, / 11:41:29,851 WARN [NioServerSocketPipelineSink] F...
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    last modified by timfox
  • All sorts of failures with JDK 1.6

    If you use JDK 1.6 on the testsuite, you will get all sort of failures... A good example would be: org.jboss.messaging.tests.integration.cluster.distribution.NettyFileStorageSymmetricClusterTest::testRoundRobinMult...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • FailBackupServerTest in a loop of 1000?

    Is that on purpose? It takes forever.. and sometimes it times out on Hudson. Tim: I'll revert it back to 5 and it looks it was an accident. Feel free to commit it back to 1000 if you really meant to do it.
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • Where is the DDL for Messaging?

    I'm trying to change an AS 5.1 setup to use MySQL as the database for JBM, and the database tables are being created as MyISAM, and I would like to alter the DDL to specify ENGINE=INNODB. I cannot seem to find the st...
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    last modified by andy.miller
  • JBM 2 default configuration, what should it be

    I think the default jms configuration should contain 1 default Connection Factory named ConnectionFactory and 2 queues DLQ and ExpiryQueue. As far as security goes I think we should have one default user 'guest' who ...
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    last modified by ataylor
  • An oddity in the configuration

    When deploying predefined queues, address settings and security settings from jbm-configuration.xml, the queue settings are inside the element but the address and security settings are not. Is there any reason for this?
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    last modified by timfox
  • Order of Deliveries between Backup and Live Node

    I have been investigating https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-1558 and this is what I have found so far: On a regular flow, this is what happens when messages are delivered to Consumers: References ar...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • User documentation for 2.0.0.beta1

    I've started an outline for the user documentation for 2.0.0.beta1 http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/JBM20Beta1UserGuideOutline As for the examples, we could use this wiki page to split the doc task in smaller task...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Remaining test failures

    I'm seeing a few remaining (intermittent) failures when running locally: PagingFailoverTest JMSServerControl2Test Guys - Can you run in a loop and fix them? I really want to see a regular clean run, and we are close.
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    last modified by timfox
  • ClientSessionFactoryImpl eventually NPE under multi-thread l

    just saw this failure: http://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/JBM2-stress/lastBuild/testReport/org.jboss.messaging.tests.stress.remote/PingStressTest/testMultiThreadOpenAndCloses/ java.lang.Exception: Test Failed a...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • JSON serialization issues

    I've encountered several issues with JSON serialization yesterday: - int and long are decoded as Integer when using JSONObject.get(key) method => ClassCastException when the code is expecting a long and receives a...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Failure on ReplicationAwareJMSServerControlWrapperTest

    The only failure we have on management now is ReplicationAwareJMSServerControlWrapperTest::testListRemoteAddresses which is due to the issues we have with connections. A call to connection.close() leads to the Server...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • AIO Buffer & Executors Optimization Update

    I have the changes done at my workspace already. I could get a successful run if using r6654 (before the pool refactoring), and a few failures if using 6653 (same ones as I have seen on hudson). After these changes,...
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    last modified by clebert.suconic
  • JVM Bug ID 6791815 versus AIO code

    I just hit a bug on the JVM regarding Native Buffers allocations: http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6791815 http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-runtime-dev/2009-January/000386.html The current statu...
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    created by clebert.suconic
  • ReplicationAwareJMSServerControlWRapperTest

    I can see a ReplicationAwareJMSQueueControlWrapperTest, but not a ReplicationAwareJMSServerControlWrapperTest. Is this a TODO?
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    last modified by timfox
  • ReplicateConnectionFailureTest failure on CI server

    after I committed a fix for JBMESSAGING-1421 (r6641), ReplicateConnectionFailureTest.testFailConnection() is failing. I think the reason is the connection is no longer cleaned up when it is closed but only when the c...
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    last modified by jmesnil
  • Examples not working!

    Just did a quick run of 'queue' example, it's got exception. I didn't investigate as I have the stuck message case on me. [java] java.lang.NullPointerException [java] at org.jboss.messaging.jms.client.JBossConnec...
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    created by gaohoward
  • Jboss 5.0.0 GA backward compatiblility

    Hi, I have a very simple questio to you guys. Does Jboss 5.0.0 GA support MDB 2.1? Thanks! Lior.
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    last modified by lior1970
  • Refactored to use JSON

    I've refactored the management code to use JSON for attributes, invocations and return values. This works well in most cases however we have a problem for return values which are TabularData. We can't directly retur...
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    last modified by timfox
  • Why does JMSServerManager have tall the create connection fa

    .. on it, as well as JMSServerControl. Shouldn't they just be on JMSServerControl?
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    last modified by timfox