• How to verify whether 2 jboss nodes getting equal number of hits from Apache

    Hi,   We have Apache-Jboss setup, where Apache webserver connects to 2 Jboss application server using mod_jk module.   In worker.properties on webserver it was defined that hits have to be eqaully distribu...
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    last modified by jamba
  • WSRP InvalidCookieFault: EJPWC1104E in JBOSS portal 2.7.2.

    Hi,   we are experiencing InvalidCookieFault: EJPWC1104E issue even in JBOSS portal 2.7.2.  we were able to get the Remote portlet first time when ever we restart the server. After that every time we ar...
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    last modified by i_shashi
  • How to cofigure 2 Independent LDAP integration with 1 JBOSS portal instance

    In my jboss portal application I have 1 JBOSS application instance which is integrated with 2 LDAP setup with different- different user schema. I am able to configure one LDAP within jboss but not both the LDAPs. ...
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    created by friendrss
  • Portlet Preferences and serveResource method

    Hi -- I'm trying to set the portlet preferences (portletHeight) through an AJAX call. I've opted to use the serveResource() method of the portlet. When I invoke the portlet function, serveResource(), through the AJAX...
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    last modified by analyzediz
  • Taglibs newbie question

    I've the following jsp: <%@ taglib uri="../tld/c.tld" prefix="c" %> <%@ taglib uri="../tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portlet" %> <c:out value="${5+4}"/> <c:out value="${portletContextScope.portlet...
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    last modified by pedrosacosta
  • Extending the Jboss Sign Out

    Hi All, I want to extend the jboss default signout process in my customized portal. The default behaviour is PortalURL signoutURL = (PortalURL)request.getAttribute("org.jboss.portal.header.SIGN_OUT_URL"); <a hr...
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    created by tridib197779
  • Redirecting Portal

    Hi,   I have two questions. I am using Portal 2.7.2 and JBoss AS 4.2.3   1) How do I redirect the default portal to my portal? For example, when I go to http://localhost:8080/portal, I want it to redirect ...
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    created by gavinlam
  • Jboss Instance is up but 8080 port is not listening

    Hi Friends We have Jboss setup which is running from few months, recently we have an issue with port 8080 which is used for web sevice is not listening, It was listening before some how it's not listening now we did...
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    last modified by jamba
  • WSRP: IBM Websphere Portal Server

    Has anyone tried to use Websphere Portal Server 6.0 as a producer and JBoss Portal 2.6.4 as a remote portlet consumer? When I try to do it, I always get an error like this: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: EJPW...
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    last modified by asaitov
  • HTTP 403 Error while redirecting from Sun Access Manager

    I have Sun Access Manager and Ldap setup for my portal application. In Sun Access Manager I have created my realm , rules, policies , subjects and web agent also for my Apache wb server.   When I enter the web u...
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    created by friendrss
  • Inactive Organization in Sun Access Manager

    In Sun Access Manager I created a relam (oraganization) and then I created policy, agent etc. While working on Sun Access Manager, I marked my relam (Oranization) as Inactive after login as amAdmin.   Now I am ...
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    created by friendrss
  • Login Issue with Apache http server– SSO- JBOSS Portal Integration

    We are currently implementation Single Sign On for our application. This implementation is using apache web server integrated with SUN SSO/Access Manager for authentication using Sun AM Policy Agent. Post authenticati...
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    last modified by friendrss
  • Problem deploying portlets on JBoss Portal 2.7.2: Not a canonical value

    I just downloaded the JBoss Portal Server 2.7.2  (JBoss Portal + JBoss AS 4.2.3 bundle to be precise) and tried deploying  portlets just as the SimpleHelloWorld provided in the samples. The  portlet get...
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    created by dchucks
  • Reload portlet when developing with JBoss Tools

    Hi All,   i am developing JSR 286 portlet using JBoss Tools (Eclipse 3.5.2, JBoss Portal + JBoss AS bundle 2.7.2, Mac OS).   If i change portlet class or other resources and publish portlet project to the ...
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    created by bogdan.sulima
  • Failed to create instance error

    Hi, all. I have an application packaged in a .war file, deployed to JBoss Portal version 2.4 (App server version 4.0.5GA). I got the following error:   10:32:50,767 WARN  [PortletAppDeployment] Failed to cr...
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    created by ndrw_cheung
  • errors:when many users first login portal, it need to create JBP_OBJECT_NODE info

    jboss portal 2.7.2 , jboss-as 4   when many users first login portal at the same time, portal need to create info to tabale JBP_OBJECT_NODE for dashboard. jboss console errors:   Thanks.     20...
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    created by yelan_gatein
  • Fecthing the password from the jbp_users

    Hi All, I want to implement the forgot password in my custom portal built on the top of jboss portal. Once the user will submit a request for the Forgot password, I have to fetch the current password from the jbp_u...
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    created by tridib197779
  • Password Retrival

    How to accomplish password reset reqests from users
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    last modified by jeeva
  • Using more than one *object.xml

    Hi,   I am trying to use more than one object.xml for configuring a portal, but I am having problem with that.   file1-object.xml     <deployments>      <deployment...
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    created by rekhahari
  • Portal LDAP integration problems

    Hello, I'm am using portal 2.6.4 installed on jboss-4.2.2.GA and trying to integrate Novell eDirectory with portal following the instructions in the ref manual. I can't get connection pooling to work. Here's my setu...
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    last modified by juhani_g